Deuce tore up the Gleague then did not translate that to the NBA right away. It was not pretty at times.
Lots of guys can do that. I also said how big the big the gap between the NBA and Gleague is but Deuce defense is keeping him in the show and progressing.
Evan complained after the season was over publicly. Yes? He wanted to be traded. Yes?
Evan early in his first season was part of Randles "off" year. His timing on his cuts was off and he was messing him up early. I read this. It contributed to Randles turnovers. Not the sole reason mind you. Team started rough, then got better.
Evan's defense was uneven and when he focused on that his shooting fell. Evan has good hands on defense but its not how Thibs likes it. He tried.
Grimes took his job. Simple. I was happy because we grew a solution instead of trades.
I don't agree that Grimes was traded because he complained publicly. Its not cool to take things outside the house but if he was unhappy and there was market for him and we had needs then so be it. I don't recall anything about him being traded bacause of his verbal comments.
I know, its all nice that "My BOY Deuce" and its warm fuzzy's get to play out. Were you also calling out Thibs for "holding him back?" You know, like you his big brother or he your pet project? Or citing the Macri interview with one of his college coaches who said when drafted "deuce came out early and would have been a 1st rounder but was cool to learn from the bench and develop for the first couple of seasons". With that KNOWLEDGE Nalod gathered there was a plan and a process that Deuce had to go thru. Most players drafted have them so its not "exclusive". I don't get to hear about from coaches about it though. Perhaps you have special access?
After that interview I understood his path and not that he was being "held back".
Is it also a Nalodian statement that its ok to trade players to make room for others? Including IQ. I was not predicting it was Grimes or Deuce but "good teams move on from players and its best to grow internally". It logic, not fanciful "Im right, look at me".
I don't vilify players after they are traded. Yes, Im sticking what I believe is correct that EF was a good solid pro when here.
Its all fun to take stabs and try to predict things but fans mostly have no clue other than what we read. Logic and hope is what we got. If yo must, than I offer my congratulations on your dude Deuce on his break out! I love when he is interviewed when he gives glory to god and you for credit!