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OT: The American middle class just got their goose cooked
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Posts: 41498
Alba Posts: 15
Joined: 7/12/2010
Member: #3186

12/2/2017  10:53 PM
arkrud wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
arkrud wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
arkrud wrote:Its cool that American Middle class has a goose to be cooked.
Most of the world population have no goose, and many have nothing to eat at all...
As a citizen of Empire I am satisfied. Hail to the Emperor and Senators!!!
All we need is more Bread-with-butter and Entertainment.
As for the rest of the world... they will get their shot sooner or later but not in my lifetime.

The clarion call of the enabler. We also dont have Universal Health care, maternity leave, clean water, well funded schools, an infrastructure that isnt bordering on complete failure. A government that represents all classes either.

Guess we have to wait until we become Somalia to complain. Deregulation worked out great for them.

We do not have many things but we have freedom for everyone to accept the live and things we have or move on to any other place where life is better.
Not to many are moving... I wonder why? Most likely this other place is hard to find.
People never value what they have and cry about what they do not have instead.
I guess this is human nature.
90% of the people of the world will consider everyone who is unsatisfied with his live in US as hypocrite of highest degree and for a good reason.

We used to have some measure of freedom. They say 9/11 changed everything. From a legal standpoint it did. Many laws were passed that nullify most of the Bill of Rights. Passed during both Republican and Democratic administrations. Debtors prisons have been brought back for the poor. We have the highest incarceration rate in the world. Run increasingly for profit by private corporations, who are often also friends with judges who send them the business, so to speak. Often non-violent drug offenders.

Speaking of drugs we have an opiod epidemic thats very similar to what happened after the collapse of the old Soviet Union, but alcohol being the drug of choice there.

Wages are so stagnant that its hard for people to just get up and move. Many are locked into mortgages they can't walk away from. Most families are one paycheck short of disaster. Thats not freedom.

I understand America's hypocrisy when if comes to how it approaches the world. At the same time, if you really do feel a bond to this country of ours, the current state of our country, and the incredible amount of suffering that it is inflicting on many millions of people, it should keep you from making sick jokes about the suffering of others.

The bill that was just passed is going to send a lot more people in the coming years to the hospital, or the morgue. Its unavoidable. Thats how bad this bill is.

Some communities have always suffered more in bad times, and they will get hit the hardest. This is all being done to make a handful of rich billionaires, who collectively already have as much wealth as half the country, to have even more. Its beyond a kink in the system. Its the middle ages, complete with a denial of science.

Suffering of the people of the world is not a joke. Its real.
People are getting killed in masses, dying from disease without medical help and from hunger without food.
They are tortured, hold in death camps, raped, and robbed.
Mostly in the countries who called themselves socialist, or various religions and military dictatorships.
I am not sure where you are leaving but I do not see the stuff you are talking about.
Yes, some Americans are better of that others for various reasons including the history of slavery and segregation, colonization and destruction of native Indian ingenious civilization.
There are drug addicts, criminals, corrupted politicians and bureaucrats.
But it is not even close to what is going on in most of the countries of the world.
There is no benefit from being blinded by hate.
When you hate somebody you became like those whom you hate.
Not a healthy way of leaving you live.
There is a lot to love about America and a lot of people to love and be proud off.
And this is healthy leaving.

Your response on a personal level would be very similar to you finding out about the death of a loved one, and getting back, "big deal, people die every day, what about them?." Its "whataboutism". Its a way of inoculating yourself from giving a **** about anything.

I was equally bothered by the deaths of millions of Russians who died by the millions from the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the death of millions, who died from opiod abuse and suicide, following the great recession. I didnt care if they were Communists, they were people.

You answer isn't to care about either situation. Its all part of the the same problem, wealth an power acruing into the hands of a shrinking minority. You either you like it or you dont. You dont seem bothered at all by the status quo.

Posts: 26601
Alba Posts: 28
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Member: #2274

12/2/2017  11:04 PM    LAST EDITED: 12/2/2017  11:05 PM
Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?
Posts: 41498
Alba Posts: 15
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Member: #3186

12/2/2017  11:15 PM
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

If you can show some evidence that these athletes are using their wealth to promote legislation that increases the gap between rich and poor, shift the burden of taxation onto the backs of those who can least afford it. I would like to see it.

Its not about being rich Rookie. I dont fault anyone for trying to get there. Buts its also about what you do when you get there. Corporations now pay the same share of taxes they did during the Eisnhower administration. Thats how long its been since they had it this good. Why now? Because a few connected billionaires want it, thats why. There used to be a speed brake on capitalism, through regulation. Yes, sometimes the brake was applied too strongly, but the answer isnt to remove the brake altogether. Thats not sound economic policy, its class warfare.

Posts: 26601
Alba Posts: 28
Joined: 10/15/2008
Member: #2274

12/2/2017  11:28 PM    LAST EDITED: 12/2/2017  11:31 PM
GustavBahler wrote:
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

If you can show some evidence that these athletes are using their wealth to promote legislation that increases the gap between rich and poor, shift the burden of taxation onto the backs of those who can least afford it. I would like to see it.

Its not about being rich Rookie. I dont fault anyone for trying to get there. Buts its also about what you do when you get there. Corporations now pay the same share of taxes they did during the Eisnhower administration. Thats how long its been since they had it this good. Why now? Because a few connected billionaires want it, thats why. There used to be a speed brake on capitalism, through regulation. Yes, sometimes the brake was applied too strongly, but the answer isnt to remove the brake altogether. Thats not sound economic policy, its class warfare.

Lets not pretend like even the pro player making the league minimum isn't in the top tax bracket. Why do they get a pass, and where is the outrage that these guys who contribute nothing to the GDP, are top wage earners in this country and are likely taking advantage of every tax loop hole there is and will still paying less tax then you or I getting a pass?

My point is basically, if you have outrage about inequity, then wake up. It is everywhere around us, and yet no one cares unless they have some prejudice against a certain wage earning group

Posts: 71428
Alba Posts: 108
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Member: #2
12/2/2017  11:43 PM
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

so this type of argument doesn't get a pass and I'd like to ask you to refrain from it.

Who is this "you all" that you are speaking to and calling ignorant, because it seems like you are accusing EVERYONE but yourself of making that type of argument, and point blank, no one is.

No one is making any type of correlation between athletes that we watch and cheer for via our Knicks team but you. So please stop.

Official sponsor of the PURE KNICKS LOVE Program
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Alba Posts: 15
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Member: #3186

12/2/2017  11:47 PM    LAST EDITED: 12/2/2017  11:48 PM
Rookie wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

If you can show some evidence that these athletes are using their wealth to promote legislation that increases the gap between rich and poor, shift the burden of taxation onto the backs of those who can least afford it. I would like to see it.

Its not about being rich Rookie. I dont fault anyone for trying to get there. Buts its also about what you do when you get there. Corporations now pay the same share of taxes they did during the Eisnhower administration. Thats how long its been since they had it this good. Why now? Because a few connected billionaires want it, thats why. There used to be a speed brake on capitalism, through regulation. Yes, sometimes the brake was applied too strongly, but the answer isnt to remove the brake altogether. Thats not sound economic policy, its class warfare.

Lets not pretend like even the pro player making the league minimum isn't in the top tax bracket. Why do they get a pass, and where is the outrage that these guys who contribute nothing to the GDP, are top wage earners in this country and are likely taking advantage of every tax loop hole there is and will still paying less tax then you or I getting a pass?

My point is basically, if you have outrage about inequity, then wake up. It is everywhere around us, and yet no one cares unless they have some prejudice against a certain wage earning group

Should pro athletes pay more in taxes? Probably. Should they get a larger piece of the pie? Probably. Again, its a big step up to devote your wealth and influence to have legislation passed that helps slam the door on others following in your footsteps. Thats what deregulation does when its applied indiscriminately, it lets big companies get bigger, keeps smaller ones from getting in the way. Legislation that advances deregulation on a mass scale didn't just happen. People paid for it, people paid a lot of money to influence our political system. Thats the problem that drives all others.

Posts: 32217
Alba Posts: 7
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Member: #995
12/3/2017  12:13 AM
GustavBahler wrote:
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

If you can show some evidence that these athletes are using their wealth to promote legislation that increases the gap between rich and poor, shift the burden of taxation onto the backs of those who can least afford it. I would like to see it.

Its not about being rich Rookie. I dont fault anyone for trying to get there. Buts its also about what you do when you get there. Corporations now pay the same share of taxes they did during the Eisnhower administration. Thats how long its been since they had it this good. Why now? Because a few connected billionaires want it, thats why. There used to be a speed brake on capitalism, through regulation. Yes, sometimes the brake was applied too strongly, but the answer isnt to remove the brake altogether. Thats not sound economic policy, its class warfare.

Corporations are a myth.
People who own them are real.
And over the stock market and 401k plans this are millions of owners.
The people who started this companies and have a big chunk of stock are the once who helping people in US and across the world.
They are the once who created innovations and working places across the world.
Taking the concentrated wealth and spreading it around for millions of people so they can have one good dinner is not helping anyone to get anywhere.
US has almost full employment and social net fro everyone. Where it is coming from? Only from wealth we as a nation collected.
The nominal numbers hanged on top 1% is typical liberal propaganda.
It is not about how much $$$ one cost but what he is spending for himself.
Yes - they can spend more but absolute most of the wealth is working to have business rolling, stuff produced, and people given jobs.
One need to be blind to believe this all propagandize crap.
Fortunately most of the people in US are not idiots and do not have the disease of Red Eyes which run Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and other societies into the ground.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
Posts: 41498
Alba Posts: 15
Joined: 7/12/2010
Member: #3186

12/3/2017  12:39 AM
arkrud wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

If you can show some evidence that these athletes are using their wealth to promote legislation that increases the gap between rich and poor, shift the burden of taxation onto the backs of those who can least afford it. I would like to see it.

Its not about being rich Rookie. I dont fault anyone for trying to get there. Buts its also about what you do when you get there. Corporations now pay the same share of taxes they did during the Eisnhower administration. Thats how long its been since they had it this good. Why now? Because a few connected billionaires want it, thats why. There used to be a speed brake on capitalism, through regulation. Yes, sometimes the brake was applied too strongly, but the answer isnt to remove the brake altogether. Thats not sound economic policy, its class warfare.

Corporations are a myth.
People who own them are real.
And over the stock market and 401k plans this are millions of owners.
The people who started this companies and have a big chunk of stock are the once who helping people in US and across the world.
They are the once who created innovations and working places across the world.
Taking the concentrated wealth and spreading it around for millions of people so they can have one good dinner is not helping anyone to get anywhere.
US has almost full employment and social net fro everyone. Where it is coming from? Only from wealth we as a nation collected.
The nominal numbers hanged on top 1% is typical liberal propaganda.
It is not about how much $$$ one cost but what he is spending for himself.
Yes - they can spend more but absolute most of the wealth is working to have business rolling, stuff produced, and people given jobs.
One need to be blind to believe this all propagandize crap.
Fortunately most of the people in US are not idiots and do not have the disease of Red Eyes which run Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and other societies into the ground.

You just dont get it. Why do you think we have an almost 2 trillion dollar infrastructure shortfall? Why we cant keep our schools, our public hospitals funded? Why? Because a large part of our GDP goes to a military that is primarily in over 100 countries to make it safe for American corporations to do business, many which pay no taxes at all. The rich are paying less than ever.

Get your facts straight, the average American derives just one percent of their income from the stock market. Interest rates are near zero, which means living in part off the interest from savings which millions of seniors did for generations, is no longer possible.

Makes it really easy though for corporations to borrow money at rock bottom rates because of a friendly Fed. Buy back stock, inflate the price, and pay the execs big bonuses, that the average worker in his company will see no part of.

Here are the facts. Somewhere over 90 percent of all the wealth in this country went to the top one one percent during this so called recovery. It was no accident. At the same time some of the largest corporations in the world pay no taxes. Where do you think safe roads come from? Schools? Police? They come from taxes. And when those most able to pay their share decline to do so, somone has to pick up the slack. The poor and middle class are paying more of their income from hard work, than someone who parked some money on Wall Street.

If you make some loot on Wall Street, you shouldnt be taxed at a lower rate than your housekeeper. Its about fairness. You have this Randian "Ive got mine, screw you" philosophy. I guess it works for you. No "Love" in that.

Posts: 56258
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Member: #758
12/3/2017  1:38 AM
Reading some of these posts it’s clear to me that there are some who don’t appreciate the way this country built the worlds largest Middle Class and the success that gave this country only to see it whittled away over the decades by a very few of this country’s richest and most powerful.

None of this imbalance was an accident. The gap in CEO to Employee pay has grown exponentially and they worked hard to rig things so this would happen. We’re LITERALLY witnessing a massive example of this right now!!!

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12/3/2017  7:16 AM
I am not on the side of rich, I am poor.

But, look at the history of 1900-2017, which country got destroyed by rich people? A lot of countries were actually destroyed by the poor. The poor who thought they deserve more and thought rich stole from them. Russia, China, Cuba, north Korea and a whole lot countries in 20th centuries.

I am not saying rich are saints, but the reality is that poor often are the one ruined everything everywhere in history. Yeah, powerful nobles, corrupt politicians and poor peasants destroy countries, but rich businessmen?

I really think hard if there is a case in human history, and I am not kidding.

Posts: 32217
Alba Posts: 7
Joined: 8/31/2005
Member: #995
12/3/2017  7:27 AM
GustavBahler wrote:
arkrud wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

If you can show some evidence that these athletes are using their wealth to promote legislation that increases the gap between rich and poor, shift the burden of taxation onto the backs of those who can least afford it. I would like to see it.

Its not about being rich Rookie. I dont fault anyone for trying to get there. Buts its also about what you do when you get there. Corporations now pay the same share of taxes they did during the Eisnhower administration. Thats how long its been since they had it this good. Why now? Because a few connected billionaires want it, thats why. There used to be a speed brake on capitalism, through regulation. Yes, sometimes the brake was applied too strongly, but the answer isnt to remove the brake altogether. Thats not sound economic policy, its class warfare.

Corporations are a myth.
People who own them are real.
And over the stock market and 401k plans this are millions of owners.
The people who started this companies and have a big chunk of stock are the once who helping people in US and across the world.
They are the once who created innovations and working places across the world.
Taking the concentrated wealth and spreading it around for millions of people so they can have one good dinner is not helping anyone to get anywhere.
US has almost full employment and social net fro everyone. Where it is coming from? Only from wealth we as a nation collected.
The nominal numbers hanged on top 1% is typical liberal propaganda.
It is not about how much $$$ one cost but what he is spending for himself.
Yes - they can spend more but absolute most of the wealth is working to have business rolling, stuff produced, and people given jobs.
One need to be blind to believe this all propagandize crap.
Fortunately most of the people in US are not idiots and do not have the disease of Red Eyes which run Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and other societies into the ground.

You just dont get it. Why do you think we have an almost 2 trillion dollar infrastructure shortfall? Why we cant keep our schools, our public hospitals funded? Why? Because a large part of our GDP goes to a military that is primarily in over 100 countries to make it safe for American corporations to do business, many which pay no taxes at all. The rich are paying less than ever.

Get your facts straight, the average American derives just one percent of their income from the stock market. Interest rates are near zero, which means living in part off the interest from savings which millions of seniors did for generations, is no longer possible.

Makes it really easy though for corporations to borrow money at rock bottom rates because of a friendly Fed. Buy back stock, inflate the price, and pay the execs big bonuses, that the average worker in his company will see no part of.

Here are the facts. Somewhere over 90 percent of all the wealth in this country went to the top one one percent during this so called recovery. It was no accident. At the same time some of the largest corporations in the world pay no taxes. Where do you think safe roads come from? Schools? Police? They come from taxes. And when those most able to pay their share decline to do so, somone has to pick up the slack. The poor and middle class are paying more of their income from hard work, than someone who parked some money on Wall Street.

If you make some loot on Wall Street, you shouldnt be taxed at a lower rate than your housekeeper. Its about fairness. You have this Randian "Ive got mine, screw you" philosophy. I guess it works for you. No "Love" in that.

History of the human race is not about fairness.
The strongest, the smartest, the adaptable survives and thrives.
It is no point to go down together. Its silly.
"Greedy Corporations" is another Urban Legend, same as Illuminati or Sion Elders to protect weak minds from accepting reality.
Humans are not perfect and have a long way to go to enlightened state and leaving live in harmony with the World and each other.
But we are getting better. Slowly but surely. With setbacks and with no guaranty of making it.
So only smart thing to do is just enjoy the ride.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
Posts: 41498
Alba Posts: 15
Joined: 7/12/2010
Member: #3186

12/3/2017  8:02 AM
arkrud wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
arkrud wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Rookie wrote:Seems kind of ignorant that you all worship professional athletes but don't connect that they are in the 1% of the income earners in the US. So it's ok to hate on white people who educate themselves and achieve, but if athletes make it to the 1 percentile by dribbling balls, they get a pass because they do something that you all appreciate?

If you can show some evidence that these athletes are using their wealth to promote legislation that increases the gap between rich and poor, shift the burden of taxation onto the backs of those who can least afford it. I would like to see it.

Its not about being rich Rookie. I dont fault anyone for trying to get there. Buts its also about what you do when you get there. Corporations now pay the same share of taxes they did during the Eisnhower administration. Thats how long its been since they had it this good. Why now? Because a few connected billionaires want it, thats why. There used to be a speed brake on capitalism, through regulation. Yes, sometimes the brake was applied too strongly, but the answer isnt to remove the brake altogether. Thats not sound economic policy, its class warfare.

Corporations are a myth.
People who own them are real.
And over the stock market and 401k plans this are millions of owners.
The people who started this companies and have a big chunk of stock are the once who helping people in US and across the world.
They are the once who created innovations and working places across the world.
Taking the concentrated wealth and spreading it around for millions of people so they can have one good dinner is not helping anyone to get anywhere.
US has almost full employment and social net fro everyone. Where it is coming from? Only from wealth we as a nation collected.
The nominal numbers hanged on top 1% is typical liberal propaganda.
It is not about how much $$$ one cost but what he is spending for himself.
Yes - they can spend more but absolute most of the wealth is working to have business rolling, stuff produced, and people given jobs.
One need to be blind to believe this all propagandize crap.
Fortunately most of the people in US are not idiots and do not have the disease of Red Eyes which run Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and other societies into the ground.

You just dont get it. Why do you think we have an almost 2 trillion dollar infrastructure shortfall? Why we cant keep our schools, our public hospitals funded? Why? Because a large part of our GDP goes to a military that is primarily in over 100 countries to make it safe for American corporations to do business, many which pay no taxes at all. The rich are paying less than ever.

Get your facts straight, the average American derives just one percent of their income from the stock market. Interest rates are near zero, which means living in part off the interest from savings which millions of seniors did for generations, is no longer possible.

Makes it really easy though for corporations to borrow money at rock bottom rates because of a friendly Fed. Buy back stock, inflate the price, and pay the execs big bonuses, that the average worker in his company will see no part of.

Here are the facts. Somewhere over 90 percent of all the wealth in this country went to the top one one percent during this so called recovery. It was no accident. At the same time some of the largest corporations in the world pay no taxes. Where do you think safe roads come from? Schools? Police? They come from taxes. And when those most able to pay their share decline to do so, somone has to pick up the slack. The poor and middle class are paying more of their income from hard work, than someone who parked some money on Wall Street.

If you make some loot on Wall Street, you shouldnt be taxed at a lower rate than your housekeeper. Its about fairness. You have this Randian "Ive got mine, screw you" philosophy. I guess it works for you. No "Love" in that.

History of the human race is not about fairness.
The strongest, the smartest, the adaptable survives and thrives.
It is no point to go down together. Its silly.
"Greedy Corporations" is another Urban Legend, same as Illuminati or Sion Elders to protect weak minds from accepting reality.
Humans are not perfect and have a long way to go to enlightened state and leaving live in harmony with the World and each other.
But we are getting better. Slowly but surely. With setbacks and with no guaranty of making it.
So only smart thing to do is just enjoy the ride.

You always seem to find just the right philosophy that allows you not to give two ****s about anyone or anything, but yourself.

"Corporations are people", is that it?. Because they make money for people? So does a vending machine, but I dont hear anyone clamoring to give them rights just yet.

They warned us about the dangers of corporate power more than 200 years ago. Only to have enablers like yourself pretend like they dont exist. Tell Americans that a company that rakes in billions, pays no taxes, while their roads crumble, schools close, hospitals close, that they dont exist.

Many large corporations exist only for the benefit of their top executives and shareholders. That wasn't always the case. I cant count how many times you have brought up the Holocaust on this board as a response to someone bringing up an example of suffering in the world.

What you are doing is no different than Holocaust denial. Dont want to face a problem? Pretend like it doesnt exist.

Posts: 20179
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Member: #7589

12/3/2017  8:55 AM
I'm not american, I'm european middle class but the issue is the same amongst all western countries. It's a world thing. Here in France there is more outrage at people cheating the various governments aid funds (estd loss 2014 €1.5 billion) than there is for tax evasion (estd loss 60 to 80 billion euros).

Meanwhile, we live in a world like this

I don't see how this is sustainable in the long run.

Posts: 58654
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Member: #581
12/3/2017  9:01 AM
knicks1248 wrote:You have to cheat, lie, and manipulate to get ahead of the curve in america. Why would this sht surprise anyone

Electronic voting machined without a paper trail, an outdated electoral college, PEDs to break the HR record, loopholes so Mr. Trump doesn't have to pay taxes.
Posts: 41498
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Member: #3186

12/3/2017  10:14 AM
When I see big Pharma market Opiods like Chiclets. For everything under the sun, like heroine was in the 19th century. When it became clear that these drugs (which are considered by the govt to be less dangerous than pot) was being abused, and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Law enforcement identified some pharmacies who were selling enough opiods for entire countries, let alone counties. Big Pharma lobbied to tie the hands of law enforcement, so they couldn't go after the bad actors.

What did this mean? It meant that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people died who could have been saved, because they made these very powerful an addictive drugs so easy to get. Just to make a few more bucks.

This is just one industry in one country. Magnify the problem of this type of greed across other industries, worldwide, and you see a philosophy that is causing a great deal of needless suffering in this world.

Ive never bought into a Walt Disney like image of corporate Anerica growing up, maybe because I grew up in NYC. But I respected it, because I believed they offered as much to the country, the world, as they took for themselves.

Although it worked out better for the United States because we were lucky enough to be the last industrial power standing after WWII.

From making great products, the way they treated their customers, the bottom line is all that matters anymore to them. Im all for capitalism, but not what it has devolved into. Thats what regulations are for. To keep this type of philosophy from breaking the compact between business and govt. When big business goes to great lengths to avoid paying taxes, the infrastructure that supports their profits decays. What do they do? Move factories to other countries. Its a race to the bottom now.

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Member: #31
12/3/2017  10:24 AM
Now that this new tax bill has been passed, and gives businesses so much more money, there should be an uprising of the people to ask for a much higher minimum wage. Say about $20 per hour....
The Old Man of UK...
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12/3/2017  11:13 AM
nixluva wrote:Reading some of these posts it’s clear to me that there are some who don’t appreciate the way this country built the worlds largest Middle Class and the success that gave this country only to see it whittled away over the decades by a very few of this country’s richest and most powerful.

None of this imbalance was an accident. The gap in CEO to Employee pay has grown exponentially and they worked hard to rig things so this would happen. We’re LITERALLY witnessing a massive example of this right now!!!

I think they do understand Nix, its just that they don't care. Or in many cases they are in full support. Most importantly they can't admit to being wrong. But if they did, there wouldn't be any republican voters left. It's the most incredible irony that people knowingly and with full understanding vote against basic self preservation, because they have subscribed to a belief system and are too obstinate to accept that they are wrong. For republican voters to be rational, they would have to accept that all the straight up garbage they have been spewing for years is just that. Chances of that happening is lees than zero. What person likes to admit they have been wrong about what is and isn't real? As long as the GOP keeps up the dog and pony show, their voters can justify willfully suspending reality and grabbing on to that last morsel of fake news that makes them feel good about their belief system. It's a disease.

I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only try to make them think - Socrates
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12/3/2017  12:44 PM
GustavBahler wrote:When I see big Pharma market Opiods like Chiclets. For everything under the sun, like heroine was in the 19th century. When it became clear that these drugs (which are considered by the govt to be less dangerous than pot) was being abused, and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Law enforcement identified some pharmacies who were selling enough opiods for entire countries, let alone counties. Big Pharma lobbied to tie the hands of law enforcement, so they couldn't go after the bad actors.

What did this mean? It meant that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people died who could have been saved, because they made these very powerful an addictive drugs so easy to get. Just to make a few more bucks.

This is just one industry in one country. Magnify the problem of this type of greed across other industries, worldwide, and you see a philosophy that is causing a great deal of needless suffering in this world.

Ive never bought into a Walt Disney like image of corporate Anerica growing up, maybe because I grew up in NYC. But I respected it, because I believed they offered as much to the country, the world, as they took for themselves.

Although it worked out better for the United States because we were lucky enough to be the last industrial power standing after WWII.

From making great products, the way they treated their customers, the bottom line is all that matters anymore to them. Im all for capitalism, but not what it has devolved into. Thats what regulations are for. To keep this type of philosophy from breaking the compact between business and govt. When big business goes to great lengths to avoid paying taxes, the infrastructure that supports their profits decays. What do they do? Move factories to other countries. Its a race to the bottom now.

GREAT POST! I wish this wasn’t true but it’s 100% the TRUTH!!!

You mentioned Infrastructure and nowhere is it more evident how the last 40 some odd years there’s been a concerted effort to disinvest in the framework of this country. They’ve hollowed out the core of this country and made it weak and far behind the rest of the top countries in the world. To this very day there’s been nothing done to improve this country’s infrastructure. Now we’re so far behind it may be impossible to catch up in our lifetimes. They’ve literally BLOCKED any legislation that would increase investment in infrastructure, education or increase salaries!!! This has been intentional CRAVEN GREED!!!

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12/3/2017  1:29 PM
nixluva wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:When I see big Pharma market Opiods like Chiclets. For everything under the sun, like heroine was in the 19th century. When it became clear that these drugs (which are considered by the govt to be less dangerous than pot) was being abused, and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Law enforcement identified some pharmacies who were selling enough opiods for entire countries, let alone counties. Big Pharma lobbied to tie the hands of law enforcement, so they couldn't go after the bad actors.

What did this mean? It meant that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people died who could have been saved, because they made these very powerful an addictive drugs so easy to get. Just to make a few more bucks.

This is just one industry in one country. Magnify the problem of this type of greed across other industries, worldwide, and you see a philosophy that is causing a great deal of needless suffering in this world.

Ive never bought into a Walt Disney like image of corporate Anerica growing up, maybe because I grew up in NYC. But I respected it, because I believed they offered as much to the country, the world, as they took for themselves.

Although it worked out better for the United States because we were lucky enough to be the last industrial power standing after WWII.

From making great products, the way they treated their customers, the bottom line is all that matters anymore to them. Im all for capitalism, but not what it has devolved into. Thats what regulations are for. To keep this type of philosophy from breaking the compact between business and govt. When big business goes to great lengths to avoid paying taxes, the infrastructure that supports their profits decays. What do they do? Move factories to other countries. Its a race to the bottom now.

GREAT POST! I wish this wasn’t true but it’s 100% the TRUTH!!!

You mentioned Infrastructure and nowhere is it more evident how the last 40 some odd years there’s been a concerted effort to disinvest in the framework of this country. They’ve hollowed out the core of this country and made it weak and far behind the rest of the top countries in the world. To this very day there’s been nothing done to improve this country’s infrastructure. Now we’re so far behind it may be impossible to catch up in our lifetimes. They’ve literally BLOCKED any legislation that would increase investment in infrastructure, education or increase salaries!!! This has been intentional CRAVEN GREED!!!

Less educated people equals more votes for the GOP. Less salaries means more distrust of dems and worse infrastructure means valid excuse to outsource. Ours a triple whammy that was planned and well executed. The GOP can do this because they are disciplined and act like a monolithic block in their own self interest. Dems are weak and waste time squabbling among themselves.

I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only try to make them think - Socrates
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12/3/2017  1:48 PM
arkrud wrote:History of the human race is not about fairness.
The strongest, the smartest, the adaptable survives and thrives.
It is no point to go down together. Its silly.
"Greedy Corporations" is another Urban Legend, same as Illuminati or Sion Elders to protect weak minds from accepting reality.
Humans are not perfect and have a long way to go to enlightened state and leaving live in harmony with the World and each other.
But we are getting better. Slowly but surely. With setbacks and with no guaranty of making it.
So only smart thing to do is just enjoy the ride.

arkrud, do you have anything to add to this thread besides the above mumbo-jumbo? If not, please stick to Knicks. Thanks

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OT: The American middle class just got their goose cooked

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