I think they are scheming to get Mikal. But I also think they have built enough goodwill with this team to stay the course as well. We saw with MIL this year and also with the Pistons trade that shaking things up to add "talent", especially offensive talent, doesn't always make you better. They have a good thing going here. Seismic moves need to be done carefully. This team could legitimately push 60 wins next year with small tweaks and good health.
Can we get Rokas to come over? If not, let's find a legitimate ball handler for the second unit.
Clear up the C situation. Throw the bag at iHart, decide if Mitch wants to stay. If he's cool being backup then keep him around. If not I think we resign Precious and draft a big. If Precious wants to stay in a limited role with both bigs coming back, and we can get him at value, then cool.
Use our picks to replenish the youth - maybe trade up in the draft to grab a ball handler or a young forward.
Decide if we want Bogey to be an everynight player next year or a contract asset.
Small tweaks and another year of chemistry and this team is already a contender. So no need to go crazy until you get a legitimate shot at a playoff run at full health. But you don't turn down opportunities if one presents itself (i.e. Giannis, Embiid, Mikal or maybe Donovan)