blkexec wrote:djsunyc wrote:smackeddog wrote:meloshouldgo wrote:GustavBahler wrote:The sad thing is that while pretty much everything negative said these days about the GOP is accurate.The Democratic party now in some ways are to the right of Nixon when it comes to actual policy. We saw that during the Obama administration. Those billionaires building bunkers in a panic over a resurgent, bonafide leftward shift, wouldnt have to worry if they abandoned shareholder capitalism, and returned to stakeholder capitalism.
It might not have lifted all boats, but it raised a hell of a lot more boats than shareholder capitalism has. It built the largest middle class in history, anywhere.
We should point out the treasonous and self serving aims of today's GOP. But lets not forget it takes two to tango. When it comes to keeping wages mostly flat for 40 years, and giving the president almost dictatorial powers in some areas of governance, tbe Democratic Party has been a more than willing dance partner.
Agreed. Democrats long ago gave up on policy based fights and start practicing the noble art of compromise to get elected. They use buzzwords like "pragmatic" "sensible", "being adults", "grounded in reality" to sell their wares. And for the large part they have been successful in their sales. Only recently have people started to wisen up to this humongous pile of bat****, that is called Centrist politics, aka moving to the right.
Centrists are done- in europe most centrist (former leftwing parties) are getting obliterated, except in the UK where the Labour party has ditched centrism for proper lift wing politics (and have surged as a result). I do hope some new blood takes over the democrats, they need to either radically alter course and jettison the stuck-in-the-90s politicians, or we'll just see trump re-elected.
i think it's much simpler. just get all the non-whites to vote.
Actually it's not that simple because white is not a race. (Of course I understand what you are talking about, I'm just hijacking this subject to vent a little)
White and Black are labels that the oppressor created to divide us....What they didn't realize is that this world is bigger than the color of your skin. If you go to any other country outside the US, white isn't a widely used label....They identify themselves (not by white) by the country they are from, like Irish, Europe, etc....Nigerians do not classify themselves as so called black, but rather their tribe.
I know it's hard, I live and grew up under the same oppressive labels, system and culture that this great country created. (By the way, they just found 95 bodies of so called blacks, who were buried back when American was Great Houston Texas).
But these labels are part of the source for our divide. And theres a larger agenda that's pushing Trump in this direction. Putin is with this plan as well, because he has his own agenda. This is all a huge repeat in our dreadful history. Putin is using Trump for his bigger plan to divide and control the world.
If Trump wants to make America great again, how about we all go back to our countries of origin....There wouldn't be any whites here. And the only reason why there will still be so called blacks here, is because they were separated from their families....So everybody of color is an orphan. So called whites still have their family linkage, so they can easily go back to their country.
But I have the answer to racism. Put all the racist people or organizations in one room...lock the door and conduct a DNA test. Once everyone realize that white or black doesn't show up on the DNA test....And once they realize so called whites and black are more related than you think. We will all realize it's like having a long overdue fight with your bothers and sisters. Each white person and black person is connected to a country. Calling someone white or black is like saying you don't have a mother / father or origin. So we will call yall white and black. So what happens when someone doesn't fit those categories? They created more colors like yellow. How stupid does all this sound? It's like some retard who had a hard time with the diversity of the human race, tried to simply us. Eventhough the human body is the most complex and diverse system in the world. SMH
Those parts in bold are mostly what I have a problem with, other parts I generally agree.
The question isn't who created the labels, but more so the acceptance of it. Why does the public accept it so freely? That's where your second bolded part comes in. Everyone in the world wants to feel special. So even in a country like Nigeria, people identify with their tribes to sort of align with what makes them unique, makes them special. This is not a label thing that the "establishment" created and we are living it. That's just human nature. The reason why in most parts of Europe people identify with their countries of origin is because the racial mixup in those countries does not have as much variety as the US. If there were countries there that were just as big of a melting pot that the US is, you'd see those same types of identifications popping up.
In fact, in NYC, if you go to Queens, specifically Jackson Heights, which is known to be the most diverse community in the world, you can see people identifying themselves and their businesses associating them with their countries of origin, rather than their race.
The third bolded part, why does the country of origin matter? Why not just call them Americans, isn't that what they are?
Nixluva is posting triangle screen grabs, even when nobody asks - Fishmike. LOL
So are we going to reference that thread like the bible now? "The thread of Wroten Page 14 post 9" - EnySpree