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Isiah Thomas threatened Bill Simmons....
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1/17/2006  3:17 PM
Dont know if this has been already posted but its hilarious...

MC: Losing Isiah
Jan. 17, 2006

Up until this month, my list of top-10 career highlights looked like this:

1. Went to the Pats-Rams Super Bowl, sat in the same end zone where Adam Vinatieri's game-winning field goal landed, got relatively drunk on Bourbon Street, handed in column read by tons of people.

2. Made fun of contestants on "Real World/Road Rules Challenge," provoked angry Internet response from Theo.

3. Went to Games 4 and 5 of the 2004 ALCS, stayed up until 5:30 a.m. writing about it, column read by tons of people.

4. Convinced Luke Perry in the "Jimmy Kimmel Live" green room to re-enact the scene where his dad on "90210" was blown up.

5. Once provoked Elgin Baylor to say the words, "That guy's an [rhymes with bassbowl]."

6. Nearly completed fantasy baseball trade on cell phone while walking down ESPYs red carpet.

7. Broke news of Celtics-Lakers trade involving Gary Payton and Chris Mihm, then sent taunting e-mail to Ric Bucher.

8. Appeared on the "Rome is Burning" forum with Roger Lodge.

9. Wrote a book that new Sox second baseman Mark Loretta admitted reading in NESN interview last month.

10. Recognized by Kyle Korver's posse at a party during the 2005 NBA All-Star Weekend, who then bought me a drink.

Well, now I have a new career highlight: During a New York radio interview Monday, Isiah Thomas threatened to make trouble for me. I thought it was ironic that he threatened me on Martin Luther King Jr. Day -- I'm sure MLK would have been proud. Given that this was the same guy who sucker-punched his best friend on the Pistons (Bill Laimbeer) during the 1992 season, I am thinking about travelling with a full-time bodyguard, or at the very least a can of mace or one of those tasers that you can get in a stalker catalog.

Here's my question for Isiah, who's apparently very angry with me ...

Right now, you have a roster that costs something like $120 million. You completely overhauled the Knicks' roster in 14 months, and now you're trying to overhaul it again. There's no rhyme or reason to anything you're doing. Your team doesn't have a first-round pick next summer, and in the summer of 2007 -- widely considered to be the deepest draft in 20-plus years -- the Bulls have the right to exchange first-round picks with you (most of your fans don't even know this). You also have to give another first-round pick to Phoenix before 2010. And you have at least eight or nine players on your roster who are completely, utterly, totally untradable, including someone with a possible heart defect and someone whose back is in such bad shape nobody would insure his contract. Your team also has one of the worst records in the league. And your fans are downright traumatized at this point, to the degree that you went into hiding until your recent winning streak. Now you're available to talk to the press again, of course.

So why shouldn't you be criticized for any of this? Why should you be immune? Why should the fact that you destroyed the CBA, then coached an underachieving Pacers team that came within two possessions of making the 2004 Finals one year after you left ... why isn't this relevant in some way? I would love to know the answer to this. So either you can e-mail me, have one of your PR people call me to explain it, or tell me as while you're making trouble for me on the street.

Or, I can fly to New York and we can have a dignified conversation about this stuff. Followed by you beating the living hell out of me.

It's up to you.

And just for the record, in the summer of 2004, I wrote a nice column about you and your old Pistons team, maybe you missed it. So I couldn't really be "out to get you," right? You're a public figure. When you screw up, people are going to write about it. Get over yourself.

Anyway, here are the e-mails we received yesterday. If anyone else heard the interview, e-mail us and let us know.

READ THIS: I'm just praying that I'm the first person to send you this even though it's possible thousands have already in the 5 minutes since the moment. Stephen A. was interviewing Isiah Thomas on 1050 ESPN Radio New York, and Isiah was complimenting Stephen A. on not crossing the line by insulting players personally while critiquing them. So they went on about the ethics of it, and then Isiah said that if he ever saw Bill Simmons on the street, there would be a problem for you two. Too bad there's no TiVo for AM radio, because that would be save until I delete status. So how does it feel to be called out by Isiah Thomas? Maybe you're one step closer to playing for the Knicks now, assuming that he naturally confuses you in a couple days with Shaq.

P.S. Stephen A. responded by asking "who?"
-- Jeremy, New York

Just an FYI, on Stephen A. Smith's ESPN (1050 AM, NY) radio show, Isiah Thomas just ranted about sportswriters without any athletic ability making personal attacks on athletes. He went so far as to say that if he were to meet you, Bill Simmons, on the street, there would be a problem. Maybe you should watch your back. Just wondering, you have the Clippers GM and the Knicks GM who want to meet you in an alley, alone. Anyone else?
-- Alex, Kearny, N.J.

Sports Guy, I think you'd like to know that Isiah Thomas is planning to take revenge on you. Today on the Stephen A. Smith show on ESPN Radio here in New York, Thomas said if "I ever meet this guy Bill Simmons, it won't be good for him." In other words, I think he's planning on signing you.
-- Dan Goodman, NY, N.Y.

Don't know if you've heard about this yet, but Isiah Thomas was on Stephen A. Smith's radio show this morning on 1050 AM in NY with Oscar Robertson. I only caught the tail end of it, but I believe it was a discussion centering around MLK day. Again, don't know the context, but at the end of the interview, Isiah called out and said that there would be problems if he saw "this Bill Simmons" on the street. Stephen A. Smith said that he didn't know who you were -- I guess because you don't scream like a banshee to make your point. Check around and see what the context of Isiah's comments were.
-- Nick, New Jersey

Isiah just called you out. I was listening to ESPN radio out of NYC and they had Isiah, Jim Brown and Oscar Robertson on for MLK day on the Stephen A. Smith show. Isiah was talking about how the media decided how to present you, and that's what type of legacy you have. He then said it's OK to knock a guy's skills or the way he plays the game and that players understand that. If you get personal then there's trouble. He then said that if he ever sees Bill Simmons, there will be trouble. Out of the blue ... calling you out. I guess it's OK to knock a guy's on-court skills, but don't dare present the facts to knock his GM ability.
-- Rob O, Neptune, N.J.

In the midst of the Stephen A. Smith show on Martin Luther King Day, the GM of the "surging" Knicks calls you out and wants to meet you on some street corner, yada, yada, yada. ... That's right, Isiah doesn't have bigger things to worry about. The Knicks are now 13-23 in the midst of 4 games in 5 days, including yesterday's brutal display @TOR and the champs coming to town on Thursday, but he specifically mentions you during a phone interview. Shouldn't he be more focused on improving the Knicks?
-- Drew, Summit, NJ

Yesterday on the Stephen A. Smith radio show Isiah Thomas called you out. To paraphrase, he mentioned your name and said you'd be in trouble if you guys ever were to meet. The topic was the lack of black editors in the print media and Zeke brought up your name. I am not sure if the Stephen A. Smith show is nationally syndicated or if it is just a show for metro NYC area. Try to listen to the interview. It was with Zeke, Jim Brown and Oscar Robertson celebrating MLK day. Listen to the interview, it is funny. SAS tries to blow past your name when Zeke mentions. Good Stuff!!!
-- Chris, Scarsdale, N.Y.

I might be the 97th person to e-mail this to you, but I heard Isiah Thomas threaten that "if I see him in the street there's gonna be a problem." This morning on the radio. So you apparently have the league's worst GM looking for you.
-- David Michlin, Jericho, N.Y.

Was listening to Stephen A Smith's radio show. He had on Oscar Robertson, Jim Brown and Isiah. Isiah was speaking about how people in the press take cheap shots because they are not man enough to go face to face with someone. He then proceeded to say, he was waiting for the day that he ran into Bill Simmons. Stephen A. Smith quickly changed the topic.
-- Mike, Long Island, NY
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1/17/2006  3:55 PM
Ha! Get'im Zeke!
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1/17/2006  4:01 PM
actually i'm not surprised at how isiah reacted. those questions are stupid, and i doubt some of those questions would have been asked if NY had continued their winning streak.
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1/17/2006  4:02 PM
Thomas said if "I ever meet this guy Bill Simmons, it won't be good for him." In other words, I think he's planning on signing you.
thats the best one...
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1/17/2006  4:02 PM
Bill Simmons is an entertaining writer and it's a shame he has a vendetta against Isiah and the Knicks. I think it's ridiculous that Isiah made that comment, but I don't think he's wrong about Simmons.
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1/17/2006  4:03 PM
God Isiah is a small potato
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1/17/2006  4:07 PM
Posted by crzymdups:

Bill Simmons is an entertaining writer and it's a shame he has a vendetta against Isiah and the Knicks. I think it's ridiculous that Isiah made that comment, but I don't think he's wrong about Simmons.

when you make as many moves as isiah has...all the while spending as much as he has...without ANY tangible results to show for it (i.e. wins), you are open to criticisms from every single media outlet. we criticize everyone every single day on these boards, simmons gets paid and has a bigger forum. so him challenging simmons would be no different than jerome james coming here and "threatening" a poster here b/c they called him jumbo.
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1/17/2006  4:10 PM
Bill Simmons is a chowder head. He's Celtics/Sox/Pats homer. Newsflash.. he HATES the Knicks. Kinda like he HATE the Yankees. If your looking for the "sports guy" to write anything good about NY its not happening.. ever.

Those questions he asked Isiah are perfectly legit. Win streak included the record is still dismal and if we lose to the Bulls on the road we are looking a 4 game losing streak when the Pistons come in.

Why cant Isiah just stand by his mistakes and choices?

Still... if Isiah did punch him in the kisser it wouldnt be all that bad. We can probably get a better GM and Simmons gets what most Sox fans have coming to them.
"winning is more fun... then fun is fun" -Thibs
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1/17/2006  4:12 PM
Isiah gonna put a hit on Islesfan!

Simmons is obnoxious, and I like his work!

Isiah has said and done some stupid things in his career that have come back to haunt him. Ask him about his dealings with Michael Jordan and the dream team.

What makes Isiah unique is he was a brash young man who became a superstar, and was outspoken from time to time. Players get some passes cuz they not suppose to know better.

Is errant pass that Bird intercepted was a killer! He made good on eventually winning, but he is not above reproach.

BUt when a player steps up to be an owner, coach and GM, he is more exposed for his past and presnt.

Isiah cannot cherry pick and choose his celebrity when it suits him and then disappear when it does not.

Isiah only needs to disagree with Simmons and say we are moving in the right direction. Calling him out is stupid. Going on Letterman was stupid. Isiah on talkshows is stupid.

[Edited by - nalod on 01-17-2006 4:14 PM]
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1/17/2006  4:14 PM
I love Bill Simmons.
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1/17/2006  4:15 PM
Simmons should have confined his criticism to Isiah's record as Knick GM. To expand it the way he did was to engage in character assasination.

I think the CBA thing is what set Isiah off.
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1/17/2006  4:44 PM
Posted by fishmike:

Bill Simmons is a chowder head. He's Celtics/Sox/Pats homer. Newsflash.. he HATES the Knicks. Kinda like he HATE the Yankees. If your looking for the "sports guy" to write anything good about NY its not happening.. ever.

Those questions he asked Isiah are perfectly legit. Win streak included the record is still dismal and if we lose to the Bulls on the road we are looking a 4 game losing streak when the Pistons come in.

Why cant Isiah just stand by his mistakes and choices?

Still... if Isiah did punch him in the kisser it wouldnt be all that bad. We can probably get a better GM and Simmons gets what most Sox fans have coming to them.

I agree with what Rich said, it's not just normal criticism, he's taken his fan-boy rants and made them extremely personal and made his Isiah hatred a running joke. Bill Simmons isn't just like us with a bigger forum, he's supposedly a professional sports columnist. Part of what makes him special is his off-the-cuff sense of humor, but his attacks on Isiah do seem a little personal and Islesfan-like in their overzealousness. Heck, even Mitch Lawrence gave Zeke credit during the winning streak.
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1/17/2006  4:47 PM
nah, bill simmons is an editorialist that's allowed to express his opinions. he's not a reporter. he's a columnist like you said who pretty much just states his opinions on stuff. i find it hilarious. and despite who he cheers or where his allegiances lie, the points he makes are valid.

hey, isiah and the knicks are easy targets. it's all good. it'll only change if we win. otherwise, we will be the whipping boys. look at the mets, how mercilessly have yankee fans ridiculed them over their years of ineptitude. same thing.
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1/17/2006  4:54 PM
Posted by fishmike:

Bill Simmons is a chowder head. He's Celtics/Sox/Pats homer. Newsflash.. he HATES the Knicks. Kinda like he HATE the Yankees. If your looking for the "sports guy" to write anything good about NY its not happening.. ever.

Those questions he asked Isiah are perfectly legit. Win streak included the record is still dismal and if we lose to the Bulls on the road we are looking a 4 game losing streak when the Pistons come in.

Why cant Isiah just stand by his mistakes and choices?

Still... if Isiah did punch him in the kisser it wouldnt be all that bad. We can probably get a better GM and Simmons gets what most Sox fans have coming to them.

Yeah, what he said.

Isiah is such a punk. Real tough guy saying something like that. Too bad everything that Simmons said is true. Too bad for Knicks fans that is.

After losing yesterdays game and with the prospect of losing at least 3 out of 4, I bet Isiah decided it was a good time to go overseas for another scouting trip.
If it didn’t work in Phoenix with Nash and Stoutamire... it’s just not a winning formula. It’s an entertaining formula, but not a winning one. - Derek Harper talking about D'Antoni's System
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1/17/2006  4:54 PM
Posted by djsunyc:

nah, bill simmons is an editorialist that's allowed to express his opinions. he's not a reporter. he's a columnist like you said who pretty much just states his opinions on stuff. i find it hilarious. and despite who he cheers or where his allegiances lie, the points he makes are valid.

hey, isiah and the knicks are easy targets. it's all good. it'll only change if we win. otherwise, we will be the whipping boys. look at the mets, how mercilessly have yankee fans ridiculed them over their years of ineptitude. same thing.

Simmons is a big baby. The Celtics suck and the Patriots dynasty ended over the weekend, the Patriots defensive coordinator just went to the Jets, he's in a bad mood so he writes up a column to make it look like the idiot Isiah Thomas made another ridiculous claim. Has he even heard the clip yet? I doubt it.

dude's just sitting there sucking his thumb because the Celts/Patriots/Red Sox all suck again and he's looking for a whipping boy. Are the Knicks a valid whipping boy? Sure. But it gets a little old when his reasoning is this transparent.

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1/17/2006  4:56 PM
Posted by islesfan:
Posted by fishmike:

Bill Simmons is a chowder head. He's Celtics/Sox/Pats homer. Newsflash.. he HATES the Knicks. Kinda like he HATE the Yankees. If your looking for the "sports guy" to write anything good about NY its not happening.. ever.

Those questions he asked Isiah are perfectly legit. Win streak included the record is still dismal and if we lose to the Bulls on the road we are looking a 4 game losing streak when the Pistons come in.

Why cant Isiah just stand by his mistakes and choices?

Still... if Isiah did punch him in the kisser it wouldnt be all that bad. We can probably get a better GM and Simmons gets what most Sox fans have coming to them.

Yeah, what he said.

Isiah is such a punk. Real tough guy saying something like that. Too bad everything that Simmons said is true. Too bad for Knicks fans that is.

After losing yesterdays game and with the prospect of losing at least 3 out of 4, I bet Isiah decided it was a good time to go overseas for another scouting trip.

Isiah probably said it in jest. Did you hear the clip? Or are you just going by what you read from Simmons?

Losing 3 of 4 with no Marbury for 3 of them...hmm...Isiah sure is a punk.

Hey, Isles, by the way, the team won 6 in a row while you were on vacation.
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1/17/2006  5:12 PM
Posted by crzymdups:
Posted by islesfan:
Posted by fishmike:

Bill Simmons is a chowder head. He's Celtics/Sox/Pats homer. Newsflash.. he HATES the Knicks. Kinda like he HATE the Yankees. If your looking for the "sports guy" to write anything good about NY its not happening.. ever.

Those questions he asked Isiah are perfectly legit. Win streak included the record is still dismal and if we lose to the Bulls on the road we are looking a 4 game losing streak when the Pistons come in.

Why cant Isiah just stand by his mistakes and choices?

Still... if Isiah did punch him in the kisser it wouldnt be all that bad. We can probably get a better GM and Simmons gets what most Sox fans have coming to them.

Yeah, what he said.

Isiah is such a punk. Real tough guy saying something like that. Too bad everything that Simmons said is true. Too bad for Knicks fans that is.

After losing yesterdays game and with the prospect of losing at least 3 out of 4, I bet Isiah decided it was a good time to go overseas for another scouting trip.

Isiah probably said it in jest. Did you hear the clip? Or are you just going by what you read from Simmons?

Losing 3 of 4 with no Marbury for 3 of them...hmm...Isiah sure is a punk.

Hey, Isles, by the way, the team won 6 in a row while you were on vacation.

From the way it sounds I doubt it was said in jest. But if it was then I'll apologize to Isiah on this thread. And if he wasn't then I'm sure you'll post that it wasn't in jest but was said seriously.

They lost 2 already with Marbury and they're going to lose to the Pistons with or without him. That's 3 of 4.

What vacation, I was here all during the streak. I can't win either way with some people.
If it didn’t work in Phoenix with Nash and Stoutamire... it’s just not a winning formula. It’s an entertaining formula, but not a winning one. - Derek Harper talking about D'Antoni's System
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1/17/2006  5:17 PM
Simmons couldn't be more wrong about the upcoming draft being deep. Its surprising since his general NBA knowledge is usually pretty good.
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1/17/2006  5:33 PM
Posted by Seanc3:

Simmons couldn't be more wrong about the upcoming draft being deep. Its surprising since his general NBA knowledge is usually pretty good.

to be fair, he said the 07 draft and he's right, it's very deep.
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1/17/2006  5:36 PM
Posted by islesfan:

From the way it sounds I doubt it was said in jest. But if it was then I'll apologize to Isiah on this thread. And if he wasn't then I'm sure you'll post that it wasn't in jest but was said seriously.

They lost 2 already with Marbury and they're going to lose to the Pistons with or without him. That's 3 of 4.

What vacation, I was here all during the streak. I can't win either way with some people.

I was actually looking forward to seeing how the Knicks did against the Pistons with Marbury. I wasn't expecting a win, but I was expecting a good game.

I will look for the audio clip, but knowing Isiah's attitude when he's on the air with SAS, I'm guessing it was in jest. If it wasn't then it's definitely out of line. But I think it's funny that even Sports Guy didn't bother to track down the clip before ranting about Isiah yet again.

I know you were here during the streak, I was just kidding. I don't think we heard much from you (I know you made a thread after three games saying the wins were lucky or something...).
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Isiah Thomas threatened Bill Simmons....

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