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OT: Coronavirus updates/info
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5/16/2020  10:18 AM
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5/16/2020  1:03 PM
Allanfan20 wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:We're saved!


Potential coronavirus vaccine using tobacco leaves ready

World’s No.2 cigarette company British American Tobacco said on Friday it was ready to test its potential coronavirus vaccine using proteins from tobacco leaves on humans after it generated a positive immune response in pre-clinical trials.

The maker of Lucky Strike cigarette said once it gets approval from the U.S. Food and Drug administration (FDA) for the vaccine, it would progress to Phase 1 trials or testing on humans.

Moderna is expected to begin phase 3 in the early Summer and signed a deal that would begin producing vaccines for a billion people each year. They are expected to start producing in July.

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5/16/2020  3:47 PM
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5/17/2020  5:29 PM
Plan to study nicotine patches as potential coronavirus treatment
The result was a short paper published in the British Medical Journal which stated that, at least in chronic smokers, the lung injuries in those infected with Covid-19 were being exacerbated by nicotine withdrawal. The addictive stimulant could interfere with the production of elements that led to inflammation, according to its authors.

“Of course, everyone should stop smoking. If you are a smoker then you are at risk of all the secondary complications if the virus does take hold,” said Davies. But he suggested in such cases nicotine could be used as a supplement.

Always... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is better and twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad, and too much is never enough except when it's just about right. - The Tick
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5/17/2020  5:31 PM
Thread, good start

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5/17/2020  5:38 PM

Israeli HIV drug used to treat coronavirus patients in Congo

Medical researchers in the Republic of the Congo have discovered that an Israeli-developed HIV drug apparently can be used to successfully treat critically ill COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, the drug might be available within “weeks to months, but not more” after further clinical trials are carried out.
Doctors from the Clinique La Source hospital in the Congolese capital Brazzaville noted that HIV patients who were in critical condition due to COVID-19 showed significant improvement after being administered a drug named Gammora for their HIV symptoms.
Always... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is better and twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad, and too much is never enough except when it's just about right. - The Tick
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5/18/2020  6:27 AM
Imagine being this delusional:

Few people understand the terrible cost of the coronavirus like Lee Snover, a Republican party chair in one of the key swing counties that could determine whether Donald Trump is reelected as president in November.

Snover, who helped deliver an upset victory for Trump in 2016 in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, lost her father to the virus this spring. Her husband fell critically ill, too, spending 17 days in an intensive care unit before recovering. Her mother, a cancer survivor, was also in intensive care for eight days before emerging.
“It spread through my entire family,” Snover said.

Trump stands accused of driving up the coronavirus death toll by downplaying the public health threat and urging the country to “reopen” too quickly. But Snover does not see the president as having failed her family.

“I don’t think people give him enough credit,” she said. “If you think about what a businessman he was, and how much he loved that booming economy, do you know how hard it was for him to shut the country down? That was hard. So I give him credit for that.”

At times it has appeared that the pandemic, which has already taken at least 90,000 lives in the United States and wreaked havoc with the economy, would also destroy support for Trump, and his chances for reelection. But interviews with longtime Trump supporters in Northampton county indicate the extraordinary durability of backing for the president among his base.


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5/18/2020  10:01 AM
smackeddog wrote:Imagine being this delusional:

Few people understand the terrible cost of the coronavirus like Lee Snover, a Republican party chair in one of the key swing counties that could determine whether Donald Trump is reelected as president in November.

Snover, who helped deliver an upset victory for Trump in 2016 in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, lost her father to the virus this spring. Her husband fell critically ill, too, spending 17 days in an intensive care unit before recovering. Her mother, a cancer survivor, was also in intensive care for eight days before emerging.
“It spread through my entire family,” Snover said.

Trump stands accused of driving up the coronavirus death toll by downplaying the public health threat and urging the country to “reopen” too quickly. But Snover does not see the president as having failed her family.

“I don’t think people give him enough credit,” she said. “If you think about what a businessman he was, and how much he loved that booming economy, do you know how hard it was for him to shut the country down? That was hard. So I give him credit for that.”

At times it has appeared that the pandemic, which has already taken at least 90,000 lives in the United States and wreaked havoc with the economy, would also destroy support for Trump, and his chances for reelection. But interviews with longtime Trump supporters in Northampton county indicate the extraordinary durability of backing for the president among his base.


We have a lot of dumb people in this country. Our combined systems of health, education and ways in which we inform are poor at best (and maybe that is relative to where our potential is, very subjective obviously). Our economic structures are devastating those same people and more. Lots of underlying racism. Capitalism is a farce in America but for a few, and it's a stretch to call it Capitalism really, just flat heavy handed greed masked in "We are the greatest country in the world" patriotism.

Kind of sad but we may well be past that tipping point and this coming election can either start to save or devastate for decades.

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5/19/2020  3:01 PM
My god...are we that much better than China

Woman who designed Florida's COVID-19 dashboard has been removed from her position


Rebekah Jones said in an email to CBS12 News that her removal was "not voluntary" and that she was removed from her position because she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen."
Always... always remember: Less is less. More is more. More is better and twice as much is good too. Not enough is bad, and too much is never enough except when it's just about right. - The Tick
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5/19/2020  5:27 PM
Caught a glimpse of an MSNBC report about a Hong Kong native going back into country from Europe and the process it took her.

Background: HK has had 4 deaths from COVID-19, about 7.5M people. YES, 4 people have died. About 1K confirmed cases. NYC has had about 16K deaths and 200K cases. 8.5M people in the city. I think I got those numbers right.

To get into country, reporter was on plane for 11 hours. Masked up obviously throughout process. Every person was tested coming in through airport. She had to wait in airport for 8 hours for test confirmation (in spaced out area where people literally sat distanced from each other), 8 hours just sitting there. EVERY person is quarantined that comes into HK for 14 days; whether in your home if you test negative or in some secluded place otherwise. They had her download app to her phone and confirmed with an actual call to her phone right in front of her. She was also given a non-removalable wrist bracelet with tracker to be worn for 14 days. Upon arrival at home, she had to march around her house to give the tracker the outlay/confinements of her apartment, done through app I think.

1st world cities in Asia are winning against COVID-19 versus the Euro and American counterparts. Culture has a lot to do with it.


The COVID-19 pandemic was first confirmed to have spread to Hong Kong on 23 January 2020.[1] Confirmed cases were generally transferred to Princess Margaret Hospital's Infectious Disease Centre for isolation and centralised treatment. On 5 February, only after a five-day strike by front-line medical workers did the Hong Kong government close all but three border control points – Hong Kong International Airport, Shenzhen Bay Control Point, and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Control Point remaining open. As of 17 May 2020, Hong Kong had 1,056 confirmed cases, 1,024 recovered cases (including 1 probable case) and four death cases.

Hong Kong was relatively unscathed by the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak and had a flatter epidemic curve than most other places, which observers consider remarkable given its status as an international transport hub. Furthermore, its proximity to China and its millions of mainland visitors annually would make it vulnerable.[2] Some experts now believe the habit of wearing masks in public since the SARS epidemic of 2003 may have helped keep its confirmed infections at 845, with four deaths, by the beginning of April.[2] In a study published in April 2020 in the Lancet, the authors expressed their belief that border restrictions, quarantine and isolation, social distancing, and behavioural changes such as wearing masks likely all played a part in the containment of the disease up to the end of March.[3] Others attributed the success to critical thinking of citizens who have become accustomed to distrusting the competence and political motivations of the government, the World Health Organization, and the Chinese Communist Party.[4]

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5/20/2020  2:30 AM
Brazil has seen its most deadly day since the coronavirus outbreak began, prompting Donald Trump to consider a ban on travel to the US from Brazil as he declared the huge number of US cases of coronavirus was “a badge of honour”.

After a cabinet meeting on Tuesday at the White House, Trump said: “I don’t want people coming over here and infecting our people. I don’t want people over there sick either,” in relation to Brazil.

When asked if about the possibility of a travel ban, the president said he was considering it and went on to say he saw the large number of US cases as a “badge of honour”.

“You know when you say that we lead in cases, that’s because we have more testing than anybody else,” he said. “It’s a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done.”

The US president has previously claimed “incredible” victories in testing despite criticism over his administration’s repeated failures.

The US has by far the highest number of cases in the world, at more than 1.5 million with nearly 92,000 deaths, followed by Russia and then Brazil, according to the Johns Hopkins university tracker.


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

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5/20/2020  7:51 AM
martin wrote:Thread, good start

Cuban for the past few months has been mildly campaigning for a future run for POTUS.

https://vote.nba.com/en Vote for your Knicks.
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5/20/2020  8:21 AM
newyorknewyork wrote:
martin wrote:Thread, good start

Cuban for the past few months has been mildly campaigning for a future run for POTUS.

All starphucks now.

“Whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘Would an idiot do that?’ and if they would, I do NOT do that thing.”- Dwight Schrute
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5/20/2020  9:12 AM
Im not a fan of Biden, but really ANYONE BUT TRUMP!!!!
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5/20/2020  9:18 AM
Nalod wrote:Im not a fan of Biden, but really ANYONE BUT TRUMP!!!!

I don’t think I would take Mike Pence or Mitch McConnel over Trump. That’s about it. And Betsy DeVos.

“Whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘Would an idiot do that?’ and if they would, I do NOT do that thing.”- Dwight Schrute
Posts: 69024
Alba Posts: 154
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Member: #508
5/20/2020  9:24 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Im not a fan of Biden, but really ANYONE BUT TRUMP!!!!

I don’t think I would take Mike Pence or Mitch McConnel over Trump. That’s about it. And Betsy DeVos.

I never understood how the office of the presidency could be that destructive. Moscow Mitch is a piece of shyt! Pence is awful but he is not a congitive deficient narsassistic sociopath. Just an ******* on a religious quest.

Posts: 35947
Alba Posts: 50
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Member: #542
5/20/2020  10:00 AM
Nalod wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Im not a fan of Biden, but really ANYONE BUT TRUMP!!!!

I don’t think I would take Mike Pence or Mitch McConnel over Trump. That’s about it. And Betsy DeVos.

I never understood how the office of the presidency could be that destructive. Moscow Mitch is a piece of shyt! Pence is awful but he is not a congitive deficient narsassistic sociopath. Just an ******* on a religious quest.

Didn’t you listen to Trump? He said they are really great men (and woman.) Therefore, it must be true.

“Whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘Would an idiot do that?’ and if they would, I do NOT do that thing.”- Dwight Schrute
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5/20/2020  10:39 AM
smackeddog wrote:
Brazil has seen its most deadly day since the coronavirus outbreak began, prompting Donald Trump to consider a ban on travel to the US from Brazil as he declared the huge number of US cases of coronavirus was “a badge of honour”.

After a cabinet meeting on Tuesday at the White House, Trump said: “I don’t want people coming over here and infecting our people. I don’t want people over there sick either,” in relation to Brazil.

When asked if about the possibility of a travel ban, the president said he was considering it and went on to say he saw the large number of US cases as a “badge of honour”.

“You know when you say that we lead in cases, that’s because we have more testing than anybody else,” he said. “It’s a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done.”

The US president has previously claimed “incredible” victories in testing despite criticism over his administration’s repeated failures.

The US has by far the highest number of cases in the world, at more than 1.5 million with nearly 92,000 deaths, followed by Russia and then Brazil, according to the Johns Hopkins university tracker.


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

UK, USA, Russia, Brasil. All lead by raging buffoons and their countries have suffered for it; biggest outbreaks around the world. How did the world come to them?

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Member: #883
5/20/2020  12:31 PM
Nalod wrote:Im not a fan of Biden, but really ANYONE BUT TRUMP!!!!

Biden is awful and clearly on mental decline, but I agree- anyone but Trump. Trump winning means you can be the worst human being on earth, lie shamelessly and completely screw up a response to a pandemic in nearly every possible way leading to the deaths of over 100,000 (and it's going to go way higher), and that's okay!

Posts: 38386
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Member: #883
5/20/2020  12:33 PM
martin wrote:
smackeddog wrote:
Brazil has seen its most deadly day since the coronavirus outbreak began, prompting Donald Trump to consider a ban on travel to the US from Brazil as he declared the huge number of US cases of coronavirus was “a badge of honour”.

After a cabinet meeting on Tuesday at the White House, Trump said: “I don’t want people coming over here and infecting our people. I don’t want people over there sick either,” in relation to Brazil.

When asked if about the possibility of a travel ban, the president said he was considering it and went on to say he saw the large number of US cases as a “badge of honour”.

“You know when you say that we lead in cases, that’s because we have more testing than anybody else,” he said. “It’s a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done.”

The US president has previously claimed “incredible” victories in testing despite criticism over his administration’s repeated failures.

The US has by far the highest number of cases in the world, at more than 1.5 million with nearly 92,000 deaths, followed by Russia and then Brazil, according to the Johns Hopkins university tracker.


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

UK, USA, Russia, Brasil. All lead by raging buffoons and their countries have suffered for it; biggest outbreaks around the world. How did the world come to them?

What amazes me is that (at least in the case of the US and UK), their support is still pretty much holding steady- seems like 40% are with them for the long haul.

OT: Coronavirus updates/info

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