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Where the heck is Hillary Clinton?
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9/3/2016  12:44 AM    LAST EDITED: 9/3/2016  12:45 AM
holfresh wrote:
Paris907 wrote:Nix: one other thought for your consideration. Obama never reached Congress. He had both houses and spent more than all prior Presidents. He leaves with a 20 trillion deficit, a anemic economy (1.1% growth)and Obamacare cratering. This is hardly legacy. He had Pelosi and Dirty Harry or did you conveniently forget that. As a first Black President, history will undoubtedly be forgiving and providing him ans rosy legacy but the facts are the facts. The inner cities have more violence than since the 60s, foreign policy is at an unprecedented low (thanks to Obama and Kerry and Clinton), nearly 100 hundred Amerixans are unemployed and the deep desire for $15 wage is a formula for more unemployment - that Econ 101. He shot down the keystone pipeline. Congress Deferred its power of the purse, and Obama took the low road with a "pen and a phone". How easy the left forgets the facts. They are indeed stubborn.

One fact in that paragraph, Keystone pipeline...Reagan, Bush 1 and 2 spent more money than Obama..Fact..The recession was the cause of the massive deficit..Bush 2 met a surplus before leaving an 11 trillion dollar debt bill...I'm tired doing fact check for you guys, look it up yourselves..No one spent more than Reagan..He was a prolific spender but "conservatives" loves him, go figure..

Never stop fact checking....Sometimes your facts are worth more to people that follow your values than people that disagree with you. Facts is like cryptonite to bigots and racist.

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9/3/2016  1:00 AM
DrAlphaeus wrote:
Paris907 wrote:I am a Constitutional Conservative which is probably counter intuitive to most UWS Knicks Fans. I left the West Side long ago. Funny how Donald Trump wasn't a racist and so much more despite having a business all over NYC and Globally. I'm not a DT fan yet there are a number of his positions that I agree with. I don't think his thr madman he's portrayed. I think that those who believe that Obama aka Hillarys positions have favored Blacks are simply wrong. The unemployment rate among African Amerixan youth is dismal and beyond logic. It's nearly purposeful. When you consider that food stamps have had a 58 % increase under Obama and that the Clintons have amassed $230 million since parting the White House, there is more than a whiff of mendaxity in the air. The Clinton Foundation screwed Haitians among so many others. On moral grounds I cannot bring myself to vote for her.

DT is no statesman, no politician, and can play rough. Ask the other 16 politicians who ran against him. He's a fighter. He will fight for America. Not Iran, not the refugees and not sanctuary cities. He wants Jobs first and foremost for Americans and that includes Latins who toiled for years to gain legal status and contribute to their community as citizens.

I am for a wall and so are many countries worldwide. Borders define a country. African Americans have been mistreated and nursed coddled and taken for granted by the Democratic Party. DT gets my vote not because I admire him but because I can no longer tolerate seeing minorities **** on by the Democratix party's thank his for Mia Love Alan West, and dozens upon dozens of intelligent dynamic African Americans who are in Congress, the Senate and Journalists within the Conservative ranks. The nY times and washington post and CNN serve the cool aid and far too many Americans are drinking deep

Thanks for the perspective. Do you have a source for the 58% increase in food stamps you cite?

Absolutely the use of Food Stamps skyrocketed under Obama because of the financial crisis. This country was hemorrhaging jobs at a rate not seen since the great depression. That has since started to decline.

The majority of food stamp recipients are the very old, the very young, and the very sick. The rest aren't on food stamps for generations as some will have you believe, or even years. Most families are on food stamps for less than a year, closer to 8 months.

Anyone who tries to sell you on the idea that Obama is some big govt liberal doesn't know what the hell they are talking about.

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9/3/2016  2:32 AM
Literally everything is better under Democratic Presidents. Better economy! More jobs! Less spending! Less War! This is a FACT! Obama's presidency was purposefully sabotaged by Republicans and then they complain about how things have gone. Name one positive thing Republicans did during Obama's presidency to help the country!!! All they did was obstruct and threaten to default on the debt and crash the world economy. Those stunts cost us billions.

Republicans scream about food stamps but block jobs plans and minimum wage increases. How F'd is that??? Complain about Gun violence but block any gun control measures. Complain about immigration but hire undocumented workers (like Trump did) to work on their farms and construction sites. Republicans blow up the debt and ruin the world economy and then bash the prez that guides the country back from the ditch they drove us into!!! The hypocrisy just goes on and on.

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9/3/2016  4:46 AM    LAST EDITED: 9/3/2016  4:52 AM
Knickoftime wrote:
earthmansurfer wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
earthmansurfer wrote:I just don't want her in the White house as that will be A GUARANTEED WWIII.

Ummmmmm... okay.

Pretty bold prediction. If she wins, as she very likely will, you going to stick around for that?

I'm in Germany and don't feel any safer. Really, she is the reason we went in Libya. It was her decision against professional upper Military men. (Wikileaks docs)

No, it wasn't.

She was not commander in chief.

Hillary should be in prison right now - any of us would be. Obviously the corruption runs deep.

Specifically what on what charges?

Not even her political opponents are REALLY making that argument. It's used a a vague generality, but not even the GOP is really pressing that.

Here is a link talking about Hillary and Libya - http://www.mintpressnews.com/wikileaks-hillary-clinton-helped-topple-gadhafi-france-uk-fought-libyas-oil/215104/
There are many many more if you don't like that one.

Are you serious regarding "on what charges"? Do you know what the Freedom of Information Act is? Well, Hillary went around that and put private emails on her server and after the fact she wiped the hard drives clean using software just for that. (So, she basically removed a ton of information from the public realm, not to mention just flat out broke the law by keeping it from the government as well!) Just the email server thing warrants jail time, that is an extremely serious crime. Here is a snippet. (I'm no fan of Beck but he is mainstream. A TON of articles out there on what she has done wrong.) http://www.glennbeck.com/2016/01/27/hillary-clinton-should-be-in-prison-heres-why/

Look through the wikileaks emails from her. IT will turn your stomach. https://search.wikileaks.org/?q=hillary+clintonRemember, the corruption runs deep. There is only so much political opponents will bring up as Clinton is gonna try to take others down with her.

If nothing else the media should be covering these leaks and for the most part they are ignoring them. Really, the government (or should I say corporations) is in large part corrupt. It appears a dark state is running things.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein
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9/3/2016  8:58 AM
nixluva wrote:Literally everything is better under Democratic Presidents. Better economy! More jobs! Less spending! Less War! This is a FACT! Obama's presidency was purposefully sabotaged by Republicans and then they complain about how things have gone. Name one positive thing Republicans did during Obama's presidency to help the country!!! All they did was obstruct and threaten to default on the debt and crash the world economy. Those stunts cost us billions.

Republicans scream about food stamps but block jobs plans and minimum wage increases. How F'd is that??? Complain about Gun violence but block any gun control measures. Complain about immigration but hire undocumented workers (like Trump did) to work on their farms and construction sites. Republicans blow up the debt and ruin the world economy and then bash the prez that guides the country back from the ditch they drove us into!!! The hypocrisy just goes on and on.

Just like Republicans, Democrats just regurgitate what other people in their same party regurgitate and so on and so on. Republicans and Democrats are one and the same. They divide us into two cause its easy to control us that way and then they pretend to "support" our ideas and morals.

Just like Muslims in power in other countries that preach to their people not to drink and fornicate and not be homosexual all while their rich privileged kids live Western lifestyles that often make their American counterparts look tame and conservative.

These politicians are laughing all the way to the bank while we fight over gay marriage and race and abortions and gun rights. Hey guess what? That super conservative religious politician just played the tap tap game in the mens bathroom with another man on the down low, and that super liberal politician over there secretly told his daughter to stop dating that black man shes been with.

I am pretty liberal minded when it comes to peoples rights but I am also very conservative when it comes to the economy. But I lean towards Trump because Hillary is just more of the same and I am willing to roll the dice on him. If anyone here really thinks he is gonna drop the bomb on anyone then your really just looking on the surface and maybe you need to look deeper not only at people but at politics.

If I was Trump and already had more money by far than any other presidential candidate in history why would I put myself in such a stressful job to make more money when I'm already a business man and make money my own way and a lot less stress free? So Im hoping Trump wants to be remembered as a great president cause he has a HUGE ego. As for Clinton, she don't give a rats ass about black people, shes made racist comments before and anyone remember the Obama ad she had with the little white girl sleeping? Rich people don't care about black people, rich BLACK people don't care about black people. There is no president that will ever help black people, black people have to do it on their own.

And illegal immigration DOES HURT US!!! It lowers wages for everyone else and guess what if your business/business model can't survive without illegal immigrant labor/very low wages then your business/business model is not really successfuil!!! And people that say that our welfare system is not abused... lol!!! One of my customers works in social services and we talk about it a lot and she told me that she sees tons of single moms with multiple kids that have no desire to ever seek employment and she told me that at least once a month she tells me about an illegal immigrant that has a medical procedure in the $100,000 range because they get free medical for one month or something to that effect while the taxpaying citizen cant even afford their prescriptions!!!

Another thing that doesn't work is this trickle down crock a ****. Corporations NEED TO PAY TAXES!!! GOtta end this offshore tax havens... companies will always employ the least amount of people needed to carry out the jobs necessary, when they get bigger tax breaks they aint hiring more people, they aint giving people raises!!!! They are giving their CEO more bonuses and buying out other companies, trickle down is BS, if you wanna give huge tax breaks give it to the small businesses. How about having a mandatory 80% full time and 20% part time law for all companies that employ more than 100 people. You know how many people I know that work in retail or fast food that don't get 40 hours a week cause they don't wanna pay benefits?

Sorry I can go on and on but maybe if Trump is elected it might shake up our political process a little bit. Doesn't it make you wonder why so many politicians in general both liberal and conservative are so against Trump? I don't ever remember so many people in the same party being so divided, is it because Trump is an outsider even to other republicans? Are they scared that hes not "playing their game"? Maybe the politicians like how things have been done for a long time and just when they got everything going just they like it here comes someone that might make their lives a little more difficult?

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9/3/2016  11:15 AM
It's amazing how evil and negativity can spread so fast, but if someone made a positive thread about anything, it wouldn't go past 2 pages. Trump is an evil and negative man, praying on the fears of potential votes. He's a populist, who changes his views based on what people want to hear. Trump cannot handle tweets, so how can he handle nuke codes.
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9/3/2016  12:11 PM
6 Words for Briggs,


George H. W. Bush THE 41ST PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. was in office January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993, he was the President above in the video that campaigned everyone, manipulated and united America with the slogan, "READ MY LIPS, NO MORE TAXES" (not only was he not able to get rid of taxes but he raised taxes) Bill Clinton then became President of the U.S. for 2 terms before his son eventually became president of U.S.
He also had affiliations with CIA and other higher powered positions in the U.S.

George W. Bush, THE 43RD PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. the son and was the President of U.S. during the 9/11 attack) THE SON of of the 41st President that was elected for 2 terms, one President after, was in office January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009, he was the President of the U.S. during the 9/11 terrorist attacks....

Bill Clinton was the President in between both father and son and Hillary is the Wife of Bill Clinton
It was one of the better times in American during his reign, though there were more jobs, much less robberies/crime, everyone making money, but our debt was getting bigger

Tough he will probably be remembered more for his cheating scandal with Monica Lewinsky
While under oath, he tried his best to sell his lie, "I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN"

It was later revealed that he technically did not have "sex" or "intercourse" with the intern but did have fellaco *BJ or Oral sex performed on him*

Despite all that Hillary stood by his man, I do not know if I should consider this a positive quality or negative

BRIGGS wrote:If I was an African American leader Id go to Trump and say Mr Trump can we get your word you will come in and rebuild our inner cities schools and make sure our neighborhood are safe--and if need be we want it patrolled by a largely African American police force to ensure people feel safe? What did Obama do for AA? He did sht if not backwards. Hillary Clinton--exactly WTF do you think shes going to do for you--shes a crook who has made 200mm $ from taking bribes and playing foul. She wants to be the first female President--to me thats more embarrassing than the narcissist Trump--shes an awful choice. I feel Trump will do a good job because he works hard---he wants safe streets --I get what he is saying through the muddle. People can come to the US from anywhere at anytime and just get theirs for free--you CANNOT do that anywhere else on Earth. He is saying lets make this a country thats safe and secure for its residents that belong here. That means Hispanics Asians White AA--all of us. You can see he will reach out---where did Obama ever reach out--8 years nada nothing--he didnt do jack.

Seriously Briggs, are you so naive at your age and proclaimed success to hold Trump's words to the truth?

Since when do u take WORD for WORD on what a politician says?


Trump has been looking to get more minority votes right now with African Americans, (Spanish speaking communities), along with some other minoritiys communities...

As expected, it was leaked that he will be asked questions in which he was given at least 1 night in advance (when he went to some African American Community)
So of course it would not be Trump but his advisors/staff that will be giving him the answers, along with how to say it, to win over more votes that he needs....

If u are even considering Donald Trump and is 5year old temperament, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO U
It is not about Winning or Losing, it is being about responsible and realizing all the affects/effects that will happen after each decision to the U.S.

We are not the only ones with NUKES, and if he started using them, many communist countries can use that as an excuse, including North Korea, Russia, China,
Along with Financial Wars on the economy, with CyberWars, along with hackers) now days being a lot more efficient in hurting ones economy and benefiting from it with Stocks, whether buying/shorting


The Bush family, born in a wealthy family that benefited from World War II, affiliation with the Nuke that bombed Japan, along with building railroads in American, shipping companies, I believe it was the Grandfather of the first President that always knew how to capitalize on War
They have had a history to capitalizing on war along with the benefits of power/government (Texas/OKC and Florida I believe) etc,

With generations of affiliations with, banking/ Aviation/shipping companies, Oil and distributing, buying out companies/merging companies, Wall Street and Investment firms, and have associations with the scandals that lead to the depression/Wall Street scandal that affects/effects us today, while benefiting from it, causing our Government to step in to intervene...

George Bush and again knew how to to benefit from the POWER of his decisions and benefited his friends and family, some still affecting today....
WAR helped their family/friends make much money with Iraq, along with oil companies, he did cut taxes, especially for the States that he had business's in that are on his bracket, along with the upper class

In the the end, Donald Trump, IMO, will always be a business man first, he will look to make decisions to will benefit him, along with his friends for a "return"
The point that I am bringing up The Bush family is that I have legitimate concerns of having leaders of power that have the ability to benefit themselves and their family/friends for their personal desires over our nations best interests....

Lets be honest, The Rich/Wealth/Power will always have advantage, that is how our system works, with greater privileges, including crimes committed vs the regular guy that can hire firms of lawyers as a team with wealthy friends of power...

IMO, Hilary by far is the the better of both choices, even many of the Republicans would rather have Hilary vs their own party's candidate with Donald Trump, that should be a HUGE *Donald Trump voice* RED FLAG...
If anyone has watched any of the debates, it should be quite obvious.....

Donald Trumps hatred/insults will only cause MORE HATE on this war against Gun Violence and War on Terrorism, LIKELY uniting ALL ISLAMICs with ISIS if elected, causing MORE HATE
NOT ONLY does he OFFEND Islamic's *which is the largest religion in the world* but also throws Woman and Mexicans (while the U.S. was built by immigrants of the lower class, and took off in the World while Woman were give a larger part of society
If you look at the countries which are 3rd world countries, you would realize that MOST if NOT ALL all have Woman treated like Garbage, a reason why their economic states of such places the way they are....

Insults and bashing Hilary *with any one he was against* was the route Donald Trump took, including bragging his success, with giving false claims without legit answers on HOW HE WOULD EXECUTE such actions while Hilary Clinton has given much thought on how she would execute her actions, putting in the time as a through her years and will have an advantage as she was able to learn with former President Bill Clinton...

He likes to brag about everything especially his success on business
Well, IMO one of the more important qualities is TRUST if you are looking for a partner, certainly not someone that may screw you over to make a fortune...
Just like filing for BANKRUPTCY for his business in order to "beat the system"

IMO, what difference does it make on what he says, its what will he do AFTER he is elected, Trump and any candidate, will say what they NEED TO SAY TO GET MORE VOTES TO WIN THE ELECTION
Can you hold is word on it because he is NOT obliged to his words after if he is in fact elected, at minimum he will have 4years as President and will have an affect/effect for decades after...

For more information regarding the Bush's with their generations of business, here is an article

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9/3/2016  2:58 PM    LAST EDITED: 9/3/2016  3:01 PM
Paris907 wrote:Nix: one other thought for your consideration. Obama never reached Congress. He had both houses and spent more than all prior Presidents. He leaves with a 20 trillion deficit, a anemic economy (1.1% growth)and Obamacare cratering. This is hardly legacy. He had Pelosi and Dirty Harry or did you conveniently forget that. As a first Black President, history will undoubtedly be forgiving and providing him ans rosy legacy but the facts are the facts. The inner cities have more violence than since the 60s, foreign policy is at an unprecedented low (thanks to Obama and Kerry and Clinton), nearly 100 hundred Amerixans are unemployed and the deep desire for $15 wage is a formula for more unemployment - that Econ 101. He shot down the keystone pipeline. Congress Deferred its power of the purse, and Obama took the low road with a "pen and a phone". How easy the left forgets the facts. They are indeed stubborn.

Paris907, your facts are wrong and misleading. When Bush took office there was a $238 billion surplus. Rather than use that opportunity to pay down the debt and balance the budget, the Republicans were more concern with giving tax breaks to mostly the rich. The federal debt doubled under Bush and republican policies led us into the Great Recession. When Obama took over, the economy had lost millions of jobs. However, federal spending under Obama has not increased. The federal spending outlays have only increased about 4.8% since 2009 and much of that increase would be due to simple inflation. The federal deficit has increased, not because of Obama or his policies, but because the national budget runs at a deficit ever year. The problem is not Obama. It is the republican policies. In fact, for the past 30 years, the federal deficit and debt has consistently gone up whenever a republican takes office. The only president to actually reduce the deficit was Bill Clinton. The economy is now better under Obama and 15 million more people have healthcare.

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9/3/2016  3:12 PM
TheGame wrote:
Paris907 wrote:Nix: one other thought for your consideration. Obama never reached Congress. He had both houses and spent more than all prior Presidents. He leaves with a 20 trillion deficit, a anemic economy (1.1% growth)and Obamacare cratering. This is hardly legacy. He had Pelosi and Dirty Harry or did you conveniently forget that. As a first Black President, history will undoubtedly be forgiving and providing him ans rosy legacy but the facts are the facts. The inner cities have more violence than since the 60s, foreign policy is at an unprecedented low (thanks to Obama and Kerry and Clinton), nearly 100 hundred Amerixans are unemployed and the deep desire for $15 wage is a formula for more unemployment - that Econ 101. He shot down the keystone pipeline. Congress Deferred its power of the purse, and Obama took the low road with a "pen and a phone". How easy the left forgets the facts. They are indeed stubborn.

Paris907, your facts are wrong and misleading. When Bush took office there was a $238 billion surplus. Rather than use that opportunity to pay down the debt and balance the budget, the Republicans were more concern with giving tax breaks to mostly the rich. The federal debt doubled under Bush and republican policies led us into the Great Recession. When Obama took over, the economy had lost millions of jobs. However, federal spending under Obama has not increased. The federal spending outlays have only increased about 4.8% since 2009 and much of that increase would be due to simple inflation. The federal deficit has increased, not because of Obama or his policies, but because the national budget runs at a deficit ever year. The problem is not Obama. It is the republican policies. In fact, for the past 30 years, the federal deficit and debt has consistently gone up whenever a republican takes office. The only president to actually reduce the deficit was Bill Clinton. The economy is now better under Obama and 15 million more people have healthcare.

To back up what you're saying anyone can go to this site and see all the data and learn the truth!!! Not the lies on Fox or Breitbart.


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9/3/2016  3:21 PM
earthmansurfer wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
earthmansurfer wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
earthmansurfer wrote:I just don't want her in the White house as that will be A GUARANTEED WWIII.

Ummmmmm... okay.

Pretty bold prediction. If she wins, as she very likely will, you going to stick around for that?

I'm in Germany and don't feel any safer. Really, she is the reason we went in Libya. It was her decision against professional upper Military men. (Wikileaks docs)

No, it wasn't.

She was not commander in chief.

Hillary should be in prison right now - any of us would be. Obviously the corruption runs deep.

Specifically what on what charges?

Not even her political opponents are REALLY making that argument. It's used a a vague generality, but not even the GOP is really pressing that.

Here is a link talking about Hillary and Libya - http://www.mintpressnews.com/wikileaks-hillary-clinton-helped-topple-gadhafi-france-uk-fought-libyas-oil/215104/
There are many many more if you don't like that one.

Are you serious regarding "on what charges"? Do you know what the Freedom of Information Act is? Well, Hillary went around that and put private emails on her server and after the fact she wiped the hard drives clean using software just for that. (So, she basically removed a ton of information from the public realm, not to mention just flat out broke the law by keeping it from the government as well!) Just the email server thing warrants jail time, that is an extremely serious crime. Here is a snippet. (I'm no fan of Beck but he is mainstream. A TON of articles out there on what she has done wrong.) http://www.glennbeck.com/2016/01/27/hillary-clinton-should-be-in-prison-heres-why/

Look through the wikileaks emails from her. IT will turn your stomach. https://search.wikileaks.org/?q=hillary+clintonRemember, the corruption runs deep. There is only so much political opponents will bring up as Clinton is gonna try to take others down with her.

If nothing else the media should be covering these leaks and for the most part they are ignoring them. Really, the government (or should I say corporations) is in large part corrupt. It appears a dark state is running things.

I really fail to see why anyone cares about this email thing. In a country in which people have treated Eric Snowden as a hero, the Republicans want to rile us up about Hillary deleting some emails. I could not careless. I am more worried about our national debt, the economy, police violence (both by and against the police), and these crazies shooting people in public. Trump's ideas seem implausible to me. I don't see how you stop gun violence by giving more people guns and turning us back to the days of the Wild West. I don't see a fence as a plausible solution to immigration (and who are you going to get to build the fence-Mexicans). Trump won't release his taxes because they will show the guy pays less taxes than Romney did, but I am supposed to trust him to lead us on tax reform. Trump has no experience in foreign policy, and given the fact that many in his own party do not support him, this just shows that this guy is going to be an isolationist who is going to turn the world against us. Do I love Clinton? No. I loved Bill Clinton, but I am lukewarm on Hillary. However, there is no way I would vote for Trump.

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9/3/2016  3:26 PM
It's mind bugging that so many people honestly think that president of United States and even more Congress have any control of our society.
They cannot change sht and this is the best thing which happening to this country.
We have a society which regulates itself by natural lows on nature and human psychology.
This is why we and countries selected the same way of Republican governance in the framework of market economy are progressing so quickly.
And the rest of the world who decided to go with various communist/religions/nationalistic dictatorship with government planned economy are descending into Mad Max style wastelands.
So we can have big a..ss Khardasian lady as president and bunch of average crackheads in Congress but everything will still go exactly the way it goes.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
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9/3/2016  3:35 PM
arkrud wrote:It's mind bugging that so many people honestly think that president of United States and even more Congress have any control of our society.
They cannot change sht and this is the best thing which happening to this country.
We have a society which regulates itself by natural lows on nature and human psychology.
This is why we and countries selected the same way of Republican governance in the framework of market economy are progressing so quickly.
And the rest of the world who decided to go with various communist/religions/nationalistic dictatorship with government planned economy are descending into Mad Max style wastelands.
So we can have big a..ss Khardasian lady as president and bunch of average crackheads in Congress but everything will still go exactly the way it goes.

I don't think you realize that this country fought a bloody Civil War to begin to bring about a just society and it still took another 100 years of violence and oppression and the use of National Guard Troops to force integration. Still yet in the South things have not fully integrated so much so that School Proms in many areas were still segregated as recently as last year. There was no NATURAL REGULATION. People DIED in order to bring about a better society in this country.

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9/3/2016  3:51 PM
Briggs, someone hack your account? You sound like a child.
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9/3/2016  5:15 PM
Nalod wrote:Briggs, someone hack your account? You sound like a child.

What's sounds like a child? I think Trump wants to do a good job. I know he's one of the most narcissistic people on the planet but that can work to advantage. I think he's a business man who will bring a deal making mentality to the White House. I think minorities who open their eyes can see what they can potentially have here-- a guy who wants his legacy known as a great president who gets things done. Smart minority leaders will pick up on this-- pick up on the open opportunity. He's a doer and Hillary is old guard who will follow the same recipe. If minorities still complain after 8 years of an AA President than it's time for a new route. Stop scream racist and wake up and take opportunity to get things accomplished Hillary Clinton is not that person Best of luck

RIP Crushalot😞
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9/3/2016  5:30 PM
nixluva wrote:
arkrud wrote:It's mind bugging that so many people honestly think that president of United States and even more Congress have any control of our society.
They cannot change sht and this is the best thing which happening to this country.
We have a society which regulates itself by natural lows on nature and human psychology.
This is why we and countries selected the same way of Republican governance in the framework of market economy are progressing so quickly.
And the rest of the world who decided to go with various communist/religions/nationalistic dictatorship with government planned economy are descending into Mad Max style wastelands.
So we can have big a..ss Khardasian lady as president and bunch of average crackheads in Congress but everything will still go exactly the way it goes.

I don't think you realize that this country fought a bloody Civil War to begin to bring about a just society and it still took another 100 years of violence and oppression and the use of National Guard Troops to force integration. Still yet in the South things have not fully integrated so much so that School Proms in many areas were still segregated as recently as last year. There was no NATURAL REGULATION. People DIED in order to bring about a better society in this country.

Papabear Says

I had a cousin in the early 1980's was married to a white girl in the south. I went down to visit him and my family and one day we went to a supermarket and my cousin was a very open guy. In the store he kept on saying come on baby what do you want. The store was 99% white and they kept stiring at him and his wife. One night some one came and knocked on his door and asked him to step outside and when he did they blew him away. Shot him dead just because he was married to a white woman. (so sad) He had a nice car, good job and he saw no color.

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9/3/2016  6:11 PM
No Johnson voters out here?
Im surprised considering you have the choice between a criminal and an Alt-Righter and nobody looks third party?
The Future is Bright!
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9/3/2016  6:44 PM
TPercy wrote:No Johnson voters out here?
Im surprised considering you have the choice between a criminal and an Alt-Righter and nobody looks third party?

How would that benefit anyone to vote for Johnson? That kind of voting is an act of selfishness in my book. What if it was to lead to Trump winning? Then we'd be stuck with more Conservative Supreme Court Justices who would uphold Voter Suppression Laws, Citizens United etc. Why would you want that?

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9/3/2016  7:13 PM
Blk Exec and nix Luva can spin it whichever way they choose. http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/17/budget-deficit-nearly-doubles-during-obama-years/ The Congressional Budget Office as well as the comment lay it out clearly. Yet while there have been 14.8 million jobs created in nearly 8 years, the rate as most knowledgable folks know is distorted. So many jobs are either part time and those that have opted out of the market are no longer counted in the unemployment rate. Likewise, the number of people unemployed is unprecedented to the tune of 94 million, an unprecedented figure. Let's blame Bush? Sure blame Bush. Yet GDP and GNP are stagnant and Obamacare, despite being shoved down the throats of most Americans, is now coming to roost and Aetna opting out is the start of it. You think only Dems create jobs and a solid economy? Think again. The longest modern economic growth was experienced during the Reagan years and taxes were cut from 70 to 28%. Likewise the prime was 21% under Mr Carter and this was reduced by 2/3ds. When Clinton was President, the Speaker of the House was Newt Gingrich and a talented politician like Slick Willy worked with Newt and reached out to both the House and the Senate to balance a budget. That takes talent and work. Not a pen and a phone.
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9/3/2016  7:16 PM
I dunno guys, maybe we all are being played.

Re: 3rd parties — I'm in NY. Ms Rodham Clinton is a lock here, as was Obama and Bill before. I voted for Stein in 2012, will probably again in 2016, focus on the down ballot races, and watch the wildest election night coverage ever.

I'm tired of the big money duopoly system though. These clowns are at black and white tie functions while we eat take out in our car.

Baba Booey 2016 — "It's Silly Season"
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9/3/2016  7:31 PM    LAST EDITED: 9/3/2016  8:07 PM
Paris907 wrote:Blk Exec and nix Luva can spin it whichever way they choose. http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/17/budget-deficit-nearly-doubles-during-obama-years/ The Congressional Budget Office as well as the comment lay it out clearly. Yet while there have been 14.8 million jobs created in nearly 8 years, the rate as most knowledgable folks know is distorted. So many jobs are either part time and those that have opted out of the market are no longer counted in the unemployment rate. Likewise, the number of people unemployed is unprecedented to the tune of 94 million, an unprecedented figure. Let's blame Bush? Sure blame Bush. Yet GDP and GNP are stagnant and Obamacare, despite being shoved down the throats of most Americans, is now coming to roost and Aetna opting out is the start of it. You think only Dems create jobs and a solid economy? Think again. The longest modern economic growth was experienced during the Reagan years and taxes were cut from 70 to 28%. Likewise the prime was 21% under Mr Carter and this was reduced by 2/3ds. When Clinton was President, the Speaker of the House was Newt Gingrich and a talented politician like Slick Willy worked with Newt and reached out to both the House and the Senate to balance a budget. That takes talent and work. Not a pen and a phone.

Good data here: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/data-mine/2015/10/28/which-presidents-have-been-best-for-the-economy

In economic growth, Obama is probably gonna beat Bush II by terms end, if he hasn't already. But yea, this recovery from the Great Recession has been been lackluster. The last 16 years have been rocky.

Look at all the growth under Clinton that was squandered by Bush II! What a crappy sequel.

Clinton beats Reagan and the Kennedy-Johnson administrations top them both. And if you want to give Gingrich credit for Clinton's success, then you have to give Tip O'Neal props.

Carter better than Eisenhower in economic growth surprisingly but we were getting out of WWII and into Korea with Ike but I will always big up Ike for the interstate highway system (technology and infrastructure investment is key) and his unheeded warning on the military-industrial complex:

PS There is a great book called "America What Went Wrong" by Barlett and Steele, Philly investigative reporters looking into the consequences of deregulation, offshoring, foreign investment — remember everyone was afraid of Japan in the 80s like China now — increasing disparity in worker/executive pay, the lawyering and financialization of our economy. There are both public and private forces at play making that sucking sound of dollars out of the poor and middle class. Great read with clear charts and examples.

Baba Booey 2016 — "It's Silly Season"
Where the heck is Hillary Clinton?

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