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At least when Peety does it, he does it with style!
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Member: #508
10/7/2005  11:26 AM
Vescey out of the gates with venom!

ITs not a balance article, but he too brings on the dark side of the Isiah regime.

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Member: #87
10/7/2005  11:38 AM
what an idiot that vescey is..
Anyone who sits around and waits for the lottery to better themselves, either in real life or in sports, Is a Loser............... TKF
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Member: #268
10/7/2005  11:41 AM
Since it requires login (free registration) figured some might not get to read the whole thing. Here is the whole article:

October 7, 2005 -- JUDGING strictly by e- mails, Knicks fans haven't been this excited about their platoon since Pat Riley was taking smoke breaks behind Charles Oakley's screens.

Should Eddy Curry somehow pass the Knicks comprehensive two-day physical following months of monitoring by doctors hired by the Bulls, we're talking about a title-famished audience that's positively spellbound.

Lo and behold, people suddenly find themselves on the verge of being blessed with a kiddy centerfold oozing plenty of unrealized possibility and a cosmic coach whose commanding presence and demanding voice effortlessly drowns out the previous three combined — Herb Williams, Lenny Wilkens and Don Chaney — without having to raise it a bare octave.

Cablevision mastermind James Dolan already has met with Madison Square Garden marketing mavens about how to delicately spring a mid-season ticket price hike.

On one hand, you've got profit taking; on the other we've got prophet making.

Emboldened by his recruitment of Curry, who could keel over in a heartbeat, and Larry Brown, who's liable to quit in a New York minute (he's still dependent on a catheter despite a two-day summer sojourn in Lourdes, er, the Mayo Clinic), team president Isiah Thomas no doubt sees himself as the second coming of Red on Roundball.

Red Auerbach, as 16 Celtics championships under his auspices attest (if you're interested in an accurate count for the NBAs all-time leader, Phil Jackson owns 11 rings, two as a Knick player), established and re-confirmed himself many times over as an oracle; research his countless cunning trades and adroit draft choices.

Isiah Thomas, indeed, is the modern-day version of Auerbach; except he's proving, repeatedly so, to be more of an auricle.

While I appreciate the difficult position Thomas found himself in when he came into power almost two seasons ago, and understand desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures, the game doesn't have a more habitual reckless recruiter.

Exempting last June's draft, it's as if he doesn't know anything else other than assembling or attempting to add high risk players and coaches.

A serial sermonizer about character, how it's much more important to be a good person than, say, a good rebounder, realism reeks a different story; if a player is better than what he's got going for him, Thomas doesn't give a zippity-do-dah how many inoperable warts he has or how weird he acts off the court.

In fact, as long as you flaunt talent being branded an untouchable, incorrigible or reasonably incurable seems to help rather than hurt you with Thomas. If you don't have some form of disability or rap sheet, it seems, you can almost forget about getting an offer sheet.

Check it out:

* Stephon Marbury held the Timberwolves hostage until they traded him to the Nets, where he was a royal pain in the posterior. Before coming to the Knicks from Phoenix, he was arrested for drunk driving and served time.

* Jamal Crawford corrupted the Bulls with his selfishness before Thomas rewarded him with a $46 million, six-year contract.

* Quentin Richardson's back is uninsurable on account of a disc injury suffered while a Clipper two seasons ago.

* Maurice Taylor arrived in New York by way of Houston following several seasons of substance abuse and fat attacks.

* Jerome James earned a $30M, six-year contract from Thomas because he played relatively well (when not benched due to foul trouble) against Tim Duncan in the playoffs. A year ago, his Sonics teammates were clamoring to have him traded or released because of a toxic attitude.

* Tim Thomas gained a reputation as selfish and arrogant as a rookie with the 76ers and bolstered it in Milwaukee before Isiah acquired him.

* Penny Hardaway, injury riddled and uncoachable in Orlando, where he championed a player revolt against Brian Hill, has lived down to his image in Phoenix and New York.

* Vin Baker's demons with drugs and alcohol were well documented before Thomas reached out for him. Despite a heart condition that required surgery and nearly a complete disintegration of skills, he got a new two-year guarantee worth $3.5M and $3.85M, an apparent gift to Aaron Goodwin as thanks for providing Crawford. Or were they both down payments on ultimately securing LeBron James, no longer a client of the agent?

* Eddie Griffin's crime spree apparently mesmerized Isiah Thomas, who went all out to sign the screwy forward before losing him to the Rockets.

* Eddie Robinson outworked no one in Chicago before being waived just past mid contract. His notorious bad habits turned off everyone but Thomas. Only a failed physical saved the Knicks from experiencing yet another terror alert.

In all fairness to Thomas, it's not as if he's stagnating in the job. He's gone from simply taking on unhealthy contracts to taking on unhealthy players and giving them unhealthy contracts.

No wonder Knicks fans are so proud of Thomas' current product.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Posts: 31750
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Member: #268
10/7/2005  11:44 AM
WOW! What a ****tard!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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Member: #508
10/7/2005  11:51 AM
Its venom laced, and perspective has many sides, but I can't really say most of what he wrote is incorrect.

Its just a take. HIs line on eddie Griffin was funny as hell.

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10/7/2005  11:59 AM
Is he really that far off, at least in terms of his run down of the players IT has obtained (or tried to obtain)? Some of them are risks I think should have been made (Crawford, Richardson) and some I straight up hated (TT, Mo, the attempt on both Eddies) but overall he summed up the problems with each pretty well.
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10/7/2005  12:01 PM
He basically only listed the negative and took for granted that all the readers know the positives. I can list positives and high potential for all the players Isiah brought in and make him look great.
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Member: #470
10/7/2005  12:01 PM
I like reading enlightened critiques, positive or negative. The abstract of the article seems to be: IT likes talented misfits...

Anyone who believes in adoption or that a person can turn his life around has legitimate counterclaims to Vescey.
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Member: #268
10/7/2005  12:03 PM
Posted by Mac:

Anyone who believes in adoption or that a person can turn his life around has legitimate counterclaims to Vescey.
Well said.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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10/7/2005  12:10 PM
Unfortunately Vescey has the recent history of the team to back him up.
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10/7/2005  12:41 PM
auricle = earpiece or ear - strange use in the article.

oracle is someone with insight.
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Member: #130
10/7/2005  12:47 PM
I think alot of these over-critical writers will be waiting in line to stroke IT's ***** by the time the playoffs come around.
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Member: #938
10/7/2005  12:59 PM
Another BS example of journalism to try and expose my main man Zeke. Every athelte has questionable reputations around the league but most are overlooked. It becomes a whole diffrent story when they sign with Isiah every body become a bad attitude problem. Wally and Kevin got into a fist fight in Minnesota nobody rarley brings that up when they talk about Kevin Mchale also two of his players had a near revolt for contracts (Sprewell and Cassell) but no ones screaming for Mchales head. And let's not even foget about Eddie Griffin who assaults ladies on his off time getting a new contract for Minnesota. Vince Carter forced hiw asy out of New Jersy and Rod Thorn happily picked him up even after all the reports of his me first attitude over the team. Rasheed Wallace and Ron Artest are two of the most notorious trouble makers on their team. I'm talking about when sheed was in portland taking on refs after the game and Ron whooping up on half the Palace fans. I could go on an on with Sam cassel, Gary payton, jason Caffey and every other nba player who has had questionable behavior but to just single out the knicks players is a load of Bs. Screw this topic and this article. Go Knicks!
"We need another shot blocker and we need more girth in the middle, once that happens we have a chance to be a pretty decent team" Isiah on draft night
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10/7/2005  1:03 PM
The difference between these examples and our situation is that those teams (for the most part) were always winning teams. So despite what happened in between, Minnesota, New Jersey, Indiana and Portland were always in the playoffs. The Knicks are not. When that changes, the take on IT may change.
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Member: #508
10/7/2005  1:06 PM
Posted by boomann:

Another BS example of journalism to try and expose my main man Zeke. Every athelte has questionable reputations around the league but most are overlooked. It becomes a whole diffrent story when they sign with Isiah every body become a bad attitude problem. Wally and Kevin got into a fist fight in Minnesota nobody rarley brings that up when they talk about Kevin Mchale also two of his players had a near revolt for contracts (Sprewell and Cassell) but no ones screaming for Mchales head. And let's not even foget about Eddie Griffin who assaults ladies on his off time getting a new contract for Minnesota. Vince Carter forced hiw asy out of New Jersy and Rod Thorn happily picked him up even after all the reports of his me first attitude over the team. Rasheed Wallace and Ron Artest are two of the most notorious trouble makers on their team. I'm talking about when sheed was in portland taking on refs after the game and Ron whooping up on half the Palace fans. I could go on an on with Sam cassel, Gary payton, jason Caffey and every other nba player who has had questionable behavior but to just single out the knicks players is a load of Bs. Screw this topic and this article. Go Knicks!

I think there are hometown journalists that are very critical of their home teams. We are not there, and don't read it.
Think POrtland got any bad press with that nut house the last few years?

At the same level, I thought Jordan got many a free pass form the media for his off court activity. Was it respect? Fear? Or mike shut you out if you talked bad about him? Mike had a near nervous breakdown, numerous affairs, and a gambling episode or two. BUt His on court performance was the focal point.

Society loves when our heroes fall, but love to see them come back even more.

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Member: #263
10/7/2005  1:10 PM
Posted by Caseloads:

auricle = earpiece or ear - strange use in the article.

oracle is someone with insight.

...which perfectly explains why that putrid neanderthal Vescey couldn't spell it correctly.
He must love all the hate mail that he gets.

Another season, and more adversity to persevere through. We will get the job done, even BETTER than last year. GO KNICKS!
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Member: #263
10/7/2005  1:11 PM
Posted by nyvector16:

I think alot of these over-critical writers will be waiting in line to stroke IT's ***** by the time the playoffs come around.

Hopefully Isiah will tell those haters what they can kiss.

Another season, and more adversity to persevere through. We will get the job done, even BETTER than last year. GO KNICKS!
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Member: #315
10/7/2005  1:12 PM
Posted by Nalod:

Mike had a near nervous breakdown.

when was that?

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Member: #130
10/7/2005  1:12 PM
Isiah inherited complete Garbage when he took over this team.
Most of us figured it would be at least 5 or more years for even a glimmer of hope.
Especially since Layden was running the show.
IT turned this squad from Crap to Stacked!
To criticize him for not signing more "church going" company type players is ridiculous.
Fact is... ALOT of people dislike Isiah from his Piston Days... and dislike the Knicks from our good 90s era.
It just makes it that much sweeter for these losers to point their fingers and claim things...
You'll notice who the biased writers are when they stubbornly deny our succes despite what will be a remarkable turnaround for this team this season since IT first was hired.
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Member: #508
10/7/2005  1:19 PM
Posted by Marv:
Posted by Nalod:

Mike had a near nervous breakdown.

when was that?

Its been SPECULATED that his gambling and marriage problems after the 3rd title, combined with the murder of his dad about knocked him for a loop. His compulsive competitiveness is both a blessing and a curse. THe very thing that drove this man to succeed like very few have ever done can have some distructive tendencies.

HIs private life is amazingly guarded in secrecy. Amazing!

At least when Peety does it, he does it with style!

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