The original ****starting comment was....
‘Another "MeToo" after not getting payed story.
Every man who has anything to lose our days should "stay woke".’
You want to question the motives of the woman here... sure go ahead...but there is a way to do it
Saying that Another woman trying to be part of the Me Too movement and trying to get paid is hardly a way to do it. And that any man who has anything to lose needs to stay woke is another bad statement.
Unfortunately just because of the physical strength differences, women are a lot less likely to be rapists than men. That’s just fact. Which mean that in rape cases, they are typically the victims.
Should we automatically question KP’s character or any man accused of rape? No, but at the very least it’s prudent to be skeptical of KP’s character here. And we are not talking about a weakling man here, a 7’6” guy who would absolutely physically dominate most average height/weight women.
The amount of energy men spend on saying oh here’s another gold digger woman.....and exploring possibilities of the man being innocent....
I wish they’d spend as much energy in taking away the shame women feel when raped and the ridicule and the “it’s your fault” statements they face every day after being raped.
Why do you think many women don’t report rape, because they know they’re typically the ones going to get blamed by someone even in their near and dear circle. And men who these women are really interested in will also penalize them and stay away from them because of stigma. So they do have a lot to lose either way. This is not about abiding by the PC police.
Is a raped woman going to turn around and plot to take revenge on the rapist, in most cases no.
Is she going to physically assault the rapist the next time they’re face to face, again probably not. So why not get paid? What recourse has society left them? So saying another woman joining MeToo movement trying to get paid..,I mean what exactly are her options here? If this allegation turns out to be true, can KP be banned worldwide from playing professional basketball? I don’t think so. Even if he is banned from NBA, he can return to Europe and make serious money there.
Derrick Rose was accused, he settled, and has rejuvenated his career. But if his allegations were also true, isn’t the fairer outcome that he must pay AND never be allowed back in the NBA?
I could go on and on about examples like this where the case gets “settled” but no real damage to the man. Only men would immediately reference MeToo and woman trying to get paid when learning about this allegation.
If you have a near and dear woman in your life, whether it’s family or friend...ask her what she thinks of it.
Nixluva is posting triangle screen grabs, even when nobody asks - Fishmike. LOL
So are we going to reference that thread like the bible now? "The thread of Wroten Page 14 post 9" - EnySpree