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Knicks fans are missing the point !!!
Author Thread
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2/1/2004  1:29 PM
Knicks still missing point
By: Wesley Cheng
Date: 01/20/04
The similarities are glaring.

With the Knicks riding a three-game win streak following the entrance of an all-star point guard, a legendary coach and a competent general, Allan Houston made a “bold” statement that will likely be compared to ex-Giants coach Jim Fassel’s guarantee - a guarantee that propelled the Giants to the Super Bowl.

“We're going to make the playoffs," Houston said to the New York Post following the Knicks third-straight win, which put the Knicks just one game out of the playoffs. "Whatever happens from here and whatever's happened, we're going to make the playoffs.”

Was Houston correct? Likely.

With the aforementioned Stephon Marbury running the point guard and Lenny Wilkens patrolling the sideline, the Knicks will likely end their two-year drought from the playoffs.

But were Houston’s statements bold? Hardly.

The Knicks have a bloated payroll and with a watered-down Eastern Conference and an arsenal of three legitimate 20-a-night scorers, Houston’s comments lacked the daring nature of Fassel’s statements.

When Fassel turned to the New York media and guaranteed a playoff berth for his team, his job was in jeopardy and there were clear signs the Giants were slowly unhinging. But Houston’s comments come at a time when hope and enthusiasm are sweeping through Madison Square Garden.

Perhaps the most irritating part about Houston’s comments is that he’s completely missing the point – the faithful who have filled the Garden during New York’s darkest hour aren’t interested in a second-round exit from the playoffs.

James Dolan wants to squeeze a few extra million out of a pointless playoff run. And with the way the roster is set up, he certainly will get his wish. But not even Dolan can fool himself into thinking that the Knicks the way they are right now could topple any foe New York would meet in the NBA finals.

Should a miracle happen and the Knicks beat the Pacers, Nets or Pistons for a trip to the finals, the Spurs, Kings or Lakers will make quick work of New York.

New York, home of the most knowledgeable basketball fans in the world, only want to see a championship banner end a 31-year long drought. It makes you wonder what would’ve happen if Isiah Thomas, instead of overloading the payroll and dumping all tradable contracts, had instead used the “R” word – rebuilding for those of you who haven’t heard the word used by the Knicks since the mid-80s.

Instead of trading for Marbury and leaving him without a supporting cast (Houston and Van Horn pale in comparison to Shawn Marion and Amare Stoudemire) the Knicks could have let McDyess’ contract expire at the end of the season and used the draft pick to nab, say, Connecticut’s Emeka Okafor, who is as much a lock for a future superstar as there has been. As it stands right now, the Knicks still don't have anyone who can attract a double-team in the paint.

The counter argument is obvious – rebuilding is never an exact science and the Knicks aren’t bad enough to draft that high. New Jersey was stuck in that phase for a decade before Jason Kidd came and rescued a franchise that was once the joke of the NBA. The Clippers seemed destined to follow that path while Memphis has been there since its inception.

But for the truly knowledgeable, the risk is worth the means. A Knicks team who will win 43 games in the Eastern Conference and will bow out either to a mighty Western Conference team or to one of the better teams in the east isn’t anything to celebrate about.

What’s more, the Knicks are once again devoid of a future, with two first-round picks out the window and no talent to develop (Frank Williams will never get a shot with Marbury in town). New York won’t be able to even think about uttering the “R” word until 2008.

But this is typical of the New York management, who ignored the urge to rebuild for more than 15 years. Instead, they desire only to be mediocre, and to dish out hollow promises for a nice “playoff” year.

JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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2/1/2004  1:39 PM
Right! Every knowledgeable person should have known that the Houston promise was point less, it meant nothing. The weak east along with the fact that New York got three competent scorers easily makes New York a play-off team. Now, it's just a matter of them jelling to the point that they they are like minnasota is a way(hah, what am i saying).
Frank Williams is the best knicks player this year. mad Respect
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2/1/2004  2:10 PM
I think with a healthy Houston they can beat Indiana or at least put up a good fight.
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2/1/2004  2:45 PM
its this writer thats missing the point. When you were a lotery team for two straight years making the playoffs is a good step. IT wants to win a title, and Houston has played in a lot of playof games and played well.

Look... you have to be good before you can be great. We hve stunk for the better part of 3 years now. We are FAR from great, nobody is fooled, we are desperate for some speed and athleticism up front. We are old and slow at PF and C, and these upgrades arent happening overnight.

I think Zeke's real test comes this summer when we see if he can get a guy to sign for the MLE that can really help us... someone like Raweed. Hey, Juwan Howard went from $20 mill to $4.8 so we know it can happen. Turkolu, Chris Anderson, Raweed.. the FA agent market is bad but not that bad.

Somehow its a knock that people are excited, even though Zeke didnt turn Layden's mess into an instant challenge to the West powers.
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2/1/2004  3:25 PM
Is it just me or does it almost seem like the writer is insulting Houston for saying, "We're going to make the playoffs."??
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2/1/2004  3:33 PM
Yes the writer is insulting Houston ! This team was going to make the playoffs regardless, so making that statement was idiotic of him.
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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2/1/2004  3:39 PM
Posted by gogetit:

Yes the writer is insulting Houston ! This team was going to make the playoffs regardless, so making that statement was idiotic of him.

No, it wasn't an idiotic statement. It probably went down like this:

Reporter: "Houston, do you think the Knicks will make the playoffs?"
Houston: "Yes, I think the Knicks will make the playoffs."

And then the quote is used in the wrong context. The above author labels the quote as "bold" and then goes on to critique that "bold" label. So, in fact, the author is cutting up his own assessment of Houston's quote. It's like a circular argument or something.

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2/1/2004  3:40 PM
I found about a million things wrong about his article. It's just too much to type.
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2/1/2004  3:42 PM
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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2/1/2004  3:46 PM
From the article:
But not even Dolan can fool himself into thinking that the Knicks the way they are right now could topple any foe New York would meet in the NBA finals.

What Eastern Conference team's owner should really be thinking that they have a chance to beat the West team in the finals?
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2/1/2004  4:02 PM
Also, I think it is important t remember that this team is still getting used to playing with each other. So beating the teams we should beat is really important right now. Hopefully they really start gelling and end the season on a tear like we did in '99 and do some serious damage.
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2/1/2004  5:34 PM
The author's argument is weak in that it fails to recognize the insecurity that Zeke has reduced to the point that knick fans on a whole can raise their heads knowing they have a chance especially with one of the City's finest making the point.

I hope never again to witness the time when an ex-player gets his way in our house with such a classless act only to have fans retaliate with Chants of "Fire Chaney".....A very low point in knick basketball.

Zeke, thank you for restoring order
"Like they always say, New York is the Mecca of basketball,"I read that in Michael Jordan books my whole life and I played here in the Big East tournament, so it's always fun to play in the Mecca of basketball."---Rip Hamilton
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2/1/2004  6:24 PM
This article misses the point. He fails to realize that everything is relative. Dolan is too stupid to rebuild. Deal with it, and make the best of it.
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2/1/2004  6:40 PM
The writer of this article is just trying to make a big deal outa nothing....he's the only one who compared houstons comment to Jim Fassel's, then after he spends a lil while saying that houston made a bold comment, he goes and tears it apart and makes houston appear ignorant. I give it 2 thumbs down
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2/2/2004  2:10 AM
This article is stupid, first the writer states that we traded away our future.. Ok lets see, we have Sweetney and williams, both very good prospects, both young, and both can be traded for other young pieces, so how is that mortgaging our future... Just another stupid argument.. I guess the two euro second round picks were our future? and the two picks, yea one that would be a mid first round pick, and the other a pick we control until the year 2010, again I guess we won't have picks in years 2005,2006,207,2008,2009.. get the point..

Next steph is 26 and a star player... That is our future!!!

and to say that emeka is a sureshot superstar is assinine!!! Just assinine, what makes that true? Because the media says so, look at Sweetneys numbers in college and we can say the same thing about sweetney... and what if we didn't lose enough gamesa to get okafor? Then I guess we trash the rebuilding idea?

Again stupid logic by the writer..

Thanks zeke for making the knicks matter again!!
Anyone who sits around and waits for the lottery to better themselves, either in real life or in sports, Is a Loser............... TKF
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2/2/2004  9:42 AM
It's completely amusing reading the news. The job of these writers isn't to tell the truth--- it's to create some buzz/debate and sell newspapers.

Saying that the Knicks mortgaged their future by making this trade is certainly not a given. The dynamics of the franchise have changed dramatically with Marbury at the point and Penny off the bench. Suddenly there's a newfound winning attitude on the team. Somehow, in spite of trading so much young talent and potentialy, we're in a position to win games... and some say upset a few teams en route to the finals.

These beauty of our situation is that we don't need to face 3 juggernaut west coast teams en route to the finals. We just need to face one. Injuries are a part of the game. What happens to the Lakers if Shaq can't play? What happens when Duncan misses a game? That's right, their teams become downright beatable.

The most foolish argument in the article is that, well, if the Knicks somehow make it into the finals by beating the Indianas, NJs, and Pistons... we're bound for a loss against the Lakers/Spurs/Kings/Wolves. While those 4 teams are powerful and intimidating and locks to win the title, we should probably give up right now. So should every team in the east.

We might as well trade all of our players 30 and up (if possible) and play a lineup of 2nd round picks, troubled 2nd rate basketball league refugees and hope we have the worst record in the league, all for a less than 50% chance to get the top pick in the draft... all for a player that is not guaranteed to be the next Shaq/Duncan/Garnett. I mean, forget about the fact that it might take this player 10 years to develop into what Shaq/Duncan/Garnett are now.

It's all very backwards logic. Tanking usually doesn't work. Chicago has been a frustrated city, since trading #1 overall pick Elton Brand for #2 overall pick Tyson Chandler and drafting a young Shaq in Eddie Curry. All they've gotten in return is years of the lottery. Jamal Crawford, Kirk Hinrich, Jay Williams, Marcus Fizer. All young high lottery picks. Has this gotten them anywhere?

Pro sports are a funny thing. There is only one champion. Every year in the NBA, there are 28 losers. However, I think there's a big difference between playing the game in the playoffs, controlling one's own destiny for a chance to win a title versus losing a lot of game with the hope that a ping pong ball falls in our direction.

It's kind of like the difference between playing poker and roulette. At least in poker there's a sense of skill and you feel like you have some control.
“That was two, two from the heart.” - John Starks
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2/2/2004  1:22 PM
Great post Techno!
Anyone who sits around and waits for the lottery to better themselves, either in real life or in sports, Is a Loser............... TKF
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2/2/2004  1:48 PM
Posted by technomaster:

It's kind of like the difference between playing poker and roulette. At least in poker there's a sense of skill and you feel like you have some control.

I gotta remember the poker/roulette reference for the next thread about rebuilding through the draft (which should hit in about a week or so) - it's classic.
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2/2/2004  2:51 PM
Posted by technomaster:

It's completely amusing reading the news. The job of these writers isn't to tell the truth--- it's to create some buzz/debate and sell newspapers.

Saying that the Knicks mortgaged their future by making this trade is certainly not a given. The dynamics of the franchise have changed dramatically with Marbury at the point and Penny off the bench. Suddenly there's a newfound winning attitude on the team. Somehow, in spite of trading so much young talent and potentialy, we're in a position to win games... and some say upset a few teams en route to the finals.

These beauty of our situation is that we don't need to face 3 juggernaut west coast teams en route to the finals. We just need to face one. Injuries are a part of the game. What happens to the Lakers if Shaq can't play? What happens when Duncan misses a game? That's right, their teams become downright beatable.

The most foolish argument in the article is that, well, if the Knicks somehow make it into the finals by beating the Indianas, NJs, and Pistons... we're bound for a loss against the Lakers/Spurs/Kings/Wolves. While those 4 teams are powerful and intimidating and locks to win the title, we should probably give up right now. So should every team in the east.

We might as well trade all of our players 30 and up (if possible) and play a lineup of 2nd round picks, troubled 2nd rate basketball league refugees and hope we have the worst record in the league, all for a less than 50% chance to get the top pick in the draft... all for a player that is not guaranteed to be the next Shaq/Duncan/Garnett. I mean, forget about the fact that it might take this player 10 years to develop into what Shaq/Duncan/Garnett are now.

It's all very backwards logic. Tanking usually doesn't work. Chicago has been a frustrated city, since trading #1 overall pick Elton Brand for #2 overall pick Tyson Chandler and drafting a young Shaq in Eddie Curry. All they've gotten in return is years of the lottery. Jamal Crawford, Kirk Hinrich, Jay Williams, Marcus Fizer. All young high lottery picks. Has this gotten them anywhere?

Pro sports are a funny thing. There is only one champion. Every year in the NBA, there are 28 losers. However, I think there's a big difference between playing the game in the playoffs, controlling one's own destiny for a chance to win a title versus losing a lot of game with the hope that a ping pong ball falls in our direction.

It's kind of like the difference between playing poker and roulette. At least in poker there's a sense of skill and you feel like you have some control.
Funny thing is 3/4 of the posters wanted to blow up the team until NY got Marbury. Marbury is not a big man that will do work in low post in playoffs,Like a Shaq Duncan come playoff time. Yea last yr PHOENIX almost got lucky in playoffs and he played a part, but Phoenix ALREADY had a low post threat(Amare Stoudamire) who was putting fear into duncan and causing many problems. If the knicks had a stud like Amare then I could understand the move. Others have said all they want is a team built for winning the Championship not just contending, but has actually changed their tune for a 1st rd playoff knockout. Knicks fans are falling into the instant gratification mode instead of a long lasting team to cheer for. I guess when you have been down for two yrs(desperate) you start to yearn for anything new. As for chicago they drafted well, but they couldn't attract veteran free agents that's why all that young talent went to waste. Prior Management in Chicago turned players off from wanting to come there as veteran free agents.

[Edited by - gogetit on 02/02/2004 15:47:00]
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
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2/2/2004  6:50 PM
Despite numerous player moves by Isiah Thomas, the New York Knicks have joined the Sixers in a state of mediocrity. The Knickerbockers remain seven games under .500 and are just 6-6 since adding point guard Stephon Marbury. The All-Star is averaging 1.5 more assists since the trade, but his scoring is down three points per game.

I'm not gonna get excited like some of y'all , it's too early , we are one injury away from a disaster if we trade Frank Williams.
JAMES DOLAN on Isiah : He's a good friend of mine and of the organization and I will continue to solicit his views. He will always have strong ties to me and the team.
Knicks fans are missing the point !!!

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