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Thanks to the media, most of your minds are controlled
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7/16/2013  5:43 AM
So ask yourself who owns CNN , FOX NEWS, MSNBC, HLN ?

If you watch 10 minutes you will be enlightened if your mind is open.

JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/16/2013  5:48 AM    LAST EDITED: 7/16/2013  6:05 AM
Again they duped masses of Americans and it's a shame ! just watch 16 minutes and your eyes are open

JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/16/2013  11:25 AM
Did these clips reveal something you didn't know.
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/16/2013  8:40 PM
when i say that nothing under the sun is new, what does this mean to you playa?
The Will, check out the Official Home of Will's GameDay Art: http://tinyurl.com/thewillgameday
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7/16/2013  9:39 PM
I asked the question 1st.
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/17/2013  7:07 AM
i don't understand what your point is
The Will, check out the Official Home of Will's GameDay Art: http://tinyurl.com/thewillgameday
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7/17/2013  10:35 AM
I asked what did you all get from the clips ?
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/17/2013  2:30 PM
Answer: The clips lost me when they said "the world knows there's more to this then the media is telling them"
(And I haven't watched broadcast TV of any kind since 2001, my friend. So keep your mind control comments to yourself.)
Is this the same "world" who's attention span doesn't last more than 5 minutes?
Please don't waste anyone's time trying to speak for "the world".

And why does it constantly appear that these clips are produced by people who secretly seem to wish they were part of the media?

And would it be too much to ask if these clip artists all have degrees in journalism/film media art/etc etc?

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7/17/2013  3:18 PM
jrodmc wrote:Answer: The clips lost me when they said "the world knows there's more to this then the media is telling them"
(And I haven't watched broadcast TV of any kind since 2001, my friend. So keep your mind control comments to yourself.)
Is this the same "world" who's attention span doesn't last more than 5 minutes?
Please don't waste anyone's time trying to speak for "the world".

And why does it constantly appear that these clips are produced by people who secretly seem to wish they were part of the media?

And would it be too much to ask if these clip artists all have degrees in journalism/film media art/etc etc?

IF they did their mind would be contolled also. Get it? The theories chase their own tails! Its those who are "outsiders" that are "in the know". There are no credible sources because credible "sources" are linked to the ones they call "They" or "them".

I actually do believe the media is influenced by Gov't, and it may be "Controlling" because most americans are pretty freaking stupid and can't comprehend simple thoughts let alone support foreign policy. We want cheap twinkees, cheap gas, suv's, lots of cable TV and get fat. As long as most of us are fat, dumb and therefore happy, then why should most care? They don't.

In fact, most theories pander to the fat dumb and happy because its self empowering as is watching Kim Kardasian get fat (she like regualr folk now) and then when she loses weight she'll sell you her "Secrets". I bet Infowars.com and TMZ.com have a similar demographic.

PLaya, this all make you feel important that you know all this stuff but all you do is cut and pates stuff and pass it as your own.

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7/17/2013  3:52 PM
right now the media is saying go home drink beer and hump mrs fish (no djsunyc, for the 100th time you are NOT mrs. fish now or ever)
"winning is more fun... then fun is fun" -Thibs
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7/17/2013  5:49 PM    LAST EDITED: 7/17/2013  5:51 PM
playa2 wrote:So ask yourself who owns CNN , FOX NEWS, MSNBC, HLN ?

If you watch 10 minutes you will be enlightened if your mind is open.

I'll ask again, did any of these two clips show you something you didn't know. Or are you going to avoid answering by bashing me or the people who pieced it together.


JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/17/2013  6:53 PM
Playa, Most of this I have seen and read about over many years. If not specific, then in general.

Its most arrogant and presumptuous to assume that others are not educated to the propaganda produced and that many people are blindly patriotic to not see this.

We do.

This is how shyt gets done and I might also believe that the average person is not capable of governing. That might sound elitist.

This is where I jump off because I really did not learn anything new. What I learned is that if your gullible you feed into the "theorists" and run with it to where fear motivates. And they make money from you.

Sorry, this propaganda is not mind control. Its motivational and self serving perhaps, but its the way of the world. Not the way to death camps.

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7/17/2013  7:01 PM
However, Playa's mind is uncontrollable!
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7/18/2013  5:55 AM    LAST EDITED: 7/18/2013  5:56 AM
Nalod I'm not really talking to you , so you can go to recess I know you know it all.

I'm talking to everyone else. LOL

JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/18/2013  9:03 AM    LAST EDITED: 7/18/2013  9:06 AM
playa2 wrote:Nalod I'm not really talking to you , so you can go to recess I know you know it all.

I'm talking to everyone else. LOL

I thought you did your "own work" and its why I engaged you in conversation. Your subject content is very interesting not because of the content but because the blind belief that so many follow.

What you might want to consider is "belief" and how that works. Its a lot like religion because there is a lot of "fables" told in the bible that is unsubstantiated. People choose to believe. If you questioned every facet of the bible with preconceived notion that if there is not proof, then it must have evil intent then it would sound similar: "There is no proof Jesus died and came back so it must be made up to get people to believe he is powerful", or "If jesus did not die for our sins, then did he really die at all? The devil has never been seen has he? Maybe he is used by "them" to motivate followers into fear?

And if you think Gov't manipulates people what about religion?

Do you know what they call people who question it? "Atheists!" and they are scorned for being godless! Kind of like how patriotic people repel against those who call out and question gov't, but also look how you dismiss those who reject your theories? Look at how manipulative infowars an others like it layer upon layer bring out "inconsistencies" and when no answer its labeled as "conspiracy". Websites that sell things. alex jones makes about 5million a year.

Wake up Playa, propaganda has been around since the beginning of time and all organized religions have been using it longer than there have been government. Its a tool to motivate those who can't think for themselves. All societies have victims. All fantastic wealth comes off the back of others. That includes raping indigenous people of their land and resources, religions crusading in the name of their god and thru conquer take their wealth and discredit their beliefs and imperialistic expansion!

Many of us know this. Freedom comes with a price and Freedom is never as pure as you think it is.

I think you said you served in the forces and for that we appreciate. Its good you are interested in learning but take it to a higher level, not an emotional one. Thats where your getting hooked and someone like me is not.

I don't "know it all" but Im thinking instead of reacting.

Take it to the next level Playa. How? Don't get upset when others don't agree with you. Learn how things work instead of how they don't. Then you can tie it together. When you do, then your thinking for yourself. And when you do, then your truly a free man!

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7/18/2013  11:38 AM
if your only response is to try and discredit my info Plz go away, it's not for you .
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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Member: #508
7/18/2013  11:55 AM
playa2 wrote:if your only response is to try and discredit my info Plz go away, it's not for you .

Please stop saying its your info. Its not. They are other either pasted from sites or the documentry's your learning from.

If you dont' want to discuss it, then don't post it for consumption.

If you do, I and anyone else is entitled to discuss.

You might do well to read the academics behind those passionate about conspiracy. Not in the manner to "discredit" of convert you away, but to examine.

Its your faith to apply any way you want it. Testing it with knowledge as to why its not universally accepted takes courage.

If you still believe, then your have galvanized your faith. You are stronger after testing your knowledge and your faith. Same in sports and academic persuits. You trained in the military and were tested. You were also trained to not think for yourself and accept your command.

You can think for yourself outside your military commitment.

Mostly Playa, there are plenty of Gov't manipulations but not everything, nor is everything with evil intent.

Most of the things you speak of have been installed over many generations. Humankind and our history is not all we grew up reading. Leading to death camps? Not always.

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7/18/2013  2:38 PM
I post the truth that's out there, I could care less where you say I get my info. LOL

Everyone get's info from someone else, dude you make stupid comments sometime.

Most people don't have a clue what's going on , they are to busy with life.

I ask you to comment on what's presented and YOU spend all your time trying to refute it.
Why bother if you don't believe it ? But since you are the main one consistently commenting on my post's, that tells me you know it's true.

By the way your logic is dizzying.

JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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7/18/2013  3:11 PM
Nalod wrote:
playa2 wrote:Nalod I'm not really talking to you , so you can go to recess I know you know it all.

I'm talking to everyone else. LOL

I thought you did your "own work" and its why I engaged you in conversation. Your subject content is very interesting not because of the content but because the blind belief that so many follow.

What you might want to consider is "belief" and how that works. Its a lot like religion because there is a lot of "fables" told in the bible that is unsubstantiated. People choose to believe. If you questioned every facet of the bible with preconceived notion that if there is not proof, then it must have evil intent then it would sound similar: "There is no proof Jesus died and came back so it must be made up to get people to believe he is powerful", or "If jesus did not die for our sins, then did he really die at all? The devil has never been seen has he? Maybe he is used by "them" to motivate followers into fear?

And if you think Gov't manipulates people what about religion?

Do you know what they call people who question it? "Atheists!" and they are scorned for being godless! Kind of like how patriotic people repel against those who call out and question gov't, but also look how you dismiss those who reject your theories? Look at how manipulative infowars an others like it layer upon layer bring out "inconsistencies" and when no answer its labeled as "conspiracy". Websites that sell things. alex jones makes about 5million a year.

Wake up Playa, propaganda has been around since the beginning of time and all organized religions have been using it longer than there have been government. Its a tool to motivate those who can't think for themselves. All societies have victims. All fantastic wealth comes off the back of others. That includes raping indigenous people of their land and resources, religions crusading in the name of their god and thru conquer take their wealth and discredit their beliefs and imperialistic expansion!

Many of us know this. Freedom comes with a price and Freedom is never as pure as you think it is.

I think you said you served in the forces and for that we appreciate. Its good you are interested in learning but take it to a higher level, not an emotional one. Thats where your getting hooked and someone like me is not.

I don't "know it all" but Im thinking instead of reacting.

Take it to the next level Playa. How? Don't get upset when others don't agree with you. Learn how things work instead of how they don't. Then you can tie it together. When you do, then your thinking for yourself. And when you do, then your truly a free man!

Speaking of propaganda, did you get most of this stuff off a NK Communist Party site, Nalod? Or was this mostly quotes from the back of Richard Dawkins' book jacket?

What is truth?

Posts: 69088
Alba Posts: 154
Joined: 12/24/2003
Member: #508
7/18/2013  4:15 PM
playa2 wrote:I post the truth that's out there, I could care less where you say I get my info. LOL

Everyone get's info from someone else, dude you make stupid comments sometime.

Most people don't have a clue what's going on , they are to busy with life.

I ask you to comment on what's presented and YOU spend all your time trying to refute it.
Why bother if you don't believe it ? But since you are the main one consistently commenting on my post's, that tells me you know it's true.

By the way your logic is dizzying.

Taking the high road is "dizzying"....

since you wish to insult and take the dance into the gutter where your more comfortable, lets get it straight, you claim a bit of this as your own work, and you have asked me to comment on whats presented. I tell you its in fact very plausable but while I believe in some aspects I don't believe that its to take over and put people in camps.

We'll dance in the gutter as you wish. The high road makes you dizzy.

Thanks to the media, most of your minds are controlled

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