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11/16/2007  7:39 AM
Posted by jazz74:

zodiac: great story and interesting take on the zodiac killer. however, it was too long and years past within the movie and these people looked the same every year. i am talking about maybe a decade and change has past.

Sometimes you just gotta use your imagination. The story was too good to notice the aging process. Saw it last night. Very well made film and a very good story. The part where he started stabbing the couple creeped me out. If the facts where true about dude that was the only suspect, then it was probably him. They where actually going to go after him (Arthur Leigh Allen), when he died of a massive heart attack.
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11/16/2007  8:54 AM
The scariest part was when he went into the basement of that guy's house- that was one of the most tense thrillers in quite some time. Helluva movie.

On other movies, I didn't like American Gangster that much. Very good performances from the leads- but it was missing something in style/dialougue. And did they really glorify a guy who was responsible for making a community addicted to heroin? I wasn't feeling that.

I also saw Reign over Me, which was ok, which was mostly sad. Wasn't big on it...
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11/16/2007  8:07 PM
Posted by VDesai:

And did they really glorify a guy who was responsible for making a community addicted to heroin? I wasn't feeling that.

Oh yeah. The basement scene. That was scary and I had to laugh because dude 'tore ass outta there' and couldn't get out of the door!! The old man popped up behind him! I was laughng so hard!!!

On the glorification of heroin? A big no, no! That's sucks!

Just rented 'Grindhouse's: Planet Terror'. Will report on it later. It's Friday folks! Enjoy a movie.

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11/17/2007  9:08 AM
Planet Terror was cool. Reflecting those old B-Horrors (exploitation) films brought back some memories. I saw some of those films when they came out in the theaters, back in the 70's. I need to research to find the films I saw. I saw some blaxploitation films, I saw all the major Bruce Lee films in theater, as well as some horror and sci-fi's. Films like The Texas Chainsaw Masssacre. I didn't realize that I had experienced this genre as much, not until I seen this film 'Planet Terror' last night. Um feeling a little fortunate right now. Planet Terror is more like a 'Mexiploitation film, since it was made by Robert Rodriguez, who also made 'Sin City'. It just has that feel of Mexican Pop (and by the way, I really like the direction that the young Mexican generation is going with Pop). Another one of my favorites. Great stuff. These exploitation films are not for kids though, if anyone was planning on letting their kids watch them. Including Planet Terror.
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11/20/2007  9:06 AM
i love netflix. i saw two more movies, one is HIGHLY recommended.
disturbia: it was decent and it has a clever twist of the hitchcock thriller "rear window". lebouf is very convincing and this is definately his year. it had some decent suspense scenes and better than other movies of its genre ( vacancy?). decent movie

hot fuzz: i think this was mentioned before. hot fuzz is the funniest movie i have seen in a LONG time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. i enjoyed shaun of the dead but this movie was exponentially better. the chemistry of the two protaganist makes me look forward to other movies with them. warning: the amount of viloence is suprising but it is british humor played for laughs. best line: "your a doctor. deal with it"; "yeah, mother******" hilarious.
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11/20/2007  9:03 PM
Hot Fuzz is one of the funniest movies saw it in the theaters and bought the DVD.
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11/22/2007  8:14 AM
Saw 'Virus', with Jamie Lee Curtis. She looks like a boy in this film. This film is about an 'electrical form of an alien' that suvives through electronic components on an abandoned ship. Anyone who like's horror, this one isn't bad. The acting was slightly skimpy, but overall the film had a good story and the special f/x weren't too bad either.

Just watched 'Live Free Or Die Hard'. Very good action. The story seemed to lack something, or maybe it was just so different from the first three. A do-able story. My favorite in the series is 'With A Vengence'. I enjoyed Live Free and was at the edge of my seat. Recommended.

Here's a list of interesting films I'm eventually going to check out. Check out the movie trailers at the apple site.

'The Bucket List' - December 2007
'Get Smart' - 2008
'10,000 B.C. - March 2008
'Ironman' (definately) - May 2008
'Jumper' - February 2008
'Cloverfield' - January 2008
'The Counterfeiters' - February 2008
'Shine A Light' - 2008
'Be Kind Rewind' (with Jack Black) - January 2008

In Theaters Now:
'I'm Not There'
'Jimmy Carter: Man From Plains'
'Protagonist' (moc)
'Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten' (doc)
'No Country For Old Men' (heard this is pretty good)

'Terror's Advocate' (doc)
'Mr. Untouchable' (doc)
Grindhouse's: 'Death Proof'

There many more, but these are the main ones. It's popcorn time!!!

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11/23/2007  2:26 PM
Posted by 4949:

Saw 'Virus', with Jamie Lee Curtis. She looks like a boy in this film. This film is about an 'electrical form of an alien' that suvives through electronic components on an abandoned ship. Anyone who like's horror, this one isn't bad. The acting was slightly skimpy, but overall the film had a good story and the special f/x weren't too bad either.

Just watched 'Live Free Or Die Hard'. Very good action. The story seemed to lack something, or maybe it was just so different from the first three. A do-able story. My favorite in the series is 'With A Vengence'. I enjoyed Live Free and was at the edge of my seat. Recommended.

Here's a list of interesting films I'm eventually going to check out. Check out the movie trailers at the apple site.

'The Bucket List' - December 2007
'Get Smart' - 2008
'10,000 B.C. - March 2008
'Ironman' (definately) - May 2008
'Jumper' - February 2008
'Cloverfield' - January 2008
'The Counterfeiters' - February 2008
'Shine A Light' - 2008
'Be Kind Rewind' (with Jack Black) - January 2008

In Theaters Now:
'I'm Not There'
'Jimmy Carter: Man From Plains'
'Protagonist' (moc)
'Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten' (doc)
'No Country For Old Men' (heard this is pretty good)

'Terror's Advocate' (doc)
'Mr. Untouchable' (doc)
Grindhouse's: 'Death Proof'

There many more, but these are the main ones. It's popcorn time!!!

saw live free or die hard too. it was good but not as good as the first and third one. definately better than the second. saw the movei "the reaping". garbage. the effects were effective but the story and characters were garbage. i liked the list of movies you want to see. here is my list:

dark knight
incredible hulk
indiana jones
mummy 3
get smart
punisher 2
vantage point
harold and kumar 2

there are more but i forgot.

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11/23/2007  5:59 PM
Watched 'Death Proof' last night. Boooooring as hell'................until the first car wreck (horrific). Don't let your kids see this. This film gets much, much better in the second half. Kurt was very good in his character, with those spooky looking eyes. I think I love Zoey. She was awsome, as with the other girls. It ends harlariously. Great ending to this flick. If you like the Grindhouse type of film, then this one is very good (in the second half of the movie though). Oh' and the car chases and crashes are up there with some of the best of them.

I think quintin is the ugliest man on earth. Good ending though.

Also, I been looking for information about 'Cloverfield'. Trying to find out what this thing looks like. The best I could find was on the apple movie trailers. The part where the soldiers are running and shooting at the thing and as the camera starts to pan towards what their shooting at, it you hit the stop-start button, you can get a pretty good glimps of the thing. It's as big as a skyscraper, greenish looking and start to crash through one of the buildings, as they shoot at it. It's the best shot I could find. J.J.'s been keeping it secret the whole time. It's strange how they would have a huge explosion in the spot of where the World Trade Center buildings once stood. Anyway, looks interesting.

[Edited by - 4949 on 11-23-2007 6:01 PM]
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11/25/2007  5:59 PM
Rented 'Sage Creek'. This one was boring at first, but after awhile, it turned out to be good. A fair story of how a small town of home steaders and an American Indian family work it out in the end. They made this one specifically for kids. Very good story. I liked it. Wes Studi (Dances With Wolves) and Irene Bedard (Smoke Signals) played roles in it, along with David Carradine (Kung-Fu's Little Grasshopper). Recommended for younger audiences. Was actually a nice way to end an evening.
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11/25/2007  11:28 PM
Any of you folks ever watched the documentary '9/11 Mysteries'? I found this film to be distrubing. It makes me angry that there probably was a conspiracy behind all of it.
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11/29/2007  10:00 AM
saw four movies: american gangster, ocean 13, smokin' aces and hairspray.

american gangster- i thought it was good but a little disappointed with the talent level involved in this film. the acting was great and i know that it followed the articles story line but to me it seemed like it borrowed from almost every mob movie. from "new jack city" to "goodfellas". though the way they received the drugs was a twist to the genre, i thought it was like any other gangster movie. they should have focused on the relationship between lucas and the cop and did flashbacks. that would have been a better movie. you have two powerful actors and they do not meet until much later in the film is a letdown. however, washington and crowe were great like always and even rza did his thing. yeah, wu!

ocean 13- this movie was better than my expectations and i had a decently high expectation for this. it is more of the same as the other movies and even though some would argue that this is tedious, i enjoy the planning and seeing the plan come into fruitation. solid performances all-around. i actually liked this one better than the previous two. potc3 next week and bourne ultimatum the week before. so it could change.

hairspray- had to see this with my girlfriend. i don't like musicals so i don't think to highly of this movie. the racial theme is interesting but unrealistic such as interracial kissing in front of a national audience in 1950's baltimore no less. it is called instant lynching. my girlfriend didn't like it that much either so it is not just my closed mindedness.

smokin aces- this movie is all about one thing. VIOLENCE. there is a lot of violence in this movie too. the ending and explanation is confusing and it may take repeated viewing. this movie is decent and good for those with adhd because of the pace, violence and quick editing. however, it doesn't provide much of anything else. ( oh, alicia keys looked STUNNING in this movie).
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11/29/2007  11:01 AM
You want to see a really good movie that just got released on DVD that virtually no one knows about? Rent "The Lookout."
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11/29/2007  11:02 AM
Also, I thought "No Country For Old Men" was tremendous. I think some might be dissapointed in it, but to me it was great. Amazing tension, great cinematography, and one of the most interesting screen villains ever created, as played by Javier Bardem.
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11/29/2007  12:38 PM
Posted by 4949:

Any of you folks ever watched the documentary '9/11 Mysteries'? I found this film to be distrubing. It makes me angry that there probably was a conspiracy behind all of it.

There is an article published in popular mechanics magazine that has a panel of actual scientists (rather than unknown "sources" and internet conspiracy theorists) address some of the more plausible claims of conspiracy. Playa2, why didnt you post this?

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11/29/2007  2:06 PM

You do realize that if 9/11 was conspiracy involving the highest levels of government; that most likely anyone (who still has a career to think about would never come out) would not be out there saying that "yes there was some inconsistencies and the evidence leads me to believe that the American government was directly involved".

Just look at the John F. Kennedy assassination the Warren Commission came to the conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman even though it would have been practically impossible to hit someone from one gun at those angles.

Another food for thought is that in recent history people now believe that FDR knew that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked. Now I’m sure if you said that during that time period, people would have scoffed and outraged. I think as time goes on we all could have a very different perception of what happened on 9/11. Not saying that your article is incorrect and that the conspiracies that have been out there are true.

Also if the government is inclined to cover up something they can pretty much get anyone to say anything except those few who are either crazy or courageous.
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12/1/2007  11:42 AM
Posted by bitty41:


You do realize that if 9/11 was conspiracy involving the highest levels of government; that most likely anyone (who still has a career to think about would never come out) would not be out there saying that "yes there was some inconsistencies and the evidence leads me to believe that the American government was directly involved".

Just look at the John F. Kennedy assassination the Warren Commission came to the conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman even though it would have been practically impossible to hit someone from one gun at those angles.

Another food for thought is that in recent history people now believe that FDR knew that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked. Now I’m sure if you said that during that time period, people would have scoffed and outraged. I think as time goes on we all could have a very different perception of what happened on 9/11. Not saying that your article is incorrect and that the conspiracies that have been out there are true.

Also if the government is inclined to cover up something they can pretty much get anyone to say anything except those few who are either crazy or courageous.

I do realize everything said is true, but I also believe in the facts. I have yet to see any hard evidence that supports a conspiracy. I have seen evidence that disproves one. Until someone is able to post hard evidence, rather than unnamed sources and crazy theories, I will continue to believe the truth
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12/2/2007  8:43 PM
Posted by VDesai:

Also, I thought "No Country For Old Men" was tremendous. I think some might be dissapointed in it, but to me it was great. Amazing tension, great cinematography, and one of the most interesting screen villains ever created, as played by Javier Bardem.

I almost saw this, but opted for 'I'm Not There'. Very strange movie, but striking in many ways. It's good, if it makes any sense to you. I found most of it interesting. Very poetic and in some ways, convincing. I love Kate and it took me a few minutes to figure out which character she was. Just about fooled me. Great actor. The only thing is, it just doesn't make a lot of sense, but Bob Dylan never really did make a lot of sense to people. Very artistic film. Sort of like a 'Warhol-ian type of film.
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12/2/2007  8:55 PM
Posted by bitty41:

You do realize that if 9/11 was conspiracy involving the highest levels of government; that most likely anyone (who still has a career to think about would never come out) would not be out there saying that "yes there was some inconsistencies and the evidence leads me to believe that the American government was directly involved".

Not necessarily 'high levels of Government'. Could have been anyone, even outside forces, through corporate rats that got in somehow. Who knows, but the film itself points out a lot of facts. Again, the most striking of these facts are the eyewitness accounts of Building Engineers in the basement areas, firemen and other officials throughout that event. You'd have to see it to even have an idea that something like that was undermined in more than just two planes crashing into it.

It's interesting to know that an awful lot of money has been involved in all that has happened. Even with the Iraq thing. Some people in higher ups are making an absolute killing. The is another film I'd like to point to you's that gives a much bigger picture of what has been going on over in Iraq. Take a look at 'No End In Sight'. A documentary that explores the stages of the war, since it began. Very high up Goverment officials are in this film. And of course, the bush administrations people refused to be a part of this film. Take a look at what they haven't been telling us the whole time. Like I said, all of this seems to be pointing to a great deal of money. After all of this is over, some people are going to be very, very rich. It's really sad at how many peoples lives have been ruined permanetly over this whole thing. And now I have a much better understanding of how it came to be. But take a look at the doc. I watched it twice, because I couldn't quite grasp what I was seeing and hearing. It's as bad as some people have been saying andit's probably going to get worse. The way I see it at this point, we can't exactly just leave Iraq in the state it is in right now. This is wayyyyy better than what Michael Moore put out the with his 911 doc. Normally I don't pay too much attention to these kinds of films, but this one has officials telling us what these dick heads have been doing the whole time.
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12/7/2007  10:08 PM
Watched 'Mr. Beans Holiday'. Good grief. What a dork! Funny though.

The funniest parts was 'him chasing the chicken across the country side and then trying to steal the guys motor bike'. Oh yeah, and 'him trying to figure out what ran his bicycle over' Hallarious!
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