meloshouldgo wrote:Non sequitur, like everything else. You are frustrated your vapid POS candidate didn't win and you are trying to hold everyone accountable. Sucks to be you.
This is what's fun about posting. Seeing otherwise intelligent people play at this level.
Listen, if you believe you're somehow more inoculated from the Trump presidency because you made an ideological choice rather than a pragmatic one, far be it for me to rain on your desperate consolation parade.
[But, pssssssssst.... you're not.]
The context of my post AGAIN (since you INSIST on cutting it out) was that what was once fringe on the right wing is NOW mainstream. So tyes there weren't enough extreme right wing support, but there is now.
And I've detailed the reasons why that isn't something the other side can replicate.
But yes, hey, you never know until you try...
I didn't say anywhere they CAN'T appeal to the people, I said over the years their POLICIES and the their espoused positions have failed to do so. If you want to know what I advocate, maybe you should have the decency to just ask? But that wouldn't fit with this thrid personality for me you are creating here, would it?
I've made it perfectly clear I've been talking about an electoral reality rather than a personal political ideology.
I haven't been arguing the far left doesn't deserve a chance govern. I've been arguing they don't have a practical chance to govern.
And I'm not going to play the common hand here and suggest you're not smart enough to know the difference. I think you absolutely do know the difference, you've just had no where else to go with this, because the latter/the actual issue in question is a loser for you.
So forgive me if I don't return the respect to someone who not only hasn't asked what MY positions are, but has purposely invented them for himself.
I expressed admiration for the Right's ability to take their message to their base and to convert mainstream voters to the right. Yes I absolutely do admire their ability to act as a monolithic unified block.
... which is a fallacy. Or perhaps you've forgotten the 2016 primary season and general election and their own inability to get things on their agenda done for the last 2 years of Congressional, Executive and Judicial control.
Wrong again.If I perceived you as brainwashed I wouldn't be wasting this much time trying to talk to you. I perceive you as limited in your scope for politics...
Which is curious, because you and I haven't really discussed politics in depth. I've discussed electoral math, you've decided based on that you know my ideological leanings.
That happened.
The entire time I have been telling you we have 60 years of data to show centrism doesn't work - the question isn't why I am angry with them the question is why aren't you BOB?
Because I'm not an ideologue, is why. I have a VERY progressive personal viewpoint along with a healthy respect for the fact I have to play nice with others.
Your acknowledged anger, though noble, has no practical value.
It's a losing hand, because we aren't "conservatives", we're progressives. And an angry progressive is a compromised one.
A far-whatever zealot, on either side, is going to make the same mistake - they're going to act against their own best interest, as we know the conservative base does.
You're advocating a recipe for handing more power to the the right, whose electoral powers you so admire.
Oddly, you SEEM to somehow have built a bubble in which this is a positive - that a Trump Presidency was somehow the better of 2 outcomes in 2016.
And I'm not seeing the byproduct that is forcing the left to evolve, are you?
Potentially losing the Senate and Supreme Court for decades is not a positive.
Yes I get that you are offended by how I refer to centrists
No, you actually don't. I'm observing the utter counterproductive futility of it. I don't know if you get that. I suspect you really do, but you're doing a good job pretending you don't for whatever reason.
I think they have sold their souls to big money and deserted all the people who voted for them and had faith in them. If that offends your refined sensibilities so be it. Another reason why I think your view is limited? You think messaging means Fake news like Breitbart and negative attack ads and mudslinging. Or that's what I got from reading your stuff - I may be wrong. That wasn't the type of messaging I would EVER advocate for.
In the first half of your paragraph you've defended your vocal harsh criticism of "centrists" and a sentence latter feign offense at the idea of negative attack ads and mudslinging.
That just happened.
As I say, what you WANT is a debate on whether far left progressives deserve a chance to lead the party and govern. Let me leave no doubt about this issue - I'd favor that and would love if they could.
If you feel inclined to muddy the waters on this issue again in the future, please refer to this direct statement of my position.
But I also think if the party takes a sharp left turn as you advocated, not only will we not achieve that goal, we'll further the damage being inflicted on YOU and me and the movement and the country and the world since 2016.
So either respond to that and explain how the far left actually gets political power (I'll be looking closely as to how much of it is based on copying the right) or follow-up on your bull**** proclamation and don't respond at all.
Which btw, in the Fake Last Post Plus-Minus, you're -7.
That's Kanter-like.