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Knicks @ Injury Plagued Sac. Kings Offical Thread(2/24)
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Posts: 68922
Alba Posts: 154
Joined: 12/24/2003
Member: #508
2/25/2004  6:54 PM
Posted by Nalod:

Hardclown, That's the best that you could come up with? LOL

Being critical of the democracy makes it stronger. Nobody here, with the execptional one whom has love for another team and has no objecivity is what you say a knick hater.
Anyone critical of moves that obviously improve the team is a hater.

Not being in total agreement with the leader (Isiah) does not make for bashing, it makes for a higher thougth process both here, and in MSG.
It takes a "Higher thought process" to disagree with Isiah? LMAO OK, just like it must take a "higher thought process" to think Isiah is a racist because he made a trade that betters the team? Thanks for exposing that flawed logic for all to see.

Chanting for KVH the other day was a call to apprciate his work here. When TT claims his piece of knick pride, then the fans too will cheer for him. Spree was missed, KVH is missed, and now we hope TT will do well. But with many fans, he has to earn that rep. KVH and spree both came with bad reps, but won over the masses.
The fickle ones who chanted KVH probably think that Isiah is a racist like you do. Those are the same ones who will will jump the wagon when TT starts contributing to wins. It's similar to how some folks jumped the LayDown/Chaney wagon when Isiah made solid moves as soon as he got here (sound familiar???).

Funny, When I read your comments, and yours only, I can see how being anti knick would be fun as you attempt elevate yourself as the supreme REAL fan. Are you the BEST knick fan?
That is why you are so obsessed with instigating arguments with me, huh? Let's get something straight, once and for all. I don't have to elevate myself anywhere. I state my opinions like we all do. The only ones who feel a need to elevate their pitiful selves are the ones who go around looking for beef and cry abut it when the inevitable smackdown comes their way.

Does an unbias love to all Isiah is and does make you better than other fans? Does that constitute the REAL you speak of?
We have gone through this too many times to waste time repeating it now. Read the archives and recollect.

As a participant on this forum, it is quite interesting to see the reactions you envoke as you hord followers, and agitate the thinkers whom might question moves. Those are the ones you call HATERS.
LOL where did you get that line from, the handbook for the mentally challenged? Only a true unfettered ignoramus would try to pass off haters as "thinkers". Playa must be a genius, according to your "thinking" (or lack thereof).

If I appreciate KVH work here, then add me to the KVH fan club. Same for the SPree fan club. If I did not like some of sprees activity here, then label me in the hate club. YOur black and white world of labeling leaves little room for thinking. Too bad, your missing a whole perspective of sports and the strategy of player construction.
Appreciating KVH has nothing to do with hating on Tim Thomas right out of the gate when the move was an improvement. That's what haters do. I can only laugh in pity at you saying I am missing some kind of basketball perspective, when what you lack the simple logic it takes to differentiate between Fans and Haters. LOLL

Putting on a replica jersey does not make the fan. Thinking of the pros and cons to a deal, offensive schematic, Defense strategy, and lineup chemestry is much harder than just following all Isiahs moves and putting on the Replica.
Coming from the one who thinks that Isiah is a racist. Son, your credibility is shot. Get off it.

Suggestion, knock off the name calling, and you may find a more pleasent reaction to people
I call it how I see it. Maybe if you stop yearning to get disciplined, then none of this would take place in the first place. Don't start it, and I won't have to finish it.

[Edited by - HARDCOREKNICKSFAN on 02/25/2004 15:27:34]

I am amazed at your lack of humility at any level, which is a compliment, your incredible amount of energy you pour into instigating dudes like me, and the sport you make of defending it. Wow!

I bow to your insanity and total art of a true champion B.S. artist. You rank as one of the top BS artists I have ever encountered.

The teflon you apply to everthing is insane yet so tempting to duplicate. I need to up the meds to keep up with you.

You truely are a supreme loyalist to the cause you so adamantly defend. You win hands down, no energy spent dueling with you is worth it on somthing as trivial as a freaking basketball post.

Defend it with honor! Your little corner of the world.

I hope your as successful in your lifes endevers as you are twisting everything into into your masterful crafted never say die rants.

So many words, so little substance.

Go ahead, feast on these words. Babble on brother......Babble on....

"You got Isiahs back". He is lucky to have you!

Posts: 34922
Alba Posts: 15
Joined: 5/15/2003
Member: #407

2/25/2004  6:59 PM
I couldn't have said it better, postas see the real core now!
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
Posts: 26600
Alba Posts: 2
Joined: 7/24/2001
Member: #1
2/25/2004  7:58 PM
Guys....basketball please.
Knicks @ Injury Plagued Sac. Kings Offical Thread(2/24)

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