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Off Topic: six months later, do people who voted for Trump still support this guy?
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7/22/2017  12:19 PM
Knickoftime wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
mlby1215 wrote: Let me bring this a little bit "on topic".

One thing Trump has done right is that he never backed down before media. If he bent his knee and asked for forgiveness, would the media forgive him? Those people didn't vote for him still won't, and those people supporting him still would. It is not about making your enemies loving you, it is about making your supporters staying with you. (so it is a bad move about Sessions)

Going back Knicks and Phil. Did killing Phil accomplish anything? FA still did not come. Those people didn't come because Phil still would not come (unless vastly overpaid) because we are weak. If Phil were here, he still would attract "some" guys who respected him. A team only has 17 slots, why should a leader look to be loved by everyone? He only has to have 17 good players willing to work here. It is not beauty contest. Looking for acceptance clouds our fans a lot. Many of us really wants to join the "mass". We want to join the party. So we want to do everything people say we should do. Inside, we are very insecure.

Good post. The bottom line is that there is no fresh air to run to. Trump is the only game in town. The hate-mongers trying to destroy Trump and everyone around him offer absolutely zero reason to believe they would do a better job.

What Trump is doing in an unintuitive way is exposing the last thirty years for what they've been - an exercise in self-deception. For anyone to be able to walk into the presidency and dismantle every social program this country *assumes* its entitled to is a wake-up call and a necessary one.

Trump is not responsible for runaway healthcare costs. He's not responsible for overflowing prisons. He's not responsible for shoot-to-kill policing. He's not responsible for ****ty public schools. And there's more.

All of these are bad systems but all of them have become vested interests and political special interests. The "non-profit" hospitals whose administrators make 6 and 7 digit paychecks hate Trump. The guards who make nice livings working at prisons hate Trump. The cops don't want accountability. The public schools that are big business and have nothing to do with kids learning don't want accountability. The list is long.

What Trump is doing is forcing the public to care about the things they care about most and stand up for them or lose them. The bull**** issues dissolve into dust compared to health, common good, and making a living. Political correctness is dead like a vampire but thankfully at least dead for a while.

Trump or someone worse will be around for eight years because there is no alternative. Pop some popcorn.

The issue here is you're conflating a radical worldview (which I am neither criticizing or addressing) with Trump, who really plays no role in what you're referring to.

I think someone of us, even if we don't share your views, don't understand why you wouldn't want a more committed, more capable, less embarrassing leader/spokesperson/symbol of this POV.

He has done nothing about healthcare but sit back and wait for Congress to send him something ... anything that he can call a defeat of the ACA. He has shown no actual engagement in the issue. He has done nothing about crime or education, taxes or infastructure.

What you describe is him being a caught-up as an idiot bystander, and that's good and fine, just don't know what you wouldn't prefer an effective advocate.

Not sure what you think I'm conflating - not arguing here - truly confused.

I would love a more platitudinal spokesperson but unfortunately this country has devolved into an attack dog conversation with each other. The Ideas don't matter - destroying the person with an opposing viewpoint does. That's why Trump is so popular - because he's rich enough not to give a sh@t.

But YOU seem to care. Why wouldn't you aspire to have the leader you profess you'd love?

And because you ignore what he has done for the media manufactured, tempest in a teapot, you believe he's an idiot because the other American pasttime has become calling the other names.

I can't ignore what I don't know. What has he done?

I didn't call him a name. I described/reworded what it read to me YOU were describing him - "unintuitive way".

You cannot reasonably on one hand criticize the discourse but on the other tell me what I think and why I think it.

So far he hasn't become Hitler.

He hasn't been impeached before 100 days in office.


He hasn't committed treason.

That we're currently aware of.

He's not evil. And so on, and so on, and so on... - all of these claims being routinely treated as newsworthy by CNN.

At some people you and the others who have made similar comments have to realize railing against a media outlet you don't happen to like has nothing to do with the capacity and job performance of the President of the United States.

My impression of the MSM and the national Democrats was galvanized before the election when ALL the Republican candidates were treated like sub-human morons. As a Liberal and as a Democrat I was and continue to be appalled. Hillary was even bold enough to dignify it - the deplorables - voters beneath her dignity.

My deceased father was a Democrat who was a lifelong factory worker and I'm a lifelong Democrat - the unholy Obama/Hillary hubris exposed the Democrats in States where Hillary was TROUNCED by Sanders. Liberals who supported Sanders were given the same treatment the deplorables were given - no words needed to be spoken.

The media you love so much hate Trump and his administration because they are not family like most Washington administrations are. Scratch the surface of your "objective" journalist and you'll find incestuous relations between them and a politician or government bureaucrat. Who is Andrea Mitchell married to? Thomas Friedman? Keep looking. Money and power are what's driving Trump critics - they want it back.

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7/22/2017  12:23 PM
MaTT4281 wrote:I lean liberal on most issues (certainly the social issues, a little wiggle room economically). Chances conservatives and I will find common ground are slim. But the issues with Trump are not just left vs. right. The man has been a disgrace and most of that has nothing to do with policy.

As Kot just wrote, Clinton is not going to be in office regardless of what happens to Donald. We don't need to drag everything down to "...but Hillary." The man is the ****ing president right now and should be able to be judged without a cop out.

Can we agree that the scandal and drama surrounding this administration is off the charts? Can we agree the man has been the most thinned skin president in our life times and needs to shut the **** up on Twitter?

Impeachment leaves us with President Pence. I guarantee you I will fundamentally disagree with most of his policies, but at least we would have a ****ing adult in the highest office in the nation.

The Trump scandal is a cover for the scandal that isn't being covered. That is how the Democratic party has been corrupted during the Obama administration to allow a Hillary Clinton to be nominated. And no one asks what the Russians had on her only that Trump's son was duped into wanting to know.

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7/22/2017  12:29 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/22/2017  12:36 PM
misterearl wrote:Pardon Me

"After six months on the job, the President is wondering if he can pardon himself and his family members. Anyone tired of winning yet?" - Brian Klass

You are being played. Trump has done nothing of the sort. The Washington Post's yellow journalism threw this innuendo in to smear Trump. They knew and admit that any lawyer worth his salt would examine all alternatives and consequences. So they baited an unknown source into admitting that pardons (unlikely as they are) would be an option. The Post had no problem with letting that spin negatively about Trump.

Here's proof (ignore the brief intro);

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7/22/2017  12:36 PM
For conservatives this was always a lose lose. You either elect trump who is marginally better ideology wise than Hillary, but his gross incompetence likely harms the Republican Party a lot or you get Hillary for 4 years with hopes of preserving the Republican Party for a true conservative to take over.
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7/22/2017  12:40 PM
Trump spent 5 years spreading a fake news story about President Obama's birth certificate based on phony unnamed sources in Hawaii.

Trump voters, the born-again Confederates, will forever support what trump represents. The validation of white supremacy, no matter the incompetence or mendacity. No matter the hypocrisy or family plunder of taxpayer money.

MAGA was the dog whistle they yearned for as Fox News provided the megaphone. It ain't that deep.

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7/22/2017  12:54 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/22/2017  1:00 PM
misterearl wrote:Trump voters can't decide what they love more - being alive or racism.

Here you go... the incarceration problem (racist as it gets) is the consequence of the Clinton administration's policy reforms;

Oh, let me add that the shoot-to-kill policies also originate with the Clinton administration (Janet Reno). But go on, please do continue lecturing about racism.

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7/22/2017  1:14 PM
fwk00 wrote:
MaTT4281 wrote:I lean liberal on most issues (certainly the social issues, a little wiggle room economically). Chances conservatives and I will find common ground are slim. But the issues with Trump are not just left vs. right. The man has been a disgrace and most of that has nothing to do with policy.

As Kot just wrote, Clinton is not going to be in office regardless of what happens to Donald. We don't need to drag everything down to "...but Hillary." The man is the ****ing president right now and should be able to be judged without a cop out.

Can we agree that the scandal and drama surrounding this administration is off the charts? Can we agree the man has been the most thinned skin president in our life times and needs to shut the **** up on Twitter?

Impeachment leaves us with President Pence. I guarantee you I will fundamentally disagree with most of his policies, but at least we would have a ****ing adult in the highest office in the nation.

The Trump scandal is a cover for the scandal that isn't being covered. That is how the Democratic party has been corrupted during the Obama administration to allow a Hillary Clinton to be nominated. And no one asks what the Russians had on her only that Trump's son was duped into wanting to know.

I'm a Bernie guy, never liked Hilary- I get the anger at the elites, the MSM, the democratic party machine. What I don't get is then going on to support Trump, who takes everything I dislike about those (corruption, dishonesty, etc) and cranks it up to 12. He is an absolute liar and a crook. He's a sexual abuser and a bully. He's a lousy human being. He'll screw over poor people to get him and his friends richer.

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7/22/2017  1:23 PM
fwk00 wrote:
MaTT4281 wrote:I lean liberal on most issues (certainly the social issues, a little wiggle room economically). Chances conservatives and I will find common ground are slim. But the issues with Trump are not just left vs. right. The man has been a disgrace and most of that has nothing to do with policy.

As Kot just wrote, Clinton is not going to be in office regardless of what happens to Donald. We don't need to drag everything down to "...but Hillary." The man is the ****ing president right now and should be able to be judged without a cop out.

Can we agree that the scandal and drama surrounding this administration is off the charts? Can we agree the man has been the most thinned skin president in our life times and needs to shut the **** up on Twitter?

Impeachment leaves us with President Pence. I guarantee you I will fundamentally disagree with most of his policies, but at least we would have a ****ing adult in the highest office in the nation.

The Trump scandal is a cover for the scandal that isn't being covered. That is how the Democratic party has been corrupted during the Obama administration to allow a Hillary Clinton to be nominated. And no one asks what the Russians had on her only that Trump's son was duped into wanting to know.

I thought the Hillary nomination was her deal to stand by her man when Bill was having all of his troubles while president

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7/22/2017  1:37 PM
FwkOO - you apparently have a difficulty with simple comprehension of certain uncomfortable truths.

1. Trump voters hate Obamacare but like The Affordable Care Act. Why? Because the former is associated as being the signature policy of a Black POTUS, which angered them from day one. They are too ignorant to understand that both policies are one and the same.

2. Trump voters could care less that Russia invaded the US election. It does not matter. Where are all those so-called patriots who chant, "USA... USA... USA...!"? This is like a Scooby Doo episode where none of the bad guys wear disguises and basically tell you up front, Yeah, we did it.

3. Trump voters believe trump is their savior. Nope. Coal mining jobs are NOT coming back. Sadly, trump's is a message millions of (white) American men wanted to hear: that thru Trump they could restore their dominance over a changing world.

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7/22/2017  1:38 PM
smackeddog wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
MaTT4281 wrote:I lean liberal on most issues (certainly the social issues, a little wiggle room economically). Chances conservatives and I will find common ground are slim. But the issues with Trump are not just left vs. right. The man has been a disgrace and most of that has nothing to do with policy.

As Kot just wrote, Clinton is not going to be in office regardless of what happens to Donald. We don't need to drag everything down to "...but Hillary." The man is the ****ing president right now and should be able to be judged without a cop out.

Can we agree that the scandal and drama surrounding this administration is off the charts? Can we agree the man has been the most thinned skin president in our life times and needs to shut the **** up on Twitter?

Impeachment leaves us with President Pence. I guarantee you I will fundamentally disagree with most of his policies, but at least we would have a ****ing adult in the highest office in the nation.

The Trump scandal is a cover for the scandal that isn't being covered. That is how the Democratic party has been corrupted during the Obama administration to allow a Hillary Clinton to be nominated. And no one asks what the Russians had on her only that Trump's son was duped into wanting to know.

I'm a Bernie guy, never liked Hilary- I get the anger at the elites, the MSM, the democratic party machine. What I don't get is then going on to support Trump, who takes everything I dislike about those (corruption, dishonesty, etc) and cranks it up to 12. He is an absolute liar and a crook. He's a sexual abuser and a bully. He's a lousy human being. He'll screw over poor people to get him and his friends richer.

Look, I'm a Liberal (not the bull**** democrats calling themselves liberals - a Liberal who fought for civil rights, free speech and so on ALL MY LIFE). The Democrats starting with Obama ripped my heart out. Obama ran on and promised change (and the promises were liberal promises) AFTER DECADES of waiting for a liberal and change to happen. He turned out to be a fraud.

What should have been single-payer became a cleverly-disguised, unsustainable ACA whose costs wouldn't reach breaking point until he was out of office. Torture continues. Endless war continues. The absence of an illegal immigrant policy festers, the education system bleeds money and unemployable test-takers. The list is long and painful.

The Democrats have **** on Liberals for decades and cranked it up to 12. You have to be a moron to stick around. They believe they have us by the balls and that we're F'd without them.

Trump is an easy switch. You can hate him all you like. HE AIN'T THE PROBLEM but keep pretending he is - that will solve everything.

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7/22/2017  1:39 PM
Rookie wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
MaTT4281 wrote:I lean liberal on most issues (certainly the social issues, a little wiggle room economically). Chances conservatives and I will find common ground are slim. But the issues with Trump are not just left vs. right. The man has been a disgrace and most of that has nothing to do with policy.

As Kot just wrote, Clinton is not going to be in office regardless of what happens to Donald. We don't need to drag everything down to "...but Hillary." The man is the ****ing president right now and should be able to be judged without a cop out.

Can we agree that the scandal and drama surrounding this administration is off the charts? Can we agree the man has been the most thinned skin president in our life times and needs to shut the **** up on Twitter?

Impeachment leaves us with President Pence. I guarantee you I will fundamentally disagree with most of his policies, but at least we would have a ****ing adult in the highest office in the nation.

The Trump scandal is a cover for the scandal that isn't being covered. That is how the Democratic party has been corrupted during the Obama administration to allow a Hillary Clinton to be nominated. And no one asks what the Russians had on her only that Trump's son was duped into wanting to know.

I thought the Hillary nomination was her deal to stand by her man when Bill was having all of his troubles while president

Who coronated her?

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7/22/2017  1:48 PM
mlby1215 wrote:
blkexec wrote:
izybx wrote:
blkexec wrote:
matt wrote:I couldn't believe how any logical/compassionate people supported him in the first place, so it doesn't surprise me that people still do.

Trump removed the blanket, and exposed the dirty laundry. As you can see from Knick fans, there are still Trump supporters out there. It's like this man cant do no wrong, even when he does wrong.

If he was any other race, he wouldn't even be a politician!

We've come a long way....And made some great strides. Trump as president makes you realize we still have a lot to clean up in America.

What does race have to do with it? I'm Puerto Rican, but I voted for Trump because he's white? Or because I really want to be a white supremacist or something (what is the exposed dirty laundry?)

I'm tired of the race baiting, last I checked I was American before I was a Puerto Rican, or a Bronx native, or anything else. We talking politics, insinuating something is racial is a tactic of someone who has nothing to debate

If u don't believe this country was built on racism....or your Puerto Rican ancestors were once slaves, then u have some history to read. The point I was making was not necessarily all about race......But it always plays a part. Racism is in the soil and that dirt ain't going no where. And that's ok.....Its called history. But every once in a while it comes out the dirt. That's my belief.....But again, it's not that simple as race. Trump is also a celebrity just like O.J. They live by different rules than most people. It's not as black and white as it used to be......Take the celeberty tatus away from Trump or OJ....and u get a different outcome. That's all I was saying. Voting for Trump sounds like a personal problem and personally I don't care or asked. it's a free world. But I am curious to hear from the Trumpets.....

It is not that hard to understand. If you disliked Clinton more, you voted Trump. If you asked why the same people still support him, it is also very easy to understand. Do you have someone else to take it over? Do we have another George Washington waiting at the sideline? It is like Rick Grimes and his walking dead world. I don't think he is a very good leader. He is too violent to my taste. But in the world of many zombies and crazy dudes, do people have choice?

What Trump has done bad is fully expected by his people. If they looked for a leader for the right and good of human civilization, they would not vote him. They just want someone who would fight and kill for America. You could argue that our world actually are not full of zombies and insane guys. I would not say you are wrong, but I think it is enough for you to understand why the thinking are different for both sides.

And exactly why do we need someone to fight and kill for us? A large swathe of Americans are just obsessed with power and violence. They think bullying other people somehow shows strength, so they elected the biggest most insecure school yard bully to President. So now we can conveniently ignore real pressing problems while he bullies the media and corporate America. Because THAT will somehow improved our standard of living.

You ask if people are automatically Stupid if they support Trump, There is no sane rational reason to support this parasite other than a straight up power grab. Only the ones who support him as a means to acquire power have a reason to do so. For everyone else the answer is FUKK YES.

I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only try to make them think - Socrates
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7/22/2017  1:50 PM
misterearl wrote:FwkOO - you apparently have a difficulty with simple comprehension of certain uncomfortable truths.

1. Trump voters hate Obamacare but like The Affordable Care Act. Why? Because the former is associated as being the signature policy of a Black POTUS, which angered them from day one. They are too ignorant to understand that both policies are one and the same.

2. Trump voters could care less that Russia invaded the US election. It does not matter. Where are all those so-called patriots who chant, "USA... USA... USA...!"? This is like a Scooby Doo episode where none of the bad guys wear disguises and basically tell you up front, Yeah, we did it.

3. Trump voters believe trump is their savior. Nope. Coal mining jobs are NOT coming back. Sadly, trump's is a message millions of (white) American men wanted to hear: that thru Trump they could restore their dominance over a changing world.

Wrap your head around this;

1.) The Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has no cost controls. Obama being white and black is of no consequence. None. Its a program that was a political gimick and is collapsing under its own weight. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/26/upshot/rising-obamacare-rates-what-you-need-to-know.html

2.) Russia did no such thing. Its a mind-game. Russia, China, and every country with a computer has somebody hacking us and each other. Attacking Trump and his family on this crap is political folly but sells MSM ads. A hopeless but profitable stupid loop.

What they "did" are paper-cut offenses that are costing taxpayers tens of millions. Democrats having fun poking Trump.

3.) Demonizing white guys is a bad idea and mighty racist of you and anyone else engaging in the slander. The world is not dominated by whites but by the opportunists. I'm not one of them.

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7/22/2017  2:08 PM
You can't make everyone see the world through your eyes. Everyone is entitled to their own view based on their own person experience. In that regard, everyones opinion is correct, for them personally and probably thier small geographic area.
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7/22/2017  2:17 PM
Rookie wrote:You can't make everyone see the world through your eyes. Everyone is entitled to their own view based on their own person experience. In that regard, everyones opinion is correct, for them personally and probably thier small geographic area.

Everyone's opinion is opinion. And opinions are like a-holes - everybody's got one.

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7/22/2017  2:38 PM
fwk00 wrote:
Rookie wrote:You can't make everyone see the world through your eyes. Everyone is entitled to their own view based on their own person experience. In that regard, everyones opinion is correct, for them personally and probably thier small geographic area.

Everyone's opinion is opinion. And opinions are like a-holes - everybody's got one.

So does every internet message board

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7/22/2017  4:58 PM
Rookie wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
Rookie wrote:You can't make everyone see the world through your eyes. Everyone is entitled to their own view based on their own person experience. In that regard, everyones opinion is correct, for them personally and probably thier small geographic area.

Everyone's opinion is opinion. And opinions are like a-holes - everybody's got one.

So does every internet message board

And you're just the rookie version

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7/22/2017  5:14 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/22/2017  5:14 PM
fwk00 wrote:3.) Demonizing white guys is a bad idea and mighty racist of you and anyone else engaging in the slander. The world is not dominated by whites but by the opportunists. I'm not one of them.

your parents or grandparents were around when blacks could not vote or had to go to segregated schools. not enough time has passed by for there to be actual racism against whites. it's an argument/defense that carries no weight as far as i'm concerned. it shows an absolute lack of understanding of world history.

and speaking of time...we took a huge step forward electing obama as president. but the day he took office, one party unified to make sure he would not be successful. this type of unification against a democratic president did not happen under clinton or carter. why did it under obama?

8 years later, this country elects the most divisive rich, corrupt, sexist and racist white guy that's ever ran for president. this is not some deep sh t here - it's pretty clear as day.

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7/22/2017  5:25 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/22/2017  5:27 PM
Rookie wrote:You can't make everyone see the world through your eyes. Everyone is entitled to their own view based on their own person experience. In that regard, everyones opinion is correct, for them personally and probably their small geographic area.

this isn't about opinion - this isn't about breaking down policies.

this is about electing a person that represents the opposite of what this country is supposed to mean. mind you, clinton still had 3 mil more votes but there's enough people that voted for trump to show that many people in this country are not critical thinkers. his voters are not thinking about the best for unifying this country b/c his entire platform was one of division. his voters are not thinking about international relations. he was able to connect to his voters in an emotional way. obama doesn't care about you - that's what they heard and believed.

and let's be clear here - his message was simple - america first...but his america is much different than what america is supposed to stand for. and he got his folks to believe that. shoot a guy still get their vote. amazing. that was an insult to his voters but they couldn't see it.

he declined to speak to the naacp again - why do something to try and show unity in this country when it would piss off 1/2 your base? this is just a terrible individual with no redeeming qualities. you can hate hillary all you want (and really, bringing her up all the f'ing time has no bearing anymore) but at the end of the day, she did spend her life fighting for women and children regardless of everything else. trump has not done one thing for the greater good his entire life.

gop: "healthcare is not a right!" of course it's not...if you don't give 2 sh ts about your citizens.

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7/22/2017  5:43 PM
misterearl wrote:Trump spent 5 years spreading a fake news story about President Obama's birth certificate based on phony unnamed sources in Hawaii.

Trump voters, the born-again Confederates, will forever support what trump represents. The validation of white supremacy, no matter the incompetence or mendacity. No matter the hypocrisy or family plunder of taxpayer money.

MAGA was the dog whistle they yearned for as Fox News provided the megaphone. It ain't that deep.

the birth certificate nonsense was the most outright racist thing i've seen in politics during my lifetime.

Off Topic: six months later, do people who voted for Trump still support this guy?

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