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OT - Trump & Russia
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7/17/2018  8:20 AM
Years of money laundering thru the casinos and shady real estate deals with oligarchs make him vulnerable. Pee Pee Tape can be refuted as “fake”. Russia can leak his treason and financial dealings and ruin him. In fact it could be to their advantage as there end game could be a weakened presidency, constitutional crisis and a United States whose ability to self govern its compromise and unity weakens us.

Add an eventual economic problem and we are a mess. Nazi Germany was born under the weight of an economic depression. While no two events repeat as they were we will turn ugly onto each other. Blame the blacks, blame the Muslims, blame the immigrants for our woes. Human nature when survival is at state.

On the surface it makes sense to get along with your foes. Is this really the time and issue to do so?
Facts are Trump is in over his head as he lacks the congnitive functions, is a narcissist, and a sociopath. He is driven by his own desires. His lies are so big we cannot see them.

Im not in total dissagreement with all that is republican as I am not all in with the democratic agenda in total. There are issues that are far more complicated to discuss here. Fact is Trump has a past of shady dealings and has surrounded himself with the players which are more than coincidence.

Briggs, its apparent your impulsive and easily persuaded by what’s in front of you. Seemingly you have eroded what was once a reasonably credible reputation.

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7/17/2018  8:31 AM
Nalod wrote:Years of money laundering thru the casinos and shady real estate deals with oligarchs make him vulnerable. Pee Pee Tape can be refuted as “fake”. Russia can leak his treason and financial dealings and ruin him. In fact it could be to their advantage as there end game could be a weakened presidency, constitutional crisis and a United States whose ability to self govern its compromise and unity weakens us.

Add an eventual economic problem and we are a mess. Nazi Germany was born under the weight of an economic depression. While no two events repeat as they were we will turn ugly onto each other. Blame the blacks, blame the Muslims, blame the immigrants for our woes. Human nature when survival is at state.

On the surface it makes sense to get along with your foes. Is this really the time and issue to do so?
Facts are Trump is in over his head as he lacks the congnitive functions, is a narcissist, and a sociopath. He is driven by his own desires. His lies are so big we cannot see them.

Im not in total dissagreement with all that is republican as I am not all in with the democratic agenda in total. There are issues that are far more complicated to discuss here. Fact is Trump has a past of shady dealings and has surrounded himself with the players which are more than coincidence.

Briggs, its apparent your impulsive and easily persuaded by what’s in front of you. Seemingly you have eroded what was once a reasonably credible reputation.

That's a good point. . I used to get on Briggs all the time....then i backed off. but he showed histrue colors during that debate thread after trump won. Just like all trump supporters. It's ablack eye on them and the establishment. I once joked that trump will be the last president we'vehad. But I would've never thought it would get any worse. And it did.

Born in Brooklyn, Raised in Queens, Lives in Maryland. The future is bright, I'm a Knicks fan for life!
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Member: #883
7/17/2018  10:50 AM
If it wasn't so tragic, it would have been funny watching Trump pretend in advance he and Putin weren't pal's and that relations between Russia and America were the worst ever. Watching the two of them at that press conference, him spray-tanned to f***, Putin botoxed to the max, what a ridiculous pair.

He's just going from country to country embarrassing himself. Everyone just thinks he's a d***. He's very unpopular in the UK, but the Prime Minister tried to suck up to him by giving him a fancy ceremony (that the population didn't want to give him) to play to his ego- completely backfired as he gave an interview that just embarrassed her. Eventually other countries leaders will stop even trying (they all thought they could play him, but it just backfires). Check out the anti trump demo in London (250,000):

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7/17/2018  10:54 AM
I understand why the orange fascist won...

... that said, the conversation has evolved way past that. this mother****er is a ****ing traitorous, cancerous ****. even faux news is beating that drum. anyone who supports this asshat is a ****ing idiot

DLeethal wrote: Lol Rick needs a safe space
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7/17/2018  11:35 AM
Nalod wrote:Years of money laundering thru the casinos and shady real estate deals with oligarchs make him vulnerable. Pee Pee Tape can be refuted as “fake”. Russia can leak his treason and financial dealings and ruin him. In fact it could be to their advantage as there end game could be a weakened presidency, constitutional crisis and a United States whose ability to self govern its compromise and unity weakens us.

Add an eventual economic problem and we are a mess. Nazi Germany was born under the weight of an economic depression. While no two events repeat as they were we will turn ugly onto each other. Blame the blacks, blame the Muslims, blame the immigrants for our woes. Human nature when survival is at state.

On the surface it makes sense to get along with your foes. Is this really the time and issue to do so?
Facts are Trump is in over his head as he lacks the congnitive functions, is a narcissist, and a sociopath. He is driven by his own desires. His lies are so big we cannot see them.

Im not in total dissagreement with all that is republican as I am not all in with the democratic agenda in total. There are issues that are far more complicated to discuss here. Fact is Trump has a past of shady dealings and has surrounded himself with the players which are more than coincidence.

Briggs, its apparent your impulsive and easily persuaded by what’s in front of you. Seemingly you have eroded what was once a reasonably credible reputation.

Could be? Already happening

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7/17/2018  11:36 AM
I've been saying it from day one. Trump was unqualified to be the President and leader of the Free World. What's more is that the Majority of the Republican Party is complicit in his still being president. They've been protecting him all this time and now they're just as guilty as he is IMO.

This country is in danger and unprotected by Trump and the Republicans who have allowed him to diminish the Intelligence Agencies and refused to take action to stop Russia from corrupting our Elections again in a few months. THEY'VE DONE NOTHING to protect us!!! Putin is free to do whatever he wants in the coming Elections!

Posts: 70365
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Member: #508
7/17/2018  11:38 AM
BRIGGS wrote:Get used to it he'll be here 6 more years. Real stupid to try to get along with a country that has higher technical military ability?

"Real Stupid"......

Briggs, I can respect a mans opinion and thoughtful discussion. Not sure why you like to troll with limited words then usually move away from it.
No sense going off on you as I doubt anyone here is going to change your mind but perhaps out of respect engage a few words to support your opinion.
Country before Party.

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7/17/2018  11:44 AM
nixluva wrote:I've been saying it from day one. Trump was unqualified to be the President and leader of the Free World. What's more is that the Majority of the Republican Party is complicit in his still being president. They've been protecting him all this time and now they're just as guilty as he is IMO.

This country is in danger and unprotected by Trump and the Republicans who have allowed him to diminish the Intelligence Agencies and refused to take action to stop Russia from corrupting our Elections again in a few months. THEY'VE DONE NOTHING to protect us!!! Putin is free to do whatever he wants in the coming Elections!

They don't give schiit until they are in power
Posts: 70365
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Member: #508
7/17/2018  11:53 AM
martin wrote:
Nalod wrote:Years of money laundering thru the casinos and shady real estate deals with oligarchs make him vulnerable. Pee Pee Tape can be refuted as “fake”. Russia can leak his treason and financial dealings and ruin him. In fact it could be to their advantage as there end game could be a weakened presidency, constitutional crisis and a United States whose ability to self govern its compromise and unity weakens us.

Add an eventual economic problem and we are a mess. Nazi Germany was born under the weight of an economic depression. While no two events repeat as they were we will turn ugly onto each other. Blame the blacks, blame the Muslims, blame the immigrants for our woes. Human nature when survival is at state.

On the surface it makes sense to get along with your foes. Is this really the time and issue to do so?
Facts are Trump is in over his head as he lacks the congnitive functions, is a narcissist, and a sociopath. He is driven by his own desires. His lies are so big we cannot see them.

Im not in total dissagreement with all that is republican as I am not all in with the democratic agenda in total. There are issues that are far more complicated to discuss here. Fact is Trump has a past of shady dealings and has surrounded himself with the players which are more than coincidence.

Briggs, its apparent your impulsive and easily persuaded by what’s in front of you. Seemingly you have eroded what was once a reasonably credible reputation.

Could be? Already happening

That's the path. By delegitimizing the justice depart and law enforcement agencies, and of course the media first he will cause a crisis as factions will not submit to the process. Its clear unless GOP leadership falls in line and brings forth a person of integrity to pivot to, the country will be ****ed.
The system was not built to handle a sociopath narcissist with cognitive deficiencies

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7/17/2018  12:11 PM
BRIGGS wrote:Get used to it he'll be here 6 more years. Real stupid to try to get along with a country that has higher technical military ability?

This sounds like a Russian bot..

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7/17/2018  12:22 PM
Nalod wrote:
martin wrote:
Nalod wrote:Years of money laundering thru the casinos and shady real estate deals with oligarchs make him vulnerable. Pee Pee Tape can be refuted as “fake”. Russia can leak his treason and financial dealings and ruin him. In fact it could be to their advantage as there end game could be a weakened presidency, constitutional crisis and a United States whose ability to self govern its compromise and unity weakens us.

Add an eventual economic problem and we are a mess. Nazi Germany was born under the weight of an economic depression. While no two events repeat as they were we will turn ugly onto each other. Blame the blacks, blame the Muslims, blame the immigrants for our woes. Human nature when survival is at state.

On the surface it makes sense to get along with your foes. Is this really the time and issue to do so?
Facts are Trump is in over his head as he lacks the congnitive functions, is a narcissist, and a sociopath. He is driven by his own desires. His lies are so big we cannot see them.

Im not in total dissagreement with all that is republican as I am not all in with the democratic agenda in total. There are issues that are far more complicated to discuss here. Fact is Trump has a past of shady dealings and has surrounded himself with the players which are more than coincidence.

Briggs, its apparent your impulsive and easily persuaded by what’s in front of you. Seemingly you have eroded what was once a reasonably credible reputation.

Could be? Already happening

That's the path. By delegitimizing the justice depart and law enforcement agencies, and of course the media first he will cause a crisis as factions will not submit to the process. Its clear unless GOP leadership falls in line and brings forth a person of integrity to pivot to, the country will be ****ed.
The system was not built to handle a sociopath narcissist with cognitive deficiencies

Great job summarizing 45 with only 4 words.....Without using vulgar.

45 didnt make America great again.......He made America realize how far away from Great we are.....

Born in Brooklyn, Raised in Queens, Lives in Maryland. The future is bright, I'm a Knicks fan for life!
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7/17/2018  12:49 PM
Proud to see UK Knicks fans together on this issue. Gives me some hope.
The new new core: Randle, RJ, IQ. Maybe Mitch. Future pick. Future trade. Future FA.
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7/17/2018  1:31 PM
45 didn't make America great again.......He made America realize how far away from Great we are.....

Another great sentiment...

"We are playing a game. We are playing at not playing a game..."
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Member: #758
7/17/2018  2:47 PM
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7/17/2018  3:24 PM
smackeddog wrote:If it wasn't so tragic, it would have been funny watching Trump pretend in advance he and Putin weren't pal's and that relations between Russia and America were the worst ever. Watching the two of them at that press conference, him spray-tanned to f***, Putin botoxed to the max, what a ridiculous pair.

He's just going from country to country embarrassing himself. Everyone just thinks he's a d***. He's very unpopular in the UK, but the Prime Minister tried to suck up to him by giving him a fancy ceremony (that the population didn't want to give him) to play to his ego- completely backfired as he gave an interview that just embarrassed her. Eventually other countries leaders will stop even trying (they all thought they could play him, but it just backfires). Check out the anti trump demo in London (250,000):

Drop in the bucket compared to the number of people who attended the president's "historic" inauguration.

Always... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is better and twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad, and too much is never enough except when it's just about right. - The Tick
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Member: #298
7/17/2018  3:42 PM
ekstarks94 wrote:
BRIGGS wrote:Get used to it he'll be here 6 more years. Real stupid to try to get along with a country that has higher technical military ability?

This sounds like a Russian bot troll..

fixed... the bots are much more clever
"winning is more fun... then fun is fun" -Thibs
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7/17/2018  3:44 PM
nixluva wrote:

Wow!!! That is just crazy. The sad part is he will still be president next week.

Trust the Process
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7/17/2018  3:47 PM
Sangfroid wrote:
45 didn't make America great again.......He made America realize how far away from Great we are.....

Another great sentiment...

That is the most profound thing I read in awhile. So true.

In Dave Chappelle's comedy skit he essentially said Trump is a blessing because he is so bad that he is going to wake us up and hopefully lead us to getting a president that will truly unite America.

Trust the Process
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Member: #995
7/17/2018  4:24 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/17/2018  4:41 PM
There is nothing America can do to affect Putin and Russians.
Moreover, more hostile we became more power will be gathered by Putin.
His kleptocracy is based on the image of external enemy which is clearly defined as US an West in general.
To erode his power we need to provide the sense of security to Russian mafia state like we did in 70th and 80th with USSR.
They are bound to fall and disintegrate as soon as oil and other raw materials from them will not be in high demand.
Just corrupt them more, let them take more wealth out of the country, let their talented youth settle in US and elsewhere, give them jobs.
And then we will deal with 25 more countries of no significance.
Trumps come and go but America is what it is - The Republic running on the power of the Low not on shallow democratic power of the crowds.
Trump is the greatest thing happened for the liberals but looks like they cannot use it anyways.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
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Member: #883
7/17/2018  5:17 PM
Ha ha, such a liar! Now claiming he meant to say the word “wouldn’t” instead of “would”


OT - Trump & Russia

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