I personally believe that the advantage the play in winner has is that they are battle sharp when the playoffs start. So, if we did all this bull**** player management crap, we would not be anywhere close to battle sharp. I think we will have a bit of a disadvantage Game 1, whoever we play, simply because of that. I think our disadvantage would be way more relevant though if everyone had their thumb up their asses and Brunson played 3 minutes to get an ovation from the crowd....
I know Thibs' methods sometime make him a punching bag.... but his methods here are exactly what we wanted to happen. I mean, anyone remember 2007-08 when the Giants could've rested their guys against the Patriots? At the time everyone said it was dumb but well IT MADE THEM BATTLE SHARP HEADING INTO THE PLAYOFFS
I want these guys to have the attitude of their foot being on our opponent's neck from tipoff to final buzzer