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at this point in time should we let isiah and steve mills go?

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my vote is yes. this has been a disater. im not against isiah, nor do i pre-judge anything about this scandal--but my allegiance is with the knicks and the fans of the knicks. i also believe mills should go to and start fresh.
only isiah
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1/25/2006  10:06 AM
I am not going to vote in this one just yet - I have read the article etc. You can look at this a few ways.

- Isiah is questionable
- Isiah did it
- She is just pissed she got canned

If it is case #1 - maybe you let him go because the team isnt doing as well as they thought, and you can get Mills out at the same time.

If it is #2 - cut him now, and clean house.

If it is #3 - let it blow over.

I guess the bottom line is, do we support him and believe him or is this situation too far gone and this is just another example of his inability to handle this franchise. I dont have a solid yes or no on any of these questions and I think there is a lot to be debated before anyone passes final judgement. What are your thoughts Briggs?
"If at first you don't succeed, then maybe you just SUCK." Kenny Powers
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1/25/2006  10:14 AM
They should only leave if the case is a distraction and they can't function in their jobs. Otherwise, there's a legal process that needs to be followed, and their guilt or innocence will be established.
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1/25/2006  10:23 AM
If you had to make a choice to do whats best for the business, you fire Zeke and Mills and move forward because scandals are awful PR. Clean house and move on.

Thats strictly from a business perspective. From a human perspective you would have to go through legal process etc and establish guilt or innocence. But with a payroll in the hundreds of millions - I would be more inclined to go with the business approach if I were Dolan.

[Edited by - OasisBU on 01-25-2006 10:23 AM]
"If at first you don't succeed, then maybe you just SUCK." Kenny Powers
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1/25/2006  11:32 AM
Does anyone have a list of available candidates for GM pres? Is Magic still interested?
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1/25/2006  11:35 AM
if we let isiah/mills go, i would probably throw my money at kiki after the season is over.
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1/25/2006  11:36 AM
hey, here's an idea, how about we wait until Marbury plays again?

Magic Johnson would be a disaster. that guy is an idiot. Isiah is a lot smarter. you guys amaze me.
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1/25/2006  12:21 PM
Posted by crzymdups:

hey, here's an idea, how about we wait until Marbury plays again?

Magic Johnson would be a disaster. that guy is an idiot. Isiah is a lot smarter. you guys amaze me.

Totally agree. Magic, I love him as a player, and told him so in Joes Pub one day, but, he's not the brightest guy around.

You don't fire someone because of a lawsuit. That is prejudging and its stupid. Distraction, shmaction. Because the GM has charges levied against him its a distraction for the team? These guys make millions of dollars and everyoe wants to act anythyng that happens is a distraction. He's a prez, not a coach. They don't even have to see him often until this blows over or develops into something bigger. If it seems that there was some impropreity, than you let him go obviously. Absent that, you NEVER, fire someone because of an unsubstantiated allegation. NEVER. It is always the wrong thing to do.
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1/25/2006  12:24 PM
How about firing him for destroying this franchise for years to come?
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1/25/2006  12:41 PM
at this particular point I wouldnt fire him becuase nothing in this lawsuit is proven yet. its just a case of he said, she said.
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1/25/2006  12:42 PM
Posted by crzymdups:

hey, here's an idea, how about we wait until Marbury plays again?

Magic Johnson would be a disaster. that guy is an idiot. Isiah is a lot smarter. you guys amaze me.

thats an okay idea, but try to keep in mind that we're a bad team even WITH marbury. so saying that wont calm many people down.
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1/25/2006  12:42 PM
Isiah is a dumb **** i can't believe anyone has any faith in the man, he gave away two first rounders and two second rounders for Eddy Curry and gave him more money than anyone offered.......

He has made numerous terrible trades, Van Horn and Doleac for Naz and Tim, compounds it by adding Malik Rose for years, Mo Taylor, Crawford KT, for Q who can't make a jumper that guy sucks.....

His free agent signings JJ, Vin Baker.....

Anyone who wants this ******* to stay doesn't know the game, we could have had Gerald Wallace over James, or Eddie Griffin over him for half the price, Isiah needs to go and so does Mills....

The franchise is going nowehere regardless of the promise the rookes are showing....

Fire him now!
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1/25/2006  12:44 PM
Posted by islesfan:

How about firing him for destroying this franchise for years to come?

How about giving him a little longer before we decide if the franchise is destroyed or not? the team looked like it was coming together before the injury/suspension double whammy.
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1/25/2006  12:44 PM
Posted by MS:

Isiah is a dumb **** i can't believe anyone has any faith in the man, he gave away two first rounders and two second rounders for Eddy Curry and gave him more money than anyone offered.......

He has made numerous terrible trades, Van Horn and Doleac for Naz and Tim, compounds it by adding Malik Rose for years, Mo Taylor, Crawford KT, for Q who can't make a jumper that guy sucks.....

His free agent signings JJ, Vin Baker.....

Anyone who wants this ******* to stay doesn't know the game, we could have had Gerald Wallace over James, or Eddie Griffin over him for half the price, Isiah needs to go and so does Mills....

The franchise is going nowehere regardless of the promise the rookes are showing....

Fire him now!

I repsect your opinion but alot of the things you just said are exaggerated or just flat out incorrect.
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1/25/2006  12:48 PM
Posted by SlimPack:
Posted by MS:

Isiah is a dumb **** i can't believe anyone has any faith in the man, he gave away two first rounders and two second rounders for Eddy Curry and gave him more money than anyone offered.......

He has made numerous terrible trades, Van Horn and Doleac for Naz and Tim, compounds it by adding Malik Rose for years, Mo Taylor, Crawford KT, for Q who can't make a jumper that guy sucks.....

His free agent signings JJ, Vin Baker.....

Anyone who wants this ******* to stay doesn't know the game, we could have had Gerald Wallace over James, or Eddie Griffin over him for half the price, Isiah needs to go and so does Mills....

The franchise is going nowehere regardless of the promise the rookes are showing....

Fire him now!

I repsect your opinion but alot of the things you just said are exaggerated or just flat out incorrect.
I agree with everything you said slim. lots of false and misleading statements in MS's post
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1/25/2006  12:50 PM
Posted by SlimPack:
Posted by MS:

Isiah is a dumb **** i can't believe anyone has any faith in the man, he gave away two first rounders and two second rounders for Eddy Curry and gave him more money than anyone offered.......

He has made numerous terrible trades, Van Horn and Doleac for Naz and Tim, compounds it by adding Malik Rose for years, Mo Taylor, Crawford KT, for Q who can't make a jumper that guy sucks.....

His free agent signings JJ, Vin Baker.....

Anyone who wants this ******* to stay doesn't know the game, we could have had Gerald Wallace over James, or Eddie Griffin over him for half the price, Isiah needs to go and so does Mills....

The franchise is going nowehere regardless of the promise the rookes are showing....

Fire him now!

I repsect your opinion
but alot of the things you just said are exaggerated or just flat out incorrect.
agreed; most of the details in the transactions above are simply wrong.

This harrassment issue *at this point* should have no bearing on whether one wants Isiah fired. I'm a strong believer, apparently much stronger than many here, in defendant's rights, particularly the right to be deemed innocent until proven guilty. We shouldn't even be having this type of discussion unless Isiah was tried and convicted.

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1/25/2006  1:13 PM
Posted by crzymdups:
Posted by islesfan:

How about firing him for destroying this franchise for years to come?

How about giving him a little longer before we decide if the franchise is destroyed or not? the team looked like it was coming together before the injury/suspension double whammy.
kind of how the team looked like it was coming together this time 2 years ago. We had won 7 of 8, were in the playoff hunt and there was nice mojo between Marbury, KVH and Doleac. Remember how good Doleac looked on those pick and pops from MArbury?

Now I really didnt have a problem with that trade all things considered but that group was playing the best ball of any group under Isiah.

People around here worship anyone that puts on the blue and orange. Do you really feel good about what Isiah has done and is doing or are you just really pulling for him because he's out guy?

"winning is more fun... then fun is fun" -Thibs
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1/25/2006  1:29 PM
Posted by fishmike:
Posted by crzymdups:
Posted by islesfan:

How about firing him for destroying this franchise for years to come?

How about giving him a little longer before we decide if the franchise is destroyed or not? the team looked like it was coming together before the injury/suspension double whammy.
kind of how the team looked like it was coming together this time 2 years ago. We had won 7 of 8, were in the playoff hunt and there was nice mojo between Marbury, KVH and Doleac. Remember how good Doleac looked on those pick and pops from MArbury?

Now I really didnt have a problem with that trade all things considered but that group was playing the best ball of any group under Isiah.

People around here worship anyone that puts on the blue and orange. Do you really feel good about what Isiah has done and is doing or are you just really pulling for him because he's out guy?

that team never won 7 of 8. They won 5 in a row, but lost the 2 before that and lost the 2 after that. I always thought that stretch was overblown. Surely you admit there is a difference between an old jump shooting team winning 5 in a row at a weak stretch in their schedule (beating Miami with no Wade before Shaq) and a young team beating some of the top teams in the league over 6 in a row? Could we have built around Van Horn and Doleac long term? no. What has Van Horn done since then? nothing. Can we build around Curry/Frye/Marbury/Craw/Nate/Lee long term? yes. That's the difference and it's a big one.

I didn't realize this thread was overreacting about a law suit we knew nothing about, I thought it was merely overreacting about losing 5 in a row without Marbury around.

As far as the scandal goes, let's wait and see how true it is. I want to hear both sides and more from each side. If Isiah did those things, he should be fired. If this is about this woman making a play for money after she was fired, this incident shouldn't have anything to do with Isiah.

I'm not rooting for Isiah in particular, I think he's done a bad job in some aspects, but a very good job in other aspects. I love Curry, Frye, Marbury, Nate, Lee. I like Craw.
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1/25/2006  1:33 PM
I think eventually, there's just going to be so much turbulence, that we have to let Isiah go. If this turns to a real issue, it's going to come to such a strong point, that it's going to completely distract Isiah and Steve Mills from basketball, when we need people working on it the most. The Knicks as a team are looking ugly. Now the GM is being sued and tried? I think it's time to let him go and just let this team start on a new leaf and MAYBE if we hire a new GM, we can offer to re hire Isiah as a scout.
“Whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘Would an idiot do that?’ and if they would, I do NOT do that thing.”- Dwight Schrute
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1/25/2006  1:36 PM
if the team continues to lose, along with these accusations, i would suprised if isiah is around come draft night.
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1/25/2006  1:39 PM
I would prefer that Dolan sells the team. It's the only way to cure the problem.

[Edited by - Rich on 01-25-2006 1:39 PM]
at this point in time should we let isiah and steve mills go?

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