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Marbury has a lot of growing up to do.
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1/4/2005  11:53 AM
This column was in the Star-Ledger of NJ by Dave D'Alessandro on Sunday Jan 2.

We'll be the first one to admit that Stephon Marbury has played a more mature game this season, which is attributable to personal growth, better talent support, and osmosis.

But when the yammering from the Knicks Nation about The Best Point Guard in the NBA began--- as if this juvenile assertion belongs higher on a resume than wins and losses--we were told a story that defined what Marbury is all about, and why the Knicks are doomed to follow the whims of their egocentric "leader" right into a competitive dead end known as NBA mediocrity.

There was a film seesion during the second week of the season, when things weren't going very well, and Mike Malone had control of the remote. The Knicks assistant coach, one the most capable in the business, paused the film twice to point out to Marbury that he had not followed the defensive game plan, and that he was subverting the team's schemes by free-lancing and forcing his teammate to cover for him.

As if this were a news bulletin.

So what did the best point guard int he NBA say in response?

Basically this--Take your criticism and stick it.

"And besides,"Marbury added, "maybe it's your game plan that stinks."

Malone calmly explained that it wasn't his game plan at all. I'm just the assistant who gives recommendations, he said. It's the head coach's game plan. That wasn't satisfactory to Marbury, who gave him some more jaw, and they decided to disperse.

What did Lenny Wilkins do this whole time?

Nothing. The head coach didn't say a word.

For days, this was an ongoing subject among Shandon Anderson and a half-dozen other players--whose names will be omitted to protect the disgusted, and who all share the opinion that it's damaging to have a teammate who treats the point guard like the imperial presidency.

These players reached two easy conclusions:

Wilkins showed no spine by failing to back up his assistant coach and by failing to put Marbury in his place-- though that's to be expected because the coach's job is on the line every time Marbury goes into one of his childish sulks.

Marbury will never grow up, unless Isiah Thomas lets him in on a little secret: that he's not nearly as good as he thinks he is.

So that probably was the genesis of Zeke's lecture about defense last week.

"I kind of felt I wasn't playing the way I can defensively," concluded Marbury, who catches on real quick, as long as it's an opinion he'll actually listen to.

Meanwhile, the head coach's authority has been permanently jeopardized, and everyone knows it. Wilkens is a very nice guy, but he cannot stand up to his player because he is in perpetual fear of losing his job. The only question we have is, is this really a job worth having anymore when a self-serving nutball is running the asylum?

What good is a head coach who cannot tell a player what is plain to everyone on the team? Why must a head coach wait for the team CEO to speak up before the message can get through?

Anyway, Zeke is back to pampering Marbury, and you can already see how that is turning out. That's how this "I'm the best" rubbish started. Thomas went on one of those insipid chat shows Wednedsay to proclaim that Marbury is The Best, and that gave Marbury the confidence to repeat the claim Friday, because he is incapable of independet thought.

Too bad Marbury doesn't see the real truth: His boss believes his ego is so fragile, he fears Marbury would have a meltdown if Thomas suggested he isn't as good as Steve Nash and Dwayne Wade.

Yes, Marbury's a great talent, but last we looked, Minnesota traded him and got better. The Nets trade him and got better. Phoenix traded him and got better. That's not a coincidence, it's a trend based on the eventual understanding that one guy cannot regard himself as more important than the team. The Knicks, whose boss should know this by now, should try sharing this lesson with his best player instead of indulging him.
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1/4/2005  11:58 AM
What good is a head coach who cannot tell a player what is plain to everyone on the team? Why must a head coach wait for the team CEO to speak up before the message can get through?

this is why i think Isiah needs to take over as head coach...Marbury isn't going to respect anyone other than him, unless Isiah can somehow pry Larry Brown away from DET, or if they sign Phil Jackson & Isiah miraculously gives him free reign over this team, which we all know isn't going to happen.
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1/4/2005  12:01 PM
this kind of stuff cracks me up to be honest. Nothing more than Lenny's "fear" of losing his job. Is Dave not aware that Lenny's contract is guarenteed? The coaching fraternity is not that large. Lenny gets canned he will be working next year if he wants to, and the Knicks will be paying him his $4mm on top of it. Sorry, not sure that constitutes "fear."

You have to pick your battles, anyone thats been in any kind of management role knows this. Maybe that wasnt the right time to confront Marbury, who knows.. my guess is Dave doesnt.

Marbury has a TON to prove. He's a max$$$ PG that has yet to elevate his team. He's playing at a high level this year, but are the Knicks better? Hard to say... time will tell.
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1/4/2005  12:16 PM
D'Alessandro is a pretty good sports writer. I remember him covering the Knicks for a few years and mostly agreed with him. He is covering the Nets now but I am sure he wishes it was still the Knicks.

He generally knows what he is talking about which is what worries me. Now this guy has said some good things about Houston but you cannot really blame him for that. Especially after he writes an article that says Marbury should grow up. There are a lot of people around the league that say Marbury is selfish and thinks he is above the team and now I might have to believe them. D'Alessandro has earned his credibility over the years so I hope he is wrong about Marbury. I hope Marbury and Elton Brand (who will be here soon) will bring us a championship.
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1/4/2005  12:28 PM
It does sound like Marbury isn't easy to play with and isn't the best teammate. But that is probably true of a lot of NBA stars. Kobe comes to mind immediately. The difference here is Kobe is better than Marbury, and Phil Jackson was willing to take Kobe on, even at the expense of losing his job.
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1/4/2005  12:30 PM
"paused the film twice to point out to Marbury that he had not followed the defensive game plan, and that he was subverting the team's schemes by free-lancing and forcing his teammate to cover for him."

noooooooo I'm shocked..what a surprise!

Kenny Anderson never grew up. I think if steph hasn't by now he never will. We'll just have to deal with it and hope Isiah surrounds him with legitimately good players. not 30+ ex-stars who only make us the team with the highest payroll at $103mil

[Edited by - gunsnewing on 01/04/2005 12:36:14]
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1/4/2005  12:43 PM
I dont worry either way. I love Marbury's game but the guy is always tradeable. If you were willing to trade him I bet you could get back some pretty impressive offers.

He's got a couple years here...
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1/4/2005  12:50 PM
Posted by fishmike:

I dont worry either way. I love Marbury's game but the guy is always tradeable. If you were willing to trade him I bet you could get back some pretty impressive offers.

He's got a couple years here...

definitely..it's so hard to find yourself a decent pg let alone one who can take over a game
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1/4/2005  12:51 PM
Marbury's not tradeable as long as Isiah is the GM of the Knicks. He's hitched his entire reputation on that guy. If we are trading Marbury, it will mean that Isiah was fired.
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1/4/2005  12:53 PM
IM surprised by some of the objectivity over the article. Usually we just back up into the "wish Eisley and fatspoon were still here" tirade.

Marbs may just grow up once he realized his mortality. He won't always be able to do what he wants on the court.

Ultimatly this is Isiahs problem. He must make sure the coaches are respected and the teams leader is respectful of them, and the players.

I hope Isiah backed up Steph publically, but put him over his knee in private to explain things.

ITs time for steph to reverse his rep as a player who improves his team AFTER he has played on it.

If being the MAN is Stephs priority, then its a real shame!

Vescey had a funny line that he is "hooked on Stephonics"!
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1/4/2005  12:57 PM
I agree with Fishmike. I never was a Marbury fan, but he still can grow up and has some proving to do, so I have my faith in him. If this selfish behavior is still reported, however, by the end of next season, then I say let the trade winds swirl. However, I am patient with the guy right now, and he's having a great season.
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1/4/2005  12:58 PM

Geez... talk about drama. You are overreacting, like all the others who are harping on what should be a non event.

First and foremost, Marbury's comments were taken out of context. Someone asked him and what is he suppose to say? He could have taken the politically correct road (which most do) and lie thru his teeth but, Stephon said what most in his position feel, that he believes he's the best... and thank God he does. What is he suppose to say, well, agh, I think I'm good but, I'd have to say Nash and Kidd are better?

So what happens, all the "holier than thou" arm chair quarterbacks come out of the woodwork and bash "selfish", "immature" Stephon Marbury who has done nothing all year but, lead this mediocre team by example. Basically carrying the Knicks on his back!

To all those going on and on about his most recent comments, I gotta a comment for you... enjoy yourself... oh, and btw, you can kiss my a**!

Have a nice day.

[Edited by - Pike on 01/04/2005 13:01:19]
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1/4/2005  1:03 PM
dude, we're discussing the reported incident of Marbury & Malone getting into it over a film watching session...this is not about Marbury's comments about being the best PG in the NBA.
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1/4/2005  1:06 PM
I kinda thought most were understanding of what marbs meant, but should have kept it to himself. He knows the deal with the media.

Mike D's article was something new I had not seen.

The isolation gig he has left on the teams he has been traded from is not a good trait to have. I don't what those teams records were after he was gone, but the reasons he wore out his welcome is a concern.

Stephs act of arrogance and tough attitude was cute when he was younger, but there must be a maturation process if he is ever going to win. A little humility never hurt.
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1/4/2005  1:13 PM
Exactly Nalod, good points. This goes beyond his "I am the greatest" persona. He is playing a team sport and you have to learn to co-exist with your teammates first and your coaches second to get anywhere near a championship. We all hope a championship is his goal and not to be the best PG in the league and make millions of dollars along the way win or lose.
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1/4/2005  1:21 PM
Thanks Pike.
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1/4/2005  1:31 PM
The real difference between kidd and marbury is defense...I can't tell you how many times kidd was in the passing lanes and disrupting things...marbury basically runs back and waits for the oppossing (sp?) point guard to dribble by him and he get's help underneath (which shaq and wade will EXPLOIT!!)

I hate to say it, but I think that kidd is better than Marbs...defense wins championships, and until marbs can get in the passing lanes and play defense like both Kidd and Nash do...

With H20 gimpy as ever, he has to be the man that stops the ball.

oh, don't forget...I like starbury and think he's the best Scoring Point Guard in the league. But has to add defense...defense wins championships.

[Edited by - rvhoss on 01/04/2005 13:32:20]
all kool aid all the time.
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1/4/2005  1:36 PM
AT first look, it does seem that teams steph has been traded from end up doing better. But lets take a closer look.

Min made the playoffs with steph, but they were super young as a team, they didn't play any respectble defense, and KG was just as arrogant as steph about being the man. They finally got out of the first round for the 1st time in 7 years, 4 years after steph had been gone.

The Nets were riddle with injuries the 2 years steph was there, and had half the talant they had once kidd got there, even kmart was hurt for the last 2 months, plus he was a rookie, along with jefferson, and a awful coach in BYRON SCOTT.

The suns made the playoffs with steph and were very respectable in his first season. people forget that stoudimare was out for 2 months (NOV and December) last year, and soon as he went down the loosing began, not to mention the coach was eventually fired after steph left or was traded.

Lenny wilkens is not the best coach when it comes to displining his star players ayway no matter where he's coach, and with IT and steph in bed together WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU THINK HE'S REALLY GOING TO SAY.
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1/4/2005  1:41 PM
We all hope a championship is his goal and not to be the best PG in the league and make millions of dollars along the way win or lose.

if that was really his goal, he's already accomplished it (in his mind anyway)...he's driven to winning a championship...that's all he's ever said since he's been a Knick...he already has the money, the fame, the cars, the bling bling & all the rest...he wants that ring...i don't think you can question that...this is a question of his maturity level & how much his ego may get in the way of him achieving that goal.
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1/4/2005  2:05 PM
This year is an excellent opportunity for a mediocre team to WIN A TITLE. The big bad Lakers are no more, and all of these new "dominant" teams are just that--- new. The Sonics, Suns, and Heat haven't been dominant in recent years, so this is all a different experience for all of them.

Marbury better grow up fast... otherwise we'll miss out on another opportunity to make some noise.

“That was two, two from the heart.” - John Starks
Marbury has a lot of growing up to do.

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