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OT: Melo Steps Forward
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7/21/2016  6:48 PM
meloanyk wrote:
WaltLongmire wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:

Was just reading the article. Some scary stuff...fits with his offer to give Kasich a lot of power as a VP.

For research, he planned to interview Trump on a series of Saturday mornings. The first session didn’t go as planned, however. After Trump gave him a tour of his marble-and-gilt apartment atop Trump Tower—which, to Schwartz, looked unlived-in, like the lobby of a hotel—they began to talk. But the discussion was soon hobbled by what Schwartz regards as one of Trump’s most essential characteristics: “He has no attention span.”

In those days, Schwartz recalls, Trump was generally affable with reporters, offering short, amusingly immodest quotes on demand. Trump had been forthcoming with him during the New York interview, but it hadn’t required much time or deep reflection. For the book, though, Trump needed to provide him with sustained, thoughtful recollections. He asked Trump to describe his childhood in detail. After sitting for only a few minutes in his suit and tie, Trump became impatient and irritable. He looked fidgety, Schwartz recalls, “like a kindergartner who can’t sit still in a classroom.” Even when Schwartz pressed him, Trump seemed to remember almost nothing of his youth, and made it clear that he was bored. Far more quickly than Schwartz had expected, Trump ended the meeting.

Week after week, the pattern repeated itself. Schwartz tried to limit the sessions to smaller increments of time, but Trump’s contributions remained oddly truncated and superficial.

“Trump has been written about a thousand ways from Sunday, but this fundamental aspect of who he is doesn’t seem to be fully understood,” Schwartz told me. “It’s implicit in a lot of what people write, but it’s never explicit—or, at least, I haven’t seen it. And that is that it’s impossible to keep him focussed on any topic, other than his own self-aggrandizement, for more than a few minutes, and even then . . . ” Schwartz trailed off, shaking his head in amazement. He regards Trump’s inability to concentrate as alarming in a Presidential candidate. “If he had to be briefed on a crisis in the Situation Room, it’s impossible to imagine him paying attention over a long period of time,” he said.

Schwartz believes that Trump’s short attention span has left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.” He said, “That’s why he so prefers TV as his first news source—information comes in easily digestible sound bites.” He added, “I seriously doubt that Trump has ever read a book straight through in his adult life.” During the eighteen months that he observed Trump, Schwartz said, he never saw a book on Trump’s desk, or elsewhere in his office, or in his apartment.

Other journalists have noticed Trump’s apparent lack of interest in reading. In May, Megyn Kelly, of Fox News, asked him to name his favorite book, other than the Bible or “The Art of the Deal.” Trump picked the 1929 novel “All Quiet on the Western Front.” Evidently suspecting that many years had elapsed since he’d read it, Kelly asked Trump to talk about the most recent book he’d read. “I read passages, I read areas, I’ll read chapters—I don’t have the time,” Trump said. As The New Republic noted recently, this attitude is not shared by most U.S. Presidents, including Barack Obama, a habitual consumer of current books, and George W. Bush, who reportedly engaged in a fiercely competitive book-reading contest with his political adviser Karl Rove.

This year, Schwartz has heard some argue that there must be a more thoughtful and nuanced version of Donald Trump that he is keeping in reserve for after the campaign. “There isn’t,” Schwartz insists. “There is no private Trump.” This is not a matter of hindsight. While working on “The Art of the Deal,” Schwartz kept a journal in which he expressed his amazement at Trump’s personality, writing that Trump seemed driven entirely by a need for public attention. “All he is is ‘stomp, stomp, stomp’—recognition from outside, bigger, more, a whole series of things that go nowhere in particular,” he observed, on October 21, 1986. But, as he noted in the journal a few days later, “the book will be far more successful if Trump is a sympathetic character—even weirdly sympathetic—than if he is just hateful or, worse yet, a one-dimensional blowhard.”

Schwartz reminded himself that he was being paid to tell Trump’s story, not his own, but the more he worked on the project the more disturbing he found it. In his journal, he describes the hours he spent with Trump as “draining” and “deadening.” Schwartz told me that Trump’s need for attention is “completely compulsive,” and that his bid for the Presidency is part of a continuum. “He’s managed to keep increasing the dose for forty years,” Schwartz said. After he’d spent decades as a tabloid titan, “the only thing left was running for President. If he could run for emperor of the world, he would.

Inattentive, fidgety, easily distracted, difficulty with books? Sounds like he has A.D.D , links to some of the most creative, intelligent and successful people. The narcissism? Problably pathological due to upbringing and accomplishment

I think over the next few months what's important is people begin to distinguish between garden variety egotism, which by necessity, ALL Presidents have (you can't want that crappy job without a healthy dose of it) and narcissism, which most troubling in the circumstances involves an inability to empathize with others, which may be the #1 requirement for the job.

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7/21/2016  7:11 PM
arkrud wrote:
holfresh wrote:
GoNyGoNyGo wrote:
WaltLongmire wrote:
Cartman718 wrote:Meanwhile in Dwayne Wade's old town and still prehistoric raptor Bosh's current town...

Yeah...saw this. F'n unbelievable. I just don't understand the mindset of some people.

That image of him on the ground with his hands up before being shot is going to be all over the nation and world.

CashMoney...where are you. You're an officer...what would you do in that situation?

I was the Head Dean in my HS for a number of years, and I worked with cops all the time, and considered some my friends. I am not anti-police, and always point out that I wouldn't want to be living in a society without them, BUT this is simply getting out of hand.

This story is insane. You would think officers would err on the side of NOT shooting a guy with hands up and back on the ground, Yes even with cops being attacked the last 2 weeks. This is incredible. The officer should lose his gun and be suspended and re-trained.

But when people protest the police for such actions, they get shouted down as an attack on the police..Over 100 unarmed African Americans were killed by police last year..With almost no repercussion..I think one officer out of 100 had to spend a year in jail on weekends...

I guess as officers are armed killing them is always justified.

Thats a thing you guys have to work out on your own..I'm not even going to try argue/defend some outreagoues correlation that you and Guiliani have imagined...Thoughtout the history of this nation, people have conducted peaceful protest in response injustices to an under represented group..

The idea that you want to blame the protesters or people who sympathizes with those being killed is a complete outrage...It's amazing you are able overlook that actual video murders being posted online as a possible catalyst...That is what is spurring the outrage..But your narrow minded point of view have told you otherwise..Look up some 60s civil rights protest to understand what these protestors are trying to accomplish..

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7/21/2016  7:17 PM
One of the most humorous aspects of these Pub conventions is watching older white people like myself try to dance
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7/21/2016  7:19 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/21/2016  7:22 PM
Cartman718 wrote:Meanwhile in Dwayne Wade's old town and still prehistoric raptor Bosh's current town...

The official statement of the Miami police union is that the officer was trying to shoot the white austitic young man but missed and hit the black guy with his hands up...

They must have mis-handcuffed the wrong guy too...

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7/21/2016  7:48 PM
holfresh wrote:
Cartman718 wrote:Meanwhile in Dwayne Wade's old town and still prehistoric raptor Bosh's current town...

The official statement of the Miami police union is that the officer was trying to shoot the white austitic young man but missed and hit the black guy with his hands up...

They must have mis-handcuffed the wrong guy too...

That is plausible given how their bodies were situated to each other but doesn't explain how he was treated afterward . Ill venture that the next explanation will be that they couldn't hear what he was saying about the patient being autistic or toy truck and thought his life was being endangered by him given the call about someone having a gun and being suicidal. I would assume that the police had binoculars or magnifiers on their rifles and could have seen that he didnt have a weapon so that story be shady or police be very shoddy

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7/21/2016  8:10 PM
Damn, these Pastors can certainly get a crowd going with their rousing speeches. I have to change churches
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7/21/2016  8:26 PM
Prediction in 2:30 hours, the cables news shows will be talking more about Ivanka than her father.

And to be fair, she does seem like an impressive, poised, intelligent woman.

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7/21/2016  8:58 PM
I love it that the Trump kids are laying out policy to the country and none of them ever registered to vote..
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7/21/2016  9:14 PM
holfresh wrote:I love it that the Trump kids are laying out policy to the country and none of them ever registered to vote..

Didn't register or were registered as democrat and missed the ridiculous deadline to re-register as a republican? As was the case with many republican votes. Luckily Trump had the nomination in the bag already

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7/21/2016  9:18 PM
holfresh wrote:I love it that the Trump kids are laying out policy to the country and none of them ever registered to vote..

They were registered voters, Ivanka and Eric were registered independents and didnt change affliations within NY six month cutoff , only Jr and Mrs Trumphet were registered Pubs

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7/21/2016  9:34 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/21/2016  9:35 PM
meloanyk wrote:
holfresh wrote:I love it that the Trump kids are laying out policy to the country and none of them ever registered to vote..

They were registered voters, Ivanka and Eric were registered independents and didnt change affliations within NY six month cutoff , only Jr and Mrs Trumphet were registered Pubs

How many years have their father been running for the republican nomination?

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7/21/2016  9:38 PM
Prediction: Ivanka Trump runs for public office someday... as a democrat.


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7/21/2016  9:43 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/21/2016  9:44 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:
arkrud wrote:
Uptown wrote:
arkrud wrote:
meloanyk wrote:
GoNyGoNyGo wrote:
WaltLongmire wrote:
Cartman718 wrote:Meanwhile in Dwayne Wade's old town and still prehistoric raptor Bosh's current town...

Yeah...saw this. F'n unbelievable. I just don't understand the mindset of some people.

That image of him on the ground with his hands up before being shot is going to be all over the nation and world.

CashMoney...where are you. You're an officer...what would you do in that situation?

I was the Head Dean in my HS for a number of years, and I worked with cops all the time, and considered some my friends. I am not anti-police, and always point out that I wouldn't want to be living in a society without them, BUT this is simply getting out of hand.

This story is insane. You would think officers would err on the side of NOT shooting a guy with hands up and back on the ground, Yes even with cops being attacked the last 2 weeks. This is incredible. The officer should lose his gun and be suspended and re-trained.

This is nuts!! I can't fathom this at all. I have never owned a rifle or gun so excuse the naivety of my question.

If I'm still and pointing a rifle with my finger on the trigger, is it possible that the trigger is so sensitive that it might fire with slightest shake or movement of my finger or does one as Ive always assumed have to apply some force to pull it back to fire ??

Not looking to make any excuse , I just can't fathom how this man was lying there for awhile and then belatedly gets shot in the leg


This what the shooting of police officers will do.
If you think they all are macho you are mistaken.
A lot of them are regular folks with their own psycho issues and fears.
And now some of them scared to death.
You do not want 600K people with a guns to be scared to death.
They are facing very unusual situations all the time and it is just a matter of time before they will pull the trigger.
The only way to prevent it is to disarm regular police officers as some countries did.
But in US this will make a lot of areas a no go war zones and create internal refuges problems.
Solution which makes things worth is not a solution.

The man was on the ground with his hands up....Nothing to fear here. Just goes to show you some police officers just dont value the lives of some black folks...Hence black lives matter...or should matter.

Obviously the officer was not acting as "normal" person.
The question is why?
You imply he is possibly racist to the extend he likes to shut black people.
Or he is a maniac or lunatic who likes to shut people or just unstable.
Or some secret KKK society is controlling police and directed then to shot black people.
What is you solution to fix it?
Revolution? Riot? Black Ranters patrols? Police screening with publicly assigned psychologist?
Replace police guns with wooden sticks?
Seriously we should look for the motives and for the solutions not just for emotional response.

I mean you preached that everyone is accountable for themselves. The actions of other men have nothing to do with him. The man had his hands up so he wouldn't get shot, explained that he was a behavior therapist in a group home, that all the patient had was a toy truck. Not only was he shot but placed in hand cuffs until medics arrived. What crime did he commit again? It was the patient that the police were called for in the first place.

On the bright side at least he was only shot in the leg. At least that's progress where they are aiming for non vital spots.

Not many condone the shooting of cops. So don't bother with the diversion tactic. Officer is supposed to be trained properly before put out in the streets. If any officer is too scared to handle a complying civilian with his hands up then maybe they shouldn't be out in the streets. Putting peoples lives at risk.

I absolutely agree with you on that.
But my question is how to make sure that police officers who close to mental meltdown are not on the streets?
Now we know that it was therapist trying to come down autistic patient who run away.
But police had no idea about it and they get called by some citizens who probably also close to mental breakdown about man with a gun (toy track) who apparently trying to commit suicide.
How you would feel if you will be a police officer our days?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
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7/21/2016  10:02 PM
Knickoftime wrote:Prediction: Ivanka Trump runs for public office someday... as a democrat.


And? You do realize that career politicians have changed parties. Ronnie Reagan being one

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7/21/2016  10:05 PM
meloanyk wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:Prediction: Ivanka Trump runs for public office someday... as a democrat.


And? You do realize that career politicians have changed parties. Ronnie Reagan being one

Yes, I do.

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7/21/2016  11:08 PM
Wait, I thought Clinton was the shrill screamer.
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7/21/2016  11:26 PM
Knickoftime wrote:Wait, I thought Clinton was the shrill screamer.

He doused a few red bulls while getting pumped up by Pastor Burns before stepping on stage

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7/21/2016  11:41 PM
meloanyk wrote:
holfresh wrote:
Cartman718 wrote:Meanwhile in Dwayne Wade's old town and still prehistoric raptor Bosh's current town...

The official statement of the Miami police union is that the officer was trying to shoot the white austitic young man but missed and hit the black guy with his hands up...

They must have mis-handcuffed the wrong guy too...

That is plausible given how their bodies were situated to each other but doesn't explain how he was treated afterward . Ill venture that the next explanation will be that they couldn't hear what he was saying about the patient being autistic or toy truck and thought his life was being endangered by him given the call about someone having a gun and being suicidal. I would assume that the police had binoculars or magnifiers on their rifles and could have seen that he didnt have a weapon so that story be shady or police be very shoddy

Bingo. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/bullet-that-struck-caregiver-was-meant-to-protect-him-police-union-president-says/ar-BBuCQMF?li=BBnb7Kz

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7/22/2016  12:05 AM    LAST EDITED: 7/22/2016  12:05 AM
meloanyk wrote:
meloanyk wrote:
holfresh wrote:
Cartman718 wrote:Meanwhile in Dwayne Wade's old town and still prehistoric raptor Bosh's current town...

The official statement of the Miami police union is that the officer was trying to shoot the white austitic young man but missed and hit the black guy with his hands up...

They must have mis-handcuffed the wrong guy too...

That is plausible given how their bodies were situated to each other but doesn't explain how he was treated afterward . Ill venture that the next explanation will be that they couldn't hear what he was saying about the patient being autistic or toy truck and thought his life was being endangered by him given the call about someone having a gun and being suicidal. I would assume that the police had binoculars or magnifiers on their rifles and could have seen that he didnt have a weapon so that story be shady or police be very shoddy

Bingo. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/bullet-that-struck-caregiver-was-meant-to-protect-him-police-union-president-says/ar-BBuCQMF?li=BBnb7Kz

So handcuffing the person you are protecting was a uncontrollable spontaneous reaction??..Not believable..They also made sure to say the officer who fired the shot was Hispanic white..
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7/22/2016  12:19 AM
Great line by a former bush strategist.

Trump doesn't want to be president. He wants to be Batman.

OT: Melo Steps Forward

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