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OT - Roe V Wade overturned
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6/29/2022  5:22 PM
jrodmc wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
jrodmc wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
jrodmc wrote:
TripleThreat wrote:
jrod, I've said this before. I don't think politics in the General Discussion area of UK is a great idea. But it's not my board and it's not my site. They can run it as they want to do it. But I barely post anymore and I'm a damn good basketball analyst. People can assess if Briggs really posts the way he did before ( And people can gauge for themselves if they see that as good or bad. Personally I love my old friend Briggs and I believe Mo' Briggs = Mo' Money ) Then the question arise if the salty taste in your mouth here will make you post less too. I don't see how talking about politics in here brings together our shared love for our Knicks.

The real test on "one sided" is if all the people here enraged at Roe being overturned will openly start laying some of that blame (I'd call it more than a lions share honestly, but to each their own viewpoint) onto Obama. Because who are we kidding, in the all the years I've been here, it's like Obama is some kind of new age personal deity.

And before someone starts jumping on me, I am perfectly OK with a woman having an abortion if she wants to go get one. Her life, her issue, her health, her choice, her problem. Though I prefer what Bill Clinton said about the topic ( odd how a guy accused of rape so many times had a poignant thing to say about women's rights...) - Safe, legal and very rare. I'll add another distinction on that which is I don't want my tax dollars, or Briggs' tax dollars or your tax dollars, jrod, paying for it if we are dealing with consensual sex.

I'd like to think that's more than fair. If you choose to go have sex as a legal adult using informed consent, it's on you and your accountability (and your partner's accountability) to pay for it yourself if something goes the way you don't want.

Triple, as I said, I knew jumping into this thread was a bad idea. You get one or two (at most) BRIGG's type responders, and the rest ends up being just liberal braying to the blue donkey choir. I get it. For the most part, even in the Off-Topic forum, I don't bother to really engage.

For some reason, I don't get the argument that killing someone who's done nothing wrong but happen to start to exist is a woman's right. And you don't get any truly coherent answers to that, because there are none to be had. Which is why the rage on this issue has reached such toxic levels. Unless storming the capital of a state like Arizona by a bunch of what looked like crack-crazed zombies is something that's suddenly business as usual and completely justifiable. But that's a story for another day.

The days of Safe, Legal, and RARE are over, if they ever even actually existed, like much of what Bill Clinton "is" supposed to have stood for. You have a multi-billion dollar industry that has a huge stake in the current society's embrace of death. Most of Europe is more conservative on abortion than the US. Our culture is outraged at kids killing people with automatic weapons, but the John Wick movies and hundreds of other movies/games like it make billions, if not trillions of dollars. Sex sells everything, starting in elementary schools now, but unwanted pregnancy is just an inconvenience created by theocratic monoliths who are so passe it's painful. It's 2022, after all, it's not like we're back in ancient Greece or Rome where people just left infants to die, or sacrificed them on altars.

Anyway, Triple, I look forward to your next missive on our beloved FO's handling of the cap, contracts and why Randle doesn't even qualify as the scum of the earth.

LOL - you enter a thread and make mostly incoherent angry rants - then when confronted, whine about entering the thread because all those evil Libs mistreated you. Ladies & Gentlemen that is the true definition of a snowflake (come to think of it perhaps it should only be Gentleman as your religion may not allow you to view ladies as your equal?).

Perhaps your actual bible comes strait from Fox News? Didn't you proclaim Rupert Murdoch as one of your profits??

Insurrection at the US Capital on the work of your lord and savior MAGA Trump = OK
Insurrection at the Arizona Capital over SCOTUS ruling = Not OK

The $900 Million annual federal funding for Planned Parenthood which supports the abortion of potential human lives = Not OK
The $900 BILLION annual federal funding for the Military which supports the killing/bombing of human lives including many innocents = OK

Capitalism as long as it supports your politics, religion and world view = OK
Capitalism in industries that you dislike or when it inconveniences you or your worldview = Not OK

How many pounds of animal flesh do you eat a year....who were all living breathing things killed for your pleasure?
How much waste and pollution do you personally create which adversely impacts the health and lives of other living things - including humans?
When someone dies in a war - what do you do to stop it to ensure Human life is not lost?
When someone is shot and killed - what do you do to make change so that it stops happening and human life is not lost?


See how this works? You - sitting there on your condescending better than thou perch are just just like the rest of us - whether knowing or not.... a phucking hypocrite.

When you step on a tiny Ant and kill it - does it even leave any type of mark or stain on the bottom of your shoe? Poor Ant was working hard in a hard life of solely seeking out and bringing back food to feed the nest. But no worries as there are One Million Billion Ants on this Earth.

Compare that to the One Billion Trillion Stars in the Universe. That's the number of Ants on Earth followed by 9 more zeros. Take those number of stars multiplied by the number of living organisms on planets surrounding those stars, add in the billions of humans and living organisms on this earth.

What does this all mean? If you happened to be stepped on by some giant Alien - you would not even leave less than a Gazillion'th of a mark on the bottom of that Alien's shoe - when compared to the Ant mark left on your shoe. Not only that - but the worker Ant in fact would also have been a bigger loss to his society - not being able to bring food back to his nest vs. all the wasted lazy tired azz bloviating you've produced in this thread.

Am I being overly harsh. Yes. Do I give a Phuck about your snowflake feelings.....nope. Not to worry though - as all is not lost. Perhaps you can organize a group prayer on some local public High School 50 yard line and pray to God that your deepest wishes will come true and you'll be swept away into Heaven in the blink of an eye while all those evil "Libs" will remain to suffer 7 years of strife, disease and pestilence for a living hell on earth - just like a poorly made Left Behind plot.

Yeah, my incoherent angry rants. You're funny.

So net/net you're basic point is we are all phucking hypocrites. Got it. Thanks for clearing things up.

Correction to your interpretation. In the scope of the universe - we are all insignificant phucking hypocrites. To dictate the fate of someone else's zygote is to be so blinded by one's own view of self-importance. In other words - get your own phucking insignificant house in order before dictating your moral codes on others.

Does calling it a zygote or a fetus make you feel like you've got your phucking insignificant house in order? And just a question; is supporting abortion dictating a moral code on others, specifically on all those millions of zygotes and fetuses? And before you answer, try pondering on whether your answer is blinded by your own self-importance.

I'll try to stop responding to you after this post, since it becomes increasingly frustrating engaging someone who is either being purposely obtuse or who just has a lesser comprehension level.

What you can't seem to understand is that this debate has nothing to do with someone's individual view of abortion. For instance - on a personal level barring drastic circumstances - I would do whatever it took to avoid an Abortion related to my own family's circumstances. What you are arguing is really about some people's desire to impress their individual views on someone else's freedom to choose based on their circumstance and views. Those who might be overly self-important and judgy appear want to impress their own "code of ethics & morals" onto others. So in that sense - I'm not trying to be self-important - except to the point of people like you telling me and others what is right and what is wrong - based on your own self importance.

PS - For those Science Deniers sitting in the bleachers - "Zygote" is a scientific term (and yes - I'm a scientist) - nothing more / nothing less. It does not make me "feel" anything using the term Zygote. I don't get all caught up in emotional "feelings" using one term vs. another.

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6/29/2022  5:24 PM
TripleThreat wrote:I'm OK with people having different views on this. I don't see my viewpoints as more prominent than someone else's. But I keep saying it and it's becoming glaringly obvious that the mainstream media is desperately trying to ignore one of the core issues - Democrats could have made moves to fix this long ago and they didn't do anything about it.

Charlamagne tries to play the middle a little bit here. But it's clear the only reason he's able to say something of this ( which is criticism of the Democratic Party) and not be "cancelled" is because he's a minority. And what does that say about free speech?

Just like the Reps could have fixed the fiscal deficit and the national debt many times, instead they chose time and again to let both baloon. I detest the Dems, but I have figured that if I cannot have my money anyway, at least I should have my rights, so I find myself voting for their candidates.

Voting in America has turned into a campaign of "we can't let this greater evil win the office".

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6/29/2022  5:31 PM    LAST EDITED: 6/29/2022  5:33 PM
ESOMKnicks wrote:
TripleThreat wrote:I'm OK with people having different views on this. I don't see my viewpoints as more prominent than someone else's. But I keep saying it and it's becoming glaringly obvious that the mainstream media is desperately trying to ignore one of the core issues - Democrats could have made moves to fix this long ago and they didn't do anything about it.

Charlamagne tries to play the middle a little bit here. But it's clear the only reason he's able to say something of this ( which is criticism of the Democratic Party) and not be "cancelled" is because he's a minority. And what does that say about free speech?

Just like the Reps could have fixed the fiscal deficit and the national debt many times, instead they chose time and again to let both baloon. I detest the Dems, but I have figured that if I cannot have my money anyway, at least I should have my rights, so I find myself voting for their candidates.

Voting in America has turned into a campaign of "we can't let this greater evil win the office".

I think the democrats are going to get slaughtered too. Yesterday was a record low turnout and I actually did some canvassing for an assembly member and people we’re either mad, apathetic, or just disappointed in Democrats in office. It didn’t matter if it was a moderate or a progressive no one believes they are effective. Meanwhile Republicans are backwards but they actually believe their nonsense and are willing to cheat, lie, and steal to get it.

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6/29/2022  5:35 PM
wargames wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:
TripleThreat wrote:I'm OK with people having different views on this. I don't see my viewpoints as more prominent than someone else's. But I keep saying it and it's becoming glaringly obvious that the mainstream media is desperately trying to ignore one of the core issues - Democrats could have made moves to fix this long ago and they didn't do anything about it.

Charlamagne tries to play the middle a little bit here. But it's clear the only reason he's able to say something of this ( which is criticism of the Democratic Party) and not be "cancelled" is because he's a minority. And what does that say about free speech?

Just like the Reps could have fixed the fiscal deficit and the national debt many times, instead they chose time and again to let both baloon. I detest the Dems, but I have figured that if I cannot have my money anyway, at least I should have my rights, so I find myself voting for their candidates.

Voting in America has turned into a campaign of "we can't let this greater evil win the office".

I think the democrats are going to get slaughtered too. Yesterday was a record low turnout and I actually did some canvassing for an assembly member and people we’re either mad, apathetic, or just disappointed in Democrats in office. It didn’t matter if it was a moderate or a progressive no one believes they are effective. Meanwhile Republicans are backwards but they actually believe their nonsense and are willing to cheat, lie, and steal to get it.

Interesting. I would have thought the SCOTUS decision should instead galvanize the Democratic electorate to not let the Reps have the votes in Congress to hold sway over future court nominations.

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6/29/2022  5:41 PM    LAST EDITED: 6/29/2022  5:42 PM
ESOMKnicks wrote:
wargames wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:
TripleThreat wrote:I'm OK with people having different views on this. I don't see my viewpoints as more prominent than someone else's. But I keep saying it and it's becoming glaringly obvious that the mainstream media is desperately trying to ignore one of the core issues - Democrats could have made moves to fix this long ago and they didn't do anything about it.

Charlamagne tries to play the middle a little bit here. But it's clear the only reason he's able to say something of this ( which is criticism of the Democratic Party) and not be "cancelled" is because he's a minority. And what does that say about free speech?

Just like the Reps could have fixed the fiscal deficit and the national debt many times, instead they chose time and again to let both baloon. I detest the Dems, but I have figured that if I cannot have my money anyway, at least I should have my rights, so I find myself voting for their candidates.

Voting in America has turned into a campaign of "we can't let this greater evil win the office".

I think the democrats are going to get slaughtered too. Yesterday was a record low turnout and I actually did some canvassing for an assembly member and people we’re either mad, apathetic, or just disappointed in Democrats in office. It didn’t matter if it was a moderate or a progressive no one believes they are effective. Meanwhile Republicans are backwards but they actually believe their nonsense and are willing to cheat, lie, and steal to get it.

Interesting. I would have thought the SCOTUS decision should instead galvanize the Democratic electorate to not let the Reps have the votes in Congress to hold sway over future court nominations.

I think we’re a cycle or two away from that. These current Democrats are Chamberlain and the next batch will be more Churchhill. I read a article that basically said the current democratic electeds are probably some of the worst to be in power right now. For example a lot of people don’t know this but not only are Pelosi and Schumer in charge of their houses democratic caucuses, they are also the highest fundraisers now and before they rose to power. The current Democratic Party is good at fundraising… not fighting. They prefer to look good than do good and are risk averse.

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6/29/2022  7:34 PM
foosballnick wrote:I'll try to stop responding to you after this post, since it becomes increasingly frustrating engaging someone who is either being purposely obtuse or who just has a lesser comprehension level.

What you can't seem to understand is that this debate has nothing to do with someone's individual view of abortion....

H.R.3755 - Women's Health Protection Act of 2021


The bill provides for:

A) Allowing abortions "up to the moment of birth". The majority of Americans don't support that.

B) Bans parental consent laws for minors having abortions. 70 percent of Americans oppose this.

C) Would automatically create "Rights For Non-Doctors" to perform abortions with the same legal protections of existing licensed physicians.

D) Prohibits laws banning "Sex-Selective Abortions." The majority of Americans don't support that.

E) Bans state laws from requiring a 24 hour wait period for abortions. 70 percent of Americans oppose this.

F) Bans laws requiring patients to be informed about alternatives to abortion. 80-85 percent of Americans oppose this.

G) Would force the respective states to allow for some abortions to be paid for with Medicaid.

H) Would automatically nullify every state's laws regarding abortion immediately. All of them. (Not every existing state abortion law is bad or lacks popular support)

I) Prevents doctors and hospitals from "opting out" of performing abortions for religious reasons.

Democrats have voted for this twice, gotten passed in the House of Representatives twice and had it fail in the Senate twice.

This is a big problem here and no one can blame Trump for this one. The Democrats are pushing a bill that they know will never pass. It's way too extreme.

Why are they trying to pass a bill that they know won't go anywhere? Because it allows the Democratic Party to do a lot of fundraising off of it. And gives them a platform and reason to say the Republicans oppose all women's rights. When the bill itself is actually pretty bull****. It's extremist. And most Americans aren't going to support it. But the Democratic Party is relying on people not actually reading the bill and understanding it, just push lots of talking points in the mainstream media.

Some of you here are clearly very liberal or Democrats, and I'm OK with that. We all love the Knicks, that's what matters to me. But if some of you guys wanted Roe to be federal law, then the Democratic Party really ****ed you guys over.

It appears they never had any intention of pushing a bill that would get bi-partisan support. Something more moderate. Most Americans support abortion in the first trimester, but as the time moves on towards birth, the support falls more and more because no one wants to feel guilty and complicit about the entire controversy of late term abortions.

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6/29/2022  7:44 PM
TripleThreat wrote:
foosballnick wrote:I'll try to stop responding to you after this post, since it becomes increasingly frustrating engaging someone who is either being purposely obtuse or who just has a lesser comprehension level.

What you can't seem to understand is that this debate has nothing to do with someone's individual view of abortion....

H.R.3755 - Women's Health Protection Act of 2021


The bill provides for:

A) Allowing abortions "up to the moment of birth". The majority of Americans don't support that.

B) Bans parental consent laws for minors having abortions. 70 percent of Americans oppose this.

C) Would automatically create "Rights For Non-Doctors" to perform abortions with the same legal protections of existing licensed physicians.

D) Prohibits laws banning "Sex-Selective Abortions." The majority of Americans don't support that.

E) Bans state laws from requiring a 24 hour wait period for abortions. 70 percent of Americans oppose this.

F) Bans laws requiring patients to be informed about alternatives to abortion. 80-85 percent of Americans oppose this.

G) Would force the respective states to allow for some abortions to be paid for with Medicaid.

H) Would automatically nullify every state's laws regarding abortion immediately. All of them. (Not every existing state abortion law is bad or lacks popular support)

I) Prevents doctors and hospitals from "opting out" of performing abortions for religious reasons.

Democrats have voted for this twice, gotten passed in the House of Representatives twice and had it fail in the Senate twice.

This is a big problem here and no one can blame Trump for this one. The Democrats are pushing a bill that they know will never pass. It's way too extreme.

Why are they trying to pass a bill that they know won't go anywhere? Because it allows the Democratic Party to do a lot of fundraising off of it. And gives them a platform and reason to say the Republicans oppose all women's rights. When the bill itself is actually pretty bull****. It's extremist. And most Americans aren't going to support it. But the Democratic Party is relying on people not actually reading the bill and understanding it, just push lots of talking points in the mainstream media.

Some of you here are clearly very liberal or Democrats, and I'm OK with that. We all love the Knicks, that's what matters to me. But if some of you guys wanted Roe to be federal law, then the Democratic Party really ****ed you guys over.

It appears they never had any intention of pushing a bill that would get bi-partisan support. Something more moderate. Most Americans support abortion in the first trimester, but as the time moves on towards birth, the support falls more and more because no one wants to feel guilty and complicit about the entire controversy of late term abortions.

dude back off the fox talking points for a little bit. u’re wearing it out

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6/29/2022  7:49 PM
ESOMKnicks wrote:
TripleThreat wrote:I'm OK with people having different views on this. I don't see my viewpoints as more prominent than someone else's. But I keep saying it and it's becoming glaringly obvious that the mainstream media is desperately trying to ignore one of the core issues - Democrats could have made moves to fix this long ago and they didn't do anything about it.

Charlamagne tries to play the middle a little bit here. But it's clear the only reason he's able to say something of this ( which is criticism of the Democratic Party) and not be "cancelled" is because he's a minority. And what does that say about free speech?

Just like the Reps could have fixed the fiscal deficit and the national debt many times, instead they chose time and again to let both baloon. I detest the Dems, but I have figured that if I cannot have my money anyway, at least I should have my rights, so I find myself voting for their candidates.

Voting in America has turned into a campaign of "we can't let this greater evil win the office".

Donald Trump said before he was elected, that if he was eventually elected, he would try to nominate as many Supreme Court Justices as he can and he hopes he has enough to overturn Roe V Wade and give the rights back to the states to make their own decisions about abortion laws.

He said it. He kept his word. He did it. I know many of you hate him here, but he did it.

Obama said the Freedom Of Choice Act was his first priority. Then he lied.

At some point, someone has to ask - Are Republicans doing their part to keep their promises to their voting base while Democrats are not?

You say, "at least I should have my rights"

When it comes to abortion, the people who supported the Democratic Party, watched their contributions and effort wasted. What "rights" did these American citizens have secured for them?

To me, sounds like you supported the Party that took you for granted and left you high and dry. Because it's more than obvious that Biden has no super secret grand plan right now.

50 years. The Democrats literally had a 50 year ****ing head start and they still ****ed it all up. Do you want to keep voting for them for another 50 years and hope they finally figure it out?

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6/29/2022  8:23 PM
Marv wrote:
dude back off the fox talking points for a little bit. u’re wearing it out


It's comments like yours why people don't want to post. I'm actually bringing up real issues and you just want to **** on it because it's not within your personal political agenda.

I said this years ago here on UK, if you have political discussion in the main area, people are going to likely hear some **** that either offends them or things they don't want to hear. That's what happens when people talk about politics. No one is entitled to "Not Be Offended"

Just because you are offended, it doesn't mean you are right.


When the Woman's Health Protection Act went up for vote in 2021, only one Democrat voted against it. Joe Manchin. He's in West Virginia which is extremely Conservative so he wasn't going to vote for something that was going to punish him when he went back up for reelection one day. Three other Democrats refused to vote. Every other Democrat did vote for it in the Senate.

This is no Fox talking point.

Eliminating parent consent regarding health issues/medical issues for minors/their children is a big ****ing deal. No one supports that ****. It's way too extreme. I'm talking parents here, this goes beyond Republican and Democrat. This is the kind of extremism that enrages parents.

Many of you are parents. Did you want to be legally boxed out of health care decisions for your kids when they were not yet legal adults?

Using tax payer dollars to fund some abortions. That's extreme as ****. That's a big No No for a lot of people. If it's your problem, you pay for it. That's not trying to be mean here. It's just reality. It's forcing a viewpoint onto everyone as taxpayers for a position they may not support. Also many people are religious and it's offensive to their religious beliefs and values.

And wiping out all existing state laws regarding abortion. What the **** is that. While that might wipe out some laws many of you oppose, it also wipes out the laws in Democratic controlled areas that are more purple oriented or could flip. And many of those laws aren't necessarily opposed by a large share of the public.

The Democrats never intended the WHPA to pass. Biden wanted to appease the super left leaning types and the Progressives by saying he'd tried to give them their extreme policies and to still reap the benefit of fund raising and having something to campaign on in the mainstream media.

Face it, many of you, the Democrats are not blameless here. Some people might feel indifference/doing jack **** might be worse than actually opposing abortion rights.

But I suppose this will just piss some of you off no matter what I say at this point. I pointed out Trump kept his word, at least on this issue, and got a win for his segment of voters and that Obama lied through his ****ing teeth and abandoned women's rights.

Sorry Obama ****ed you over. But the point remains, he ****ed you over. You can't blame Republicans for that part of it.

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6/29/2022  8:35 PM
TripleThreat wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:
TripleThreat wrote:I'm OK with people having different views on this. I don't see my viewpoints as more prominent than someone else's. But I keep saying it and it's becoming glaringly obvious that the mainstream media is desperately trying to ignore one of the core issues - Democrats could have made moves to fix this long ago and they didn't do anything about it.

Charlamagne tries to play the middle a little bit here. But it's clear the only reason he's able to say something of this ( which is criticism of the Democratic Party) and not be "cancelled" is because he's a minority. And what does that say about free speech?

Just like the Reps could have fixed the fiscal deficit and the national debt many times, instead they chose time and again to let both baloon. I detest the Dems, but I have figured that if I cannot have my money anyway, at least I should have my rights, so I find myself voting for their candidates.

Voting in America has turned into a campaign of "we can't let this greater evil win the office".

Donald Trump said before he was elected, that if he was eventually elected, he would try to nominate as many Supreme Court Justices as he can and he hopes he has enough to overturn Roe V Wade and give the rights back to the states to make their own decisions about abortion laws.

He said it. He kept his word. He did it. I know many of you hate him here, but he did it.

Obama said the Freedom Of Choice Act was his first priority. Then he lied.

At some point, someone has to ask - Are Republicans doing their part to keep their promises to their voting base while Democrats are not?

You say, "at least I should have my rights"

When it comes to abortion, the people who supported the Democratic Party, watched their contributions and effort wasted. What "rights" did these American citizens have secured for them?

To me, sounds like you supported the Party that took you for granted and left you high and dry. Because it's more than obvious that Biden has no super secret grand plan right now.

50 years. The Democrats literally had a 50 year ****ing head start and they still ****ed it all up. Do you want to keep voting for them for another 50 years and hope they finally figure it out?

Just trying to follow your thought process here. You're urging single issue Pro Choice / Abortion voters to not vote Democrat and vote for Trump because he kept promises to abolish Pro-Choice Abortion?

PS....ALL politicians and political parties fundraise on any issues they can make money on. Are you new to this?

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6/29/2022  8:42 PM
TripleThreat wrote:
Marv wrote:
dude back off the fox talking points for a little bit. u’re wearing it out


It's comments like yours why people don't want to post. I'm actually bringing up real issues and you just want to **** on it because it's not within your personal political agenda.

I said this years ago here on UK, if you have political discussion in the main area, people are going to likely hear some **** that either offends them or things they don't want to hear. That's what happens when people talk about politics. No one is entitled to "Not Be Offended"

Just because you are offended, it doesn't mean you are right.


When the Woman's Health Protection Act went up for vote in 2021, only one Democrat voted against it. Joe Manchin. He's in West Virginia which is extremely Conservative so he wasn't going to vote for something that was going to punish him when he went back up for reelection one day. Three other Democrats refused to vote. Every other Democrat did vote for it in the Senate.

This is no Fox talking point.

Eliminating parent consent regarding health issues/medical issues for minors/their children is a big ****ing deal. No one supports that ****. It's way too extreme. I'm talking parents here, this goes beyond Republican and Democrat. This is the kind of extremism that enrages parents.

Many of you are parents. Did you want to be legally boxed out of health care decisions for your kids when they were not yet legal adults?

Using tax payer dollars to fund some abortions. That's extreme as ****. That's a big No No for a lot of people. If it's your problem, you pay for it. That's not trying to be mean here. It's just reality. It's forcing a viewpoint onto everyone as taxpayers for a position they may not support. Also many people are religious and it's offensive to their religious beliefs and values.

And wiping out all existing state laws regarding abortion. What the **** is that. While that might wipe out some laws many of you oppose, it also wipes out the laws in Democratic controlled areas that are more purple oriented or could flip. And many of those laws aren't necessarily opposed by a large share of the public.

The Democrats never intended the WHPA to pass. Biden wanted to appease the super left leaning types and the Progressives by saying he'd tried to give them their extreme policies and to still reap the benefit of fund raising and having something to campaign on in the mainstream media.

Face it, many of you, the Democrats are not blameless here. Some people might feel indifference/doing jack **** might be worse than actually opposing abortion rights.

But I suppose this will just piss some of you off no matter what I say at this point. I pointed out Trump kept his word, at least on this issue, and got a win for his segment of voters and that Obama lied through his ****ing teeth and abandoned women's rights.

Sorry Obama ****ed you over. But the point remains, he ****ed you over. You can't blame Republicans for that part of it.

Yes it’s such original thinking to turn blame on to the democrats for mcconnell and trump nefariously loading the supreme court with lying republican “justices” to ennable the social misfit thomas. U’re so analytic and brilliant - as you constantly remind us. Thanks again for all you do.

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6/29/2022  8:44 PM
I don't know anyone who thinks at this level and takes it to heart or very seriously.

TripleThreat wrote:Donald Trump said before he was elected, that if he was eventually elected, he would try to nominate as many Supreme Court Justices as he can and he hopes he has enough to overturn Roe V Wade and give the rights back to the states to make their own decisions about abortion laws.

He said it. He kept his word. He did it. I know many of you hate him here, but he did it.

Obama said the Freedom Of Choice Act was his first priority. Then he lied.

TripleThreat, I don't know how to communicate this better or with any less awkward or whatever voice. You have let us know that you do pro scouting for the NFL and I'd assume that at a base level your job is dependent on your abilities to take in information with your own eyes and also your ability to take in, filter, and assess the value of the information you are getting from ALL sources, and, most importantly, to knowingly (and continually) interpret/assess the value of each of your sources. I'm assuming in your world if you don't take in everything from every possible outlet and properly gauge each outlet deeply before you even get to the nitty gritty of the core of raw scouting, you KNOW you are going to fail at some level and at some point and most likely both.

Your sources of information in some of these off topic threads are not at the level you probably would accept in your own profession and you are both not assessing your own sources or exploring all of the sources you have at your disposal to get to the information you are looking for - and I try to separate that out from where you would fall on the spectrum of right to left. It boggles me that you haven't taken the same'ish skill set from one field and applied it to another but you aren't.

I'm assuming you take in a lot - your posts on your fav player scouting shows us your output and it seems volume high. You are missing out on a ton and then the way you build up your thought pattern is from a viewpoint that barely makes sense to me.

It's like you signed up for the MIT conference with man-date BRIGGS but both of your just sit at the bar and chat with the some of the attendee who come by and just rely on that. Maybe your hit up A session but that's it.

I mean, even Marv who is probably 7 martini's into this Wednesday night can see where and which direction your source if based off. It's in plain view and I'd assume you would fire any colleague who you were dependent on for your livelihood if they proceeded in the same manor.

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6/29/2022  9:14 PM
Marv wrote:
Yes it’s such original thinking to turn blame on to the democrats for mcconnell and trump nefariously loading the supreme court with lying republican “justices” to ennable the social misfit thomas. U’re so analytic and brilliant - as you constantly remind us. Thanks again for all you do.


Democratic candidates should listen to majority opinion on late-term abortions

What if I told you there’s an issue that unites a clear majority of Americans? What if I told you that at least 60 percent of independents, Republicans, and Democrats agree on that issue? And what if I told you that the Democratic candidates for president are on the wrong side of that issue? That they’re out of step with the party – and the country – they want to lead?

That’s exactly the case with abortion.

By about 3-to-1, Americans oppose abortion after 20 weeks – or don’t want it at all. This includes about 8 in 10 Republicans and independents and nearly 6 in 10 Democrats....This survey also found that 80% of Americans support limiting abortion to at most the first three months of a pregnancy. This included nearly two-thirds of those identifying as pro-choice and a similar number of Democrats (64%)....Few issues command such massive majorities. The revulsion these proposals caused was bipartisan. But, while the polling showed that most Americans strongly opposed policies like those in New York and Virginia, Democratic presidential candidates appear to be doubling down....It wasn’t always like this. The Democratic Party used to have pro-life candidates at every level. Even party leaders once spoke out against abortion often and forcefully....

Ted Kennedy once wrote that “abortion on demand is not in accordance with the value which our civilization places on human life.”...In 1972, George McGovern worked the Democratic National Convention to stop a pro-abortion plank from being included in the party’s platform.....In 1976, Sargent Shriver campaigned in the Iowa caucuses on a pro-life platform, and Jimmy Carter won there, in part, because voters believed he too was pro-life....And in 1981, Sen. Joe Biden voted for the Hatch Amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to again restrict abortion....

....It would be better for America – and for the unborn – if Democratic candidates listened to the electorate again. The majority of Democrats deserve representation and not exclusion of their point of view within their own party....The more than 7 in 10 Americans – and 6 in 10 Democrats – who oppose late-term abortions should refuse to support any candidate who holds extreme abortion views....

I don't agree with what happened with Mitch McConnell and Merrick Garland.

That being said, no one can change that now, and like in sports, the game doesn't end, you have to still find way to be competitive. Everyone says the same **** about Julius Randle. Shit is going to happen on the court. Sometimes it's fair, sometimes it's not. Get your ass back on defense and do everything you can at the point forward to win the damn game anyway.

7 in 10 Americans in polling across time say they don't approve of late term abortions.

6 in 10 Democrats don't approve of it either.

Obviously people can criticize the polling industry or polling results, but it's not hard to see how that kind of situation like very late term abortions would create revulsion in lots of people. I mean all people, not just Republicans and not just Democrats.

The Democratic Party still tried to push that through in a bill anyway. Actually twice. Once in 2021 and again here in 2022.

Here's a pretty wild idea for you - Pick policies that the majority of people want and support. It's a lot easier to win elections that way. And winning elections, a bunch of them, is key in getting the majorities you need to create the legislation you want.

If you just want to only blame Republicans, then that's your right. I'm not going to stop you from doing that. But it appears doing just that helped to get Roe V Wade over turned just recently.

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6/29/2022  9:37 PM    LAST EDITED: 6/29/2022  9:38 PM
Local man who witnessed an arsonist walk into basement of house in neighborhood and light fire to basement blames homeowner as house burns to the ground and lets them know they ****ed themselves because even though they had fire alarms and sprinklers in basement they should have also made entire lower level of home completely flammable proof thus guaranteeing safety.

Fire moving to entire neighborhood and blame is being passed from neighbor to neighbor for also not building their homes out of non flammable materials.

Area man perplexed and agrees to poll more arsonists and neighbors.

Jesus man

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6/29/2022  9:41 PM    LAST EDITED: 6/29/2022  9:43 PM
foosballnick wrote:

Just trying to follow your thought process here. You're urging single issue Pro Choice / Abortion voters to not vote Democrat and vote for Trump because he kept promises to abolish Pro-Choice Abortion?

PS....ALL politicians and political parties fundraise on any issues they can make money on. Are you new to this?

I didn't say anyone needed to vote for Trump.

I pointed out he delivered a win for Pro Life in just four years in office while the entire Democratic Party couldn't deliver a win for women's rights to make Roe as federal law in 50 years.

What part of that above statement is not true?

Joe Biden could have fixed all this himself. He is the current President. He has majorities in both the House and the Senate. Now Biden would have to convince Joe Manchin to kill the filibuster but it's not the GOP's fault if Biden can't do that. Or Biden could have done really well while President so that he could pick up more Senate seats to kill the filibuster while working around Manchin's holdout. Or he could try to cut a deal with some Republicans over abortion.

My point is - Barack Obama was not powerless in this situation. He was President for 8 years and did have, at one point, a super majority. Biden was part of that administration too. Nothing stopped Biden, during his turn as President, from smart decisions and good policies that would make people vote for the Democratic Party. But did he? No, Biden has been a huge failure.

Hillary Clinton could have won 2016 and three of those Justices would have been her picks. But no one forced her into that Benghazi scandal, or the email server/Comey scandal, or the "deplorables" scandal, or the WikiLeaks scandal or refusing to campaign in certain states and no one could control that Bill Clinton's sexual indiscretions/problems/accusations would cost her so badly. She also did poorly in the debates with Trump.

You know what might make things easier for the Democratic Party? Giving the people a better candidate than Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. That might be a start. Pick a candidate that doesn't create so much outrage and apathy.

Blaming Republicans and blaming Trump and blaming the Supreme Court isn't the entire situation here. It's not the entire context. It's not the entire story. Like Julius Randle, at some point yelling at the refs becomes counter productive, and you have to run back on defense, figure out a new way to win and keep playing the game in front of you.

The Democratic Party are not helpless victims here.

They had their shot, several of them, and didn't make the most of it.

Insulting me will get you literally nowhere. I could give a **** less if people insult me. They've done it before, they'll do it again.

I'm bringing up actual legitimate context and issues on this topic. It's not my fault Obama ****ed over women's rights like he did. He said he'd do it ( pass FOCA), then he didn't do it. Well it sucks that it might bother you or others here, but that was his choice and it cost abortion rights badly in this country. And for how long?

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6/29/2022  9:46 PM
TripleThreat wrote:I'm bringing up actual legitimate context and issues on this topic.

Quite frankly, the only thing you are making clear is that you don't have a familiarity on how any of this works. Barely surface level stuff.

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6/30/2022  8:21 AM    LAST EDITED: 6/30/2022  8:30 AM
dwiley20 wrote:
SupremeCommander wrote:
dwiley20 wrote:great day for America....yall are murderers...plain n simple

I always thought you were a few cards short.. I always wondered how the product of incest would feel during discussion

you can try to justify murder all u want....the simple to the most extreme....im happy i wasnt aborted

Meanwhile you’re pro war and pro death penalty. Also pro cops shooting anyone who isn’t a school shooter

And then there’s the issue of govt helping poor single mothers and pro lifers being against literally everything in that regard (universal pre-K, welfare, education, maternal leave)

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6/30/2022  9:21 AM
jrodmc wrote:
Kneel for the anthem - cool.
Kneel for prayer - uncool. And leads to violence. Just like Al Quaeda.

Reciting the national anthem is akin to Soviet Communism.
A kidney is the same as a baby.

Inflammatory -- any worldview based on Judeo-Christian ethics.
Non-inflammatory -- worldviews based on "what I personally think"

I knew this thread was going to be pretty much one-sided at the start, but reading all the "real & purposeful" 'logic' in here is actually just depressing.


In Case You’re Wondering, Nancy Pelosi Is Still Supporting the Only Antiabortion House Democrat

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked why she is still supporting Representative Henry Cuellar, the conservative Texas Democrat whose house and campaign office were recently raided by the FBI, for reelection, and she said she is. Then, in a mind-boggling moment during Thursday’s press conference, Pelosi took the time to also remind everyone that in addition to the whole FBI thing that’s cast a shadow over Cuellar’s ethical standards, he’s also the lone antiabortion Democrat left in the House—a position one would think would leave a disqualifying black mark on a Democrat’s political résumé given the Supreme Court looks poised to overturn Roe v. Wade in the coming weeks.

But no, Pelosi, whose party and caucus sought to use abortion rights to motivate Americans to go to the polls this past week, said she’s backing him even though he’s anti-choice.

“I’m supporting Henry Cuellar, he’s a valued member of our caucus. The FBI has said he’s not under investigation,” Pelosi said first, before quipping, “I thought that you were going to take it to choice or something.”

“He is not pro-choice but we didn’t need him; we passed the bill with what we had,” Pelosi said. Cuellar was the lone Democrat to vote against the Women’s Health Protection Act when it passed the House last year. It failed this past week in the Senate in a vote of 49 to 51.

Nancy Pelosi supports an open Pro Life Democrat in the House for reelection while asking liberal voters to ignore the fact that he is Pro Life and that the FBI just raided him.

Then she reads a poem and asks voters for 15 dollars so the Democrats can "finally" codify Roe v Wade or something similar into law, in part by winning the Mid Terms (i.e. making sure Pro Life leaning candidates don't get elected or win reelection, but that apparently only matters if they are Republicans....)

What's stopping the Democrats from trying to codify Roe or some measure very similar into federal law right now?

What stopped them before?

Meanwhile many liberals are fed up, so they started chanting at failed leftist candidate Beto O'Rourke - “Voting blue is not enough — Democrats, we call your bluff!”

Why is any of this surprising? If a lot of the public gives you money and their energy and their votes, and some of them for up to 50 years, to go do something about protecting abortion rights and implied women's rights, and you don't, then they are going to be angry. They'll be doubly angry once they realize the Party making the promises had multiple opportunities to do something and make real lasting change and all they did was more shouting in the media and the hand wringing and virtue signaling and fund raising.

jrodmc talks about issues that are hypocritically split as inflammatory or non-inflammatory based on partisan lines. What exactly is non-inflammatory, mind you to the Democrats own voter base no less, about -

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6/30/2022  9:48 AM    LAST EDITED: 6/30/2022  9:50 AM
TripleThreat wrote:
foosballnick wrote:

Just trying to follow your thought process here. You're urging single issue Pro Choice / Abortion voters to not vote Democrat and vote for Trump because he kept promises to abolish Pro-Choice Abortion?

PS....ALL politicians and political parties fundraise on any issues they can make money on. Are you new to this?

I didn't say anyone needed to vote for Trump.

I pointed out he delivered a win for Pro Life in just four years in office while the entire Democratic Party couldn't deliver a win for women's rights to make Roe as federal law in 50 years.

What part of that above statement is not true?

Joe Biden could have fixed all this himself. He is the current President. He has majorities in both the House and the Senate. Now Biden would have to convince Joe Manchin to kill the filibuster but it's not the GOP's fault if Biden can't do that. Or Biden could have done really well while President so that he could pick up more Senate seats to kill the filibuster while working around Manchin's holdout. Or he could try to cut a deal with some Republicans over abortion.

That majority in the Senate is in name only. Manchin and Sinema are not Democrats. Making it a federal law with that type of slim majority would just have it overturned the next time the Republicans are in power. Unfortunately the only way to move forward is to protect the states autonomy on all issues. Let the people in those states decide. Republicans want to control woman. If woman don't like it they should leave the state. It sucks but the only other solution is to end the USA

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6/30/2022  10:16 AM    LAST EDITED: 6/30/2022  10:19 AM

It’s not a Radical Conservative court because the founding fathers wanted all of us to die due to global warming in anticipation of the Rapture…..

It’s explicitly says “you either get raptured or you die from fires and smoke due to global warming” in the constitution.

Jokes aside the SC is off the rails.

The algorithm gives and the algorithm takes away
OT - Roe V Wade overturned

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