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A Game of Thrones - HBO - Best Novels Ever
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6/21/2011  1:16 PM
Markji wrote:The last episode for this year. Now will have to wait til next year for the continuation in book2.
Totally enjoyable.

Wish they had done everthing in a few more episodes. I will miss this show a great deal, and will probably start reading the books.

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities- C.N. Bovee
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6/21/2011  4:07 PM
The books are worthwhile, but they are significant committments. I imagine they'll be easier to read now that you've seen the show and have some context for the characters. Without the show, I found the books to be difficult to get through since there are so many families and names, it was easy to get lost. Having said that, the stories were pretty great. I had to stop reading after book 3, I had burnout. Since you've seen season one, you know that the author has no problem killing off a main character, so be prepared for that...
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6/22/2011  12:04 AM
jusnice wrote:The books are worthwhile, but they are significant committments. I imagine they'll be easier to read now that you've seen the show and have some context for the characters. Without the show, I found the books to be difficult to get through since there are so many families and names, it was easy to get lost. Having said that, the stories were pretty great. I had to stop reading after book 3, I had burnout. Since you've seen season one, you know that the author has no problem killing off a main character, so be prepared for that...

Yeah, I've been warned by a few folks about this already. You are also right about the number of families and names you need to keep track of- another things a colleague of mine pointed out.

Besides adding context to the plot when I when I read the book(s), I can add actual faces, bodies, and voices to the characters, something you can't do if you have read the books first. Actually makes it more enjoyable and easier for me to visualize the plot in my head.

Looking forward to next season.

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities- C.N. Bovee
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6/22/2011  9:02 AM
Paladin55 wrote:
jusnice wrote:The books are worthwhile, but they are significant committments. I imagine they'll be easier to read now that you've seen the show and have some context for the characters. Without the show, I found the books to be difficult to get through since there are so many families and names, it was easy to get lost. Having said that, the stories were pretty great. I had to stop reading after book 3, I had burnout. Since you've seen season one, you know that the author has no problem killing off a main character, so be prepared for that...

Yeah, I've been warned by a few folks about this already. You are also right about the number of families and names you need to keep track of- another things a colleague of mine pointed out.

Besides adding context to the plot when I when I read the book(s), I can add actual faces, bodies, and voices to the characters, something you can't do if you have read the books first. Actually makes it more enjoyable and easier for me to visualize the plot in my head.

Looking forward to next season.

I am not usually a big reader of fiction but I got hooked on this series 6 years ago. It is definitely #1 on my list of fiction books I've ever read. Sorry you got burned out on this series, Jusnice.

There are lots of characters and families to remember. However they are all listed at the end of each book so from time to time you can reference this. The plots and characters are brilliantly written. The HBO series was superbly done - the actors and actresses did a great job portraying each person's characteristics. However the books are so much deeper in the plot and characters. While the books are long, there is no fluff, and they are absolutely absorbing.

If you like mysteries and foreshadowing, GRRM is the master of this. Many people, myself included, start to read the first book and don't realize this. It's a whole other level. Dreams and little seemingly insignificant side-notes take on a very important meaning later on in the books. He holds you in suspense so you try to figure out what is really happening.

For instance, Jusnice, who do you think Jon Snow's parents really were? It may not be what it seems. Lot's of clues if you are looking for them. And perhaps in the upcoming 5th book, he will reveal it. Could cause a major change in the story.

Paladin, as you can see, I am very into this and highly recommend you give the books a try. Excellent reading material for the summer.

The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. Tom Clancy - author
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6/22/2011  11:06 AM
Good stuff guys. I'm going to re-read book 3 this summer. I agree, having a mental reference for what characters look like helps as you read. I also agree that while the mini series was awesome, there was so much more to the books that they couldn't / didn't depict (e.g. the central role of the dire wolves). I'm looking forward to picking this back up. Sucks that we have to wait until next April for season 2. My wife is hooked, but wouldn't have gotten as much out of the mini series if I wasn't there to fill in the back stories. My free HBO preview ends in July and I'm torn about whether to just extend it. Their mini series' tend to be so much better than the crap on regular TV. If you liked this series, I can recommend other fantasy series that have equally compelling plot lines and are also very well written.
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6/23/2011  5:17 PM
Markji wrote:
Paladin55 wrote:
jusnice wrote:The books are worthwhile, but they are significant committments. I imagine they'll be easier to read now that you've seen the show and have some context for the characters. Without the show, I found the books to be difficult to get through since there are so many families and names, it was easy to get lost. Having said that, the stories were pretty great. I had to stop reading after book 3, I had burnout. Since you've seen season one, you know that the author has no problem killing off a main character, so be prepared for that...

Yeah, I've been warned by a few folks about this already. You are also right about the number of families and names you need to keep track of- another things a colleague of mine pointed out.

Besides adding context to the plot when I when I read the book(s), I can add actual faces, bodies, and voices to the characters, something you can't do if you have read the books first. Actually makes it more enjoyable and easier for me to visualize the plot in my head.

Looking forward to next season.

I am not usually a big reader of fiction but I got hooked on this series 6 years ago. It is definitely #1 on my list of fiction books I've ever read. Sorry you got burned out on this series, Jusnice.

There are lots of characters and families to remember. However they are all listed at the end of each book so from time to time you can reference this. The plots and characters are brilliantly written. The HBO series was superbly done - the actors and actresses did a great job portraying each person's characteristics. However the books are so much deeper in the plot and characters. While the books are long, there is no fluff, and they are absolutely absorbing.

If you like mysteries and foreshadowing, GRRM is the master of this. Many people, myself included, start to read the first book and don't realize this. It's a whole other level. Dreams and little seemingly insignificant side-notes take on a very important meaning later on in the books. He holds you in suspense so you try to figure out what is really happening.

For instance, Jusnice, who do you think Jon Snow's parents really were? It may not be what it seems. Lot's of clues if you are looking for them. And perhaps in the upcoming 5th book, he will reveal it. Could cause a major change in the story.

Paladin, as you can see, I am very into this and highly recommend you give the books a try. Excellent reading material for the summer.

Probably will. The 2/3 folks I know who have read them really liked them and recommended them, so you're "piling on" at this point with regard to reading them.

The tip on the dreams and side-notes is helpful- will keep me more aware.

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities- C.N. Bovee
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6/23/2011  5:24 PM
jusnice wrote:Good stuff guys. I'm going to re-read book 3 this summer. I agree, having a mental reference for what characters look like helps as you read. I also agree that while the mini series was awesome, there was so much more to the books that they couldn't / didn't depict (e.g. the central role of the dire wolves). I'm looking forward to picking this back up. Sucks that we have to wait until next April for season 2. My wife is hooked, but wouldn't have gotten as much out of the mini series if I wasn't there to fill in the back stories. My free HBO preview ends in July and I'm torn about whether to just extend it. Their mini series' tend to be so much better than the crap on regular TV. If you liked this series, I can recommend other fantasy series that have equally compelling plot lines and are also very well written.

Yeah, a friend at work talked about the fact that the wolves had a more significant role in the book. Might be a special effects limitation, or perhaps they just had to trim that thread of the story because of time considerations. An extra two episodes would have been nice, or even a 90 minute show, which might have allowed them more freedom to be even more faithful to the book.

I shouldn't complain, though. This series caught me by surprise in a very nice way.

Between this show, Justified, and Spartacus, I'm a pretty happy camper in terms of my very limited TV watching.

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities- C.N. Bovee
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6/30/2011  1:38 PM
Started reading book 3 again. I have to be honest, the books are very hard for me to get thoroughly engrossed in. Martin writes from the POV of like 6-8 main characters in each of his books. One chapter will focus on one character (e.g. Jon Snow) and then shift to another characther (e.g. Sansa). Just when I start to get really into the story of what's going on @ the Wall and in the Wild, the chapter ends and I'm transitioning to the Sansa storyline. It gets annoying and doesn't stop. That being said, the story is great, I just wish Martin wouldn't structure his books this way...book, after book, after book. Especially when the paperback I'm reading is 1000 pages.
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7/1/2011  2:07 AM
I'm going to say this right now: anyone who has read the books please DO NOT post future storylines. Please be respectful of those who haven't. If you are going to post something that is going to spoil the show for non-book readers, please create a separate book-readers thread or add SPOILER to anything you write before doing so.

Thank you.

That being said, I truly enjoyed this season. It instantly became one of my favorite shows on TV and I really can't wait for season 2 to start already. Great first season and hopefully many more.

"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us." - Earl Nightingale
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7/1/2011  9:36 AM
Childs2Dudley wrote:I'm going to say this right now: anyone who has read the books please DO NOT post future storylines. Please be respectful of those who haven't. If you are going to post something that is going to spoil the show for non-book readers, please create a separate book-readers thread or add SPOILER to anything you write before doing so.

Thank you.

That being said, I truly enjoyed this season. It instantly became one of my favorite shows on TV and I really can't wait for season 2 to start already. Great first season and hopefully many more.


So, we cannot discuss anything about the other novels in the series? Truth be told, little has been said that would ruin any surprises or storylines in the next book(s). Quit your belly aching!

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7/1/2011  10:31 AM
Childs2Dudley wrote:I'm going to say this right now: anyone who has read the books please DO NOT post future storylines. Please be respectful of those who haven't. If you are going to post something that is going to spoil the show for non-book readers, please create a separate book-readers thread or add SPOILER to anything you write before doing so.

Thank you.

That being said, I truly enjoyed this season. It instantly became one of my favorite shows on TV and I really can't wait for season 2 to start already. Great first season and hopefully many more.

So you would be pissed off if I told you that in the 3rd novel, a strange and fearsome creature, Isiak Thomazz, eludes the Black Watch and proceeds to terrorize the people of the north?

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities- C.N. Bovee
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7/2/2011  11:11 AM
I just devoured the series... finished all 10 episodes in < 24 hours. HOLYFUCKINGSHIT! Good stuff. I will attempt to read the books but must clear my queue before I get there
DLeethal wrote: Lol Rick needs a safe space
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7/3/2011  5:37 AM
jusnice wrote:
Childs2Dudley wrote:I'm going to say this right now: anyone who has read the books please DO NOT post future storylines. Please be respectful of those who haven't. If you are going to post something that is going to spoil the show for non-book readers, please create a separate book-readers thread or add SPOILER to anything you write before doing so.

Thank you.

That being said, I truly enjoyed this season. It instantly became one of my favorite shows on TV and I really can't wait for season 2 to start already. Great first season and hopefully many more.


So, we cannot discuss anything about the other novels in the series? Truth be told, little has been said that would ruin any surprises or storylines in the next book(s). Quit your belly aching!

Why would you discuss the other novels without adding a huge spoiler warning? This is a discussion about the TV show. Only one book has been transformed and put onto television thus far. Let's discuss that. Not everyone is a book reader. Respect your fellow posters and you will receive the same respect back. I know there wasn't much given away in this thread but I posted it for future reference.

"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us." - Earl Nightingale
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7/3/2011  11:02 PM
Shagga likes axes lmfao I still chuckle at the WTF look Tywin has after that line. I haven't readthe book, but I think the tone for season 2 has already been set with Ned's death. If only Ned had followed Renly's lead.
Always... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is better and twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad, and too much is never enough except when it's just about right. - The Tick
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7/4/2011  2:37 AM
BigDaddyG wrote:Shagga likes axes lmfao I still chuckle at the WTF look Tywin has after that line. I haven't readthe book, but I think the tone for season 2 has already been set with Ned's death. If only Ned had followed Renly's lead.

The Imp is up there with Omar and Tony Soprano in great HBO character history

DLeethal wrote: Lol Rick needs a safe space
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7/4/2011  5:36 AM
I definitely agree with you there Supreme. I'm thinking there's no way Martin kills the little fella off.
Always... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is better and twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad, and too much is never enough except when it's just about right. - The Tick
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7/4/2011  6:27 PM
SupremeCommander wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:Shagga likes axes lmfao I still chuckle at the WTF look Tywin has after that line. I haven't readthe book, but I think the tone for season 2 has already been set with Ned's death. If only Ned had followed Renly's lead.

The Imp is up there with Omar and Tony Soprano in great HBO character history

I read that the creators of the show believed Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage were the two actors they had to have for the respective parts of Ned Stark and Tyrion Lannister, when they were casting for the show.

As for the "Imp," you have one of those rare, and to be cherished, instances when a great character and the perfect actor for the role are matched. He and his man, Bronn, probably have the best chemistry in the show, or at least the funniest, IMO, but the cast, in general, is excellent.

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities- C.N. Bovee
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7/5/2011  5:52 PM
Peter Dinklage should be favorite for the Emmy.

I watch a lot of other critically-acclaimed shows, from Boardwalk Empire to all of AMC's offerings, and not a single supporting actor has come close to Dinklage's Tyrion this year.

But then again, last year, Aaron Paul won Best Supporting Actor, and Breaking Bad season 4 is just starting...

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7/6/2011  9:05 AM    LAST EDITED: 7/6/2011  9:05 AM
scoshin wrote:Peter Dinklage should be favorite for the Emmy.

I watch a lot of other critically-acclaimed shows, from Boardwalk Empire to all of AMC's offerings, and not a single supporting actor has come close to Dinklage's Tyrion this year.

But then again, last year, Aaron Paul won Best Supporting Actor, and Breaking Bad season 4 is just starting...

Speaking of AMC's offerings, anyone know when teh second season of The Walking Dead comes out?

DLeethal wrote: Lol Rick needs a safe space
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7/6/2011  9:31 AM    LAST EDITED: 7/6/2011  12:22 PM
Game of Thrones has already been nominated for numerous awards with Peter Dinklage being nominated for Best Actor (called Individual Achievement. He did a great job. It was like George Martin wrote the character with him in mind.

From the TCA (Television Assoc) awards, A Game of Thrones received 4 nominations:

Individual Achievement in Drama - Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Outstanding Achievement in Drama Game of Thrones
Outstanding New Program Game of Thrones
Program of the Year Game of Thrones

From the Airlock Alpha Portal Awards, A Game of Thrones is tied for the lead with Fringe with 7 nominations each.
Best Actor - Sean Bean
Best Actress - Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister)
Best Supporting Actor - Peter Dinklage
Best Episode - Winter is Coming
Best Series - Game of Thrones
Best Young Actor - 2 nominations
--Isaac Hempstead-Wright - Bran
--Maisie Williams - Arya

I think Peter Dinklage and Maisie Williams are absolute favorites. And perhaps Sean Bean and Game of Thrones for Best Series.

P.S. You can vote 1x/day for the Airlock Alpha Portal Awards at


The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. Tom Clancy - author
A Game of Thrones - HBO - Best Novels Ever

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